joi, 28 februarie 2008

Tara de cacat 1

Pun acest intreg perdaf aici ca sa il pot citi in liniste si sa il gasesc cand vreau. Trei sute si ceva de mesaje de la cititori despre o experienta intre oameni nemernici. Am primit un mail care semnala articolul din Cotidianul. Am mers la sursa. Nu am citit inca (la momentul in care adaug textul asta la mesajele mele) articolul dar am cititi peste 30 de mesaje de la cititori. Ingrozitor.

Romania: What the hell happened??

By Tony on February 26, 2008 4:00 PM | Permalink | Comments (330)

Predictably, a lot of people either hated--or were deeply offended by--the Romania show. Most, I gather, are either Romanian or have traveled to Romania and had a better time there than I did. Quite understandably, no one wants to see the host of a travel show having a bad time of it in their country, griping miserably about how things went wrong--and how utterly fucked up things were.

But the fact is:

Things WERE fucked up. My Russian pal, Zamir, who had helped make such good shows in Russia and Uzbekistan, was definitely NOT a good choice to show me around Romania. I think, if nothing else, we made that explicitly clear.
The “Motel Dracula” was, in fact, just as bad a time as it looked. Maybe we fucked up picking that spot as something to cover. Though it’s certainly representative of a resurgent, Dracula-based tourist industry. What we DID show you, at least, was exactly how awful it was--and how unhappy I was to be part of such a bogus scene.
The scene at Vlad The Impaler’s statue in Bucharest was not atypical of the kind of “cooperation” and last-minute shakedowns we found whenever we tried to shoot at a “typical” everyday restaurant.

Even WITHOUT cameras, looking just for a relaxed meal, we’d often enter a near empty restaurant, ask if a table was available--and have the waiter tell us “No” in the surliest of terms. WITH cameras--asking if we could shoot was an invitation to either an instinctive “NO” or an invitation to gouging. As waiters and hosts it seems, work on salary--rather than tips, no one really seemed to care about more business, promoting their business or even making more money. People are still uncomfortable in general about being filmed. Understandable, given Romania’s history that many would be reluctant to have their picture taken--as this rarely led to anything good back in the bad old days.

But to describe Romania as particularly friendly? Not really. I’ve been all over the world. Over 50 countries. On the friendly scale? Romania not exactly in the top 40. The food--on camera, off camera? Didn’t matter. It was mostly pretty primitive. Soups may taste good--but they don’t make interesting television. I could lie. But I ain’t gonna.
Which is really what it’s all about, isn’t it? Should I--when faced with a show that’s clearly going wrong--as far as depicting good times and good food--do my best to LIE about it? Put on my best, tightest smile and slog through an hour, yammering a lot of utter bullshit about what a great time I’m having and how good the food is and how friendly the people? You can see that on every other travel and food show. Or get it straight from the tap--at the Tourist Board. This show never pretended to have any responsibility to show the “best” of any place--or the “top ten” of anything. Or to even be diplomatic. I, me, Anthony Bourdain went to Romania. I made some bad decisions. And this is the show I came back with. At the end of the day? That’s what happened. That’s what it felt like. Period. Frankly? I think it’s a pretty funny show.

Chris Leigh said:
Haha excellent post... cant wait to see the show in the UK!! :D
Its one of those Iceland moments all over again!
Good Job.
February 26, 2008 4:21 PM
Jennifer Ouellette said:
Now I really want to see this episode. Good for you for sticking to your guns and being honest about what really happened -- regardless of whether or not people wanted to hear it. Makes for more interesting TV in the long run.
February 26, 2008 4:25 PM
John Geyer said:
when did you give up smoking?
I enjoied the show(Romania). Can't wait for a spamtasitc Hawaii show.
February 26, 2008 4:30 PM
Elayne Riggs said:
My goodness, if people think Romania isn't friendly in 2008, they should have seen it when I went, as a naive little teenager, back in '73. Good thing my Dad, who was born there, spoke the language -- if not for him I would have been arrested at the airport for carrying secret codes. I was indulging in my love for puns and had on my person a piece of paper with variations of "To be is to do," "To do is to be," "Do be do be do," etc. which was confiscated. Needless to say, Romanian airline officials in '73? Not huge Sinatra fans. And we knew pretty much everywhere we went was bugged. Certainly the hotel. Probably the park. Possibly my dad's cousin's car. In other words, the Romanians are a JUSTIFIABLY PARANOID people. I'm very happy all my Dad's relatives managed to emigrate out of there well before Ceaucescu was overthrown.
Tony, I can't tell you how much I was looking forward to this episode, if only to find out whether Romanians have yet discovered vegetables. When we were there veggies were pretty much an afterthought or not served at all in any restaurant. From your show it doesn't look as though that has changed much. But the moment that made me cry was hearing the word "mititei" again. My Dad, who was killed last year, LOVED mititei, and as my mom keeps a kosher household (boy was SHE out of luck in Romania!) I don't think he ever got to have any outside of his home country. "Mititei" and "tuica" made me weep with wonderful memories. And for that, I'll never be able to thank you enough.
February 26, 2008 4:30 PM
Chris said:
Hi Toni... Well, I've been waiting for this show for a loooooong !@#$ time. I was mostly curious who would take you around, and, while I like Zamir, I can say he was not a good choice. I mean who the !@#$ goes to Dracula anything in Romania? American tourists.. duh! Now, your show is more about the locals, so from that aspect it sucked.
Furthermore,while I am glad Zamir got piss drunk on his birthday - it was horrible television. By the way, in Transilvania you probably had PALINCA not TUICA, and that stuff, you can drink it all you want and feel almost nothing, except when you try to stand up and your knees are saying..."I don't think so, buddy!" Hell, I wish I went with you! I speak Romanian at least, and know some places in Brasov (pronounced Brashov) that would put that shithole to shame.
I am glad you had mici. You should have also had some papanshi for desert. Around Christmas there are sooooo many dishes that you can enjoy, like salata de beuf, piftie, toba, caltabosh... Anyway, I still love you, but, please, next time you go, talk to me first. ;-)
PS - You picked a !@#$ time to quit smoking... hahaha... Romanians smoke like freaking chimneys, me included. Either way - I wish you luck with that. It's a nasty habit that I too, need to quit.
February 26, 2008 4:31 PM
Harley Rose said:
So I don't claim to know anything about the internet, but this is my attemp to get in contact with Anthony Bourdain. Recently I started watching your show religiously and looking into your background. I recall a friend of mine years ago telling me to read Kitchen Confedential and I plan to now.
I am a chef myself, haven't traveled much and definently lacking in world-wide knowledge but I believe that I belong traveling with you. A few days ago I caught the fanatic commercial and I want to know what you would want in a traveling partner. Here I am stuck in N.Kentucky with this computer the only way for me to try and contact you. If you receive my email through this please reply.
February 26, 2008 4:35 PM
Stacey said:
I thought it was funny too, which was probably the best you could do to salvage a horrible situation. Economic reasons would keep you from just trashing the whole idea & not making a show at all and I can't imagine anyone would think you would suddenly start channeling Rachel Ray and loving everything in sight because you cannot bring yourself to say anything negative. I think you did an honest show with what you were given. Romania has never been high on my places to visit & at worst, you haven't changed my opinion.
But I do have to wonder why Zamir was chosen to help with this one? Sure, he's useful in Russia and former parts of Russia, but I'd think having him along might actually make it worse in places like Romania.
February 26, 2008 4:36 PM
Katie said:
I thought the show was very funny too, though I felt for you at Hotel Dracula. That was just... uncomfortable.
Thanks for the good show!
February 26, 2008 4:37 PM
Rae Wood said:
Thanks for giving your honest take on Romania here on the site. After seeing the episode, I kept wondering what was running through your head the entire time. But I don't think you played Mr. Happy for the cameras to make the country and your experience look perfect and wonderful, and I appreciate that. You were honestly and obviously not having the best time, and that's part of travel--that's part of life. Traveling and experiencing the world means making wrong choices, doing things that are ultimately not fulfilling, and sometimes having a truly "fucked up" trip. But yeah, it did make for some good TV for us folks back home.
Thanks for sharing your REAL experiences on and off screen,
February 26, 2008 4:38 PM
not a romanian said:
Taking a Russian to Romania? Don't you know they don't like the Russians? they do go back some times...
To be honest, I wasn't clear what was Zamir's role in the Uzbek show. Is he some sort of an east Europe/formenr Soviet Union expert? He's from Moscow, and therefore belongs only on that show. Whould you be a good host for New Zealand, just because you speak (some) English? And Zamir does not even speak Romanian or Uzbeki. Don't get me wrong, he's a nice guy, he should do no reservations for the Russian tv. BTW, it's pronaouced Zu-ee-ka, and not twika.
February 26, 2008 4:41 PM
Dennis G said:
Damn, sorry I missed it. Any chance to see Bourdain miserable while I slog to work every day wishing I could travel and eat local food is a great time.
But yea, stay true to the story. Be honest, no matter how much hate mail you will undoubtedly receive. However, I wonder how much Ruhlman swayed your review of his beloved Cleveland but that is another argument for another time.
February 26, 2008 4:41 PM
Chris said:
TO MISS RIGGS - we have discovered veggies. In fact we eat them all the time - IN THE SUMMER, when they are in season. Like most European countries, we only eat organic/locally grown veggies. So, in the winter, when tomatoes are not in season, you won't see that many around.
February 26, 2008 4:43 PM
mike said:
This was a pretty painful show to watch, but I appreciate the fact you kept your integrity and didn't try to BS everyone into thinking you were at Club Med or something.
Thanks! I can guarantee I won't be planning a summer vacation to draculaville any time soon.
February 26, 2008 4:43 PM
Pica said:
Keep dishing it up as you see fit Tony! We love your honest delivery and opinions and quite a few bits of this episode made me laugh out loud. Thanks!
February 26, 2008 4:48 PM
Angela said:
While watching the show, I kept on thinking... why Zamir? why Zamir AGAIN? Then I felt bad for his birthday disaster. It all made for a good honest (though seemingly ill prepared) travel show though. It's unrealistic to expect every adventure to be perfect.
February 26, 2008 4:52 PM
Chris G. said:
Tony - I enjoy watching your show and look forward to it every week. Last night during the Romania show, I have to admit to laughing my !@# off at the miserably pained look on your face during the Halloween party scene at the Dracula hotel. Sorry, I just don't understand what YOU were doing there. Funny stuff though.
Keep your chin up brother, despite your utter humiliation before millions of viewers, you're still the baddest MF travel writer out there.
February 26, 2008 5:04 PM
artnlit said:
Clearly those who hated or were offended by this episode are having a knee jerk reaction, either because they are Romanian or expect all of your adventures to be fun and exciting. The issue here is as you noted - it was NOT fun, nor terribly exciting. Perhaps the bigger question is why certain scenes/experiences were selected. Poor choice or lack of other ideas/opportunities? Probably a little of both. I, like many others, was more confused by the episode and frankly felt badly for you. Kudos for your diplomatic response to their feeble attempts to make you pay to film per meter (even though your face defintely read "those f*ckers!") Zamir, while a fun sidekick elsewhere, should not have been your guide here. You needed a true "fixer". He seemed lost at times and while we all like to get ripped on our bdays, it got a bit uncomfortable to watch. The halloween party also falls into this description. The only seemingly saving grace was the party in the country with the locals. Their culture did come out in traces; it is a shame that they are all still so shell shocked that it came across muted. All in all, you did as you could, the best as you could in the circumstances. Had you tried to put on a happy face throughout, it would have been fake. No one ever wants this. Suck it up and learn my friend. We still love ya. Thanks, Bonnie (artnlit)
February 26, 2008 5:05 PM
Cristian Gavaller said:
For the most part I would agree with your comments about your Romanian trip. Romania is not world renown for it’s food, or quality of roads or even on the knowledge in tourism management. We are known for our country side views and our very welcoming people.
I was bourn and raised in Sighet in Maramures, a place that you have actually visited and I know that place were you eat called “Astoria” and I have to tell you that you’ve probably picked the worst place in that town. For gods sake, Anthony, it’s a dump. And by the way that guy Vladimir sounded like a real duce bag. As a guide, aren’t you suppose to show your guest the best of what your town can offer? With a small effort you could have found a much better guide.
February 26, 2008 5:08 PM
Shannon Lynch said:
The truth is what I like about you. Don't change a fucking thing about your style just to appease people or ratings. If there is one thing I have learned from watching and reading your stuff, it's that the truth is always so much more interesting than the lie.
Rock on Anthony. I followed your advice in Thailand for the past 2 weeks, and you were dead on in Chiang Mai. The Truth rules, baby.
February 26, 2008 5:08 PM
Iris Chen said:
that sounds pretty awesome. in terms of not really having had a good experience and not trying to hide it. i think that's why many of us watch and love no reservations rather than watching other travel shows-- it's one experience, and it may not be all experiences in romania. what can you do? i look forward to seeing it at some point whenever i get over to my dvr. thanks for being honest!
February 26, 2008 5:12 PM
Chris said:
Hi Tony... Well, I've been waiting for this show for a loooooong !@# time. I was mostly curious who would take you around, and, while I like Zamir, I can say he was not a good choice. I mean who the !@# goes to Dracula anything in Romania? American tourists.. duh! Now, your show is more about the locals, so from that aspect it sucked.
Furthermore,while I am glad Zamir got piss drunk on his birthday - it was horrible television. By the way, in Transilvania you probably had PALINCA not TUICA, and that stuff, you can drink it all you want and feel almost nothing, except when you try to stand up and your knees are saying..."I don't think so, buddy!" Hell, I wish I went with you! I speak Romanian at least, and know some places in Brasov (pronounced Brashov) that would put that sh!t hole to shame.
I am glad you had mici. You should have also had some papanshi for desert. Around Christmas there are sooooo many dishes that you can enjoy, like salata de beuf, piftie, toba, caltabosh... Anyway, I still love you, but, please, next time you go, talk to me first. ;-)
PS - You picked a !@#$ time to quit smoking... hahaha... Romanians smoke like freaking chimneys, me included. Either way - I wish you luck with that. It's a nasty habit that I too, need to quit.
February 26, 2008 5:16 PM
Heather said:
Ton-y! Ton-y! Ton-y!
February 26, 2008 5:16 PM
Becky said:
This show exemplifies your honesty and integrity. Keep telling it like you see it. The show's name is "Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations", so anybody expecting anything else can go to hell, where no doubt they'll be watching endless re-runs of Rachel Ray.
February 26, 2008 5:17 PM
Alix Grey said:
What you're saying makes sense: you went to Romania, it sucked, you told the story. I personally don't think you have an obligation to find the good in every place.
I think the reason so many people are reacting so strongly are that, 1. when you come from a small country that people will always know very little about, you hope that the few tv shows about it will be good mirrors of your home. not embelished pictures, but fair reflections; that means the good and the bad. 2. most of your other shows DO point out the good about the place you're visiting. your shows, even the ones about remote, unfriendly places usually have the reverence of a curious traveler and you always seem to have the attitude of someone who wants to understand the underdog.
I think Romanians were hoping you'd do a show like any other: get a local to show you some traditional food, show something good, something funny, something totally different and !@#$ up. Make a good documentary, with honesty and heart. And the truth is, Mr. Bourdain, that the Romania show was not that. I uderstand that you're defensive about it, but it just wasn't good. It was boring and it was dumbed down.
The thing is, that Zamir dude is a tool. To go to Romania and call some poor !@#$ villagers "comrades" is insulting. I'm pretty friendly, but if that's who you showed up with at my door, I'd give you the cold shoulder too. One woman asked him what he learned about Romania and he rambled on about tuica. That's an !@#$ move.
I cringed when I watched you spend most of the time by yourself, nobody talking to you, nobody paying attention to you. I felt bad. But I'm pretty sure it's because people couldn't talk to you and maybe didn't want to, because of Zamir. And because even to me, watching from home, the episode seemed to be the adventures of two friends mocking their hosts behind their backs. Even I, removed from the situation, couldn't like you much.
Romanians aren't friendly, you say. They see you got money and they want to shake you down. The have poor taste and like really, really stupid Dracula kitsch. That's true and I'm embarrassed for that. BUT I was still happy that you showed it on the show. I mean, that IS the reality of Romania. The poverty, the decrepitude, the wild dogs, the !@#$. All true and I wanted to see it.
But there's also good stuff in Romania. Sibiu was the European cultural capital in 2008 and it's clean and pretty, at least this year. Muscat wine is delicious. Eggplant salad, fried pork fat, traditional zacusca, etc - that's good grubs. It's not high cusine and it's not anything you can't find in Greece or Hungary, but it IS good grubs. People are still pretty raw and blunt in Romania, friends still sing together when they get drunk, and any college town has an underground bar where people discuss conspiracy theories until the early hours of the morning.
You don't have a responsibility to show that. But Mr. Bourdain, you do have a responsibility to seek it, in any country that you visit. Like any traveler. I suspect that your cool, NYC St Mark's St self cares about people and wants to experience things the way they are.
You missed the mark in Romania. I don't think it's your fault but I do wish that you, as the voice of the show, had accepted that, instead of blaming it on Romanians not being friendly and their food sucking. I wish you showed a little compassion about these people who most of the time don't know better. I wish you'd said, "Look, I believe you all when you're telling me that there's another side to Romania. I don't really care to go back, but I hear you."
I think we -your fans- see heart in your shows and in you. The Romania episode lacked that. It lacked that beautiful spirit of traveling, those moments when people who don't speak each other's languages communicate silently, without a drunken buffer between them, it lacked the quiet moments when a country's ugly, dirty, !@#$ up scabs give the traveler a moment of humility, not an opportunity for entertainment and ridicule.
I hope you do reconsider, Mr. Bourdain, and someday soon, you take another chance on Romania. Go to Transilvania (which by the way, is not in Maramures) and find someone who WANTS to show you Romania and feed you a good meal.
February 26, 2008 5:17 PM
Clare said:
I thought it was hilarious and entertaining...especially drunken Zamir (btw, what was that pill you gave him?). But my favorite part was when the little boy picked a raw piece of fat off the freshly-killed pig and shoved it in his mouth. And you thought YOU loved pig.
February 26, 2008 5:21 PM
Dan said:
It's always fun to watch these things become more and more unhinged. Unfortunately, the host rarely shares in the fans' enjoyment. I thought it was a great show, and I truly enjoy watching you and Zamir run each other through any number of nightmares across Eastern Europe. So far (and correct me if I'm wrong on this), the current score, after the near-crippling Dacia incident, stands as: Bourdain 2; Zamir 1.
Anyway, so what if you had a bad trip and Zamir had to be lugged to some backwater Romanian bummer tent?
February 26, 2008 5:27 PM
vince said:
I thought the show was pretty funny. Having Zamir there saved some of the boring parts. I don't think the show would have been as interesting without him. Nobody seemed welcoming there, and having Zamir get drunk certainly spiced up the show.
February 26, 2008 5:30 PM
Messy said:
Please don't start gilding the lily on our account. It seems from what I've read that there are some people who are ticked off about every show you've ever made. If you didn't eat enough, you didn't go to the right places, or you shoulda coulda done something else.
Whatever. From what I can see, it's about travel, with incidental food, and I think you've been pretty careful about sticking to your original plan.
Not everyone is going to be happy all of the time and not every trip is going to be perfect. Some, and I speak from painful experience, can be disasters of poor planning and plain old dumb bad luck. C'est la vie.
I won't be watching Romania until Friday - we have to time shift because The Boy travels during the week...every week.
February 26, 2008 5:31 PM
Anonymous said:
Tony, Romanians themselves complain about the quality of services. Outside that, Romanians are rather friendly(I know, not helpful if you are a tourist). Discussions about not expanding and sustaining tourism are old and known locally.
The Dracula thing is something fed to tourists. It looked fake because it is fake.
Nobody asked you to seem happy, the worst thing you did is that "Russian" had no place in your show. As you assume that, I hope you'll get back and it will be a new Sao Paolo for you. Primitive food...I guess if you want authentic, authentic will be primitive. Just use regular folks that can show you the real life.
Somebody implied the country is strictly governed and you had to do a specific route. That is Russia people. Please confirm you did not have problems traveling around; it would otherwise make for an interesting local media scandal.
As a side note you are adorable even if you are upset. You are right, it doesn't show that you lead a hectic life.

February 26, 2008 5:31 PM
Bob said:
Frankly... after watching that episode, I'd sooner go to Namibia and eat dung-caked warthog poopchute than go to Romania.
Thanks for the honest (and very amusing) show.
PS: Not good to mix heavy booze with strange pain killers... wouldn't want Zamir to go all River Phoenix on you...
February 26, 2008 5:34 PM
Vlad Antonescu said:
I know quite a little bit about the 'behind the scenes' of Romania show.
Toni, this is a hard word to say but ... you are a liar not a ‘victim’!
‘Everything went wrong’ because this was your and your team choice ...
You went to a country you knew nothing about and never listened to competent or at least well intended advice ...
You even hired a foreign ‘fixer’ who doesn’t speak the language of the country.
You selected the weirdest locations to film at and have ignored the most beautiful places
of Romania as well as hours and hours of excellent footage your filming crew has ...
Let’s be honest: No Reservations is not a show about people and cultures but a show about your mood ...
Don’t worry, I am sure people can live with your moods and your shows ...
or maybe without ? I surely can!
Good luck and all the best.
Romania has survived much worse press and she doesn’t cease to enchant millions of visitors.
February 26, 2008 5:40 PM
Nickole said:
Hi Tony,
No need to "appologize" for the show. It was actually one of my favorites of all time. Pretty funny and entertaining. I think all of the shows with Zamir tend to be really good. The friendship/co-star angle is fun to watch. Keep up the good work!
February 26, 2008 5:49 PM
Penguin said:
Frankly I think you just went to the wrong part of Romania. I spent two weeks in Cluj-Napoca this past June and had a splendid time. Most of the people seemed open and friendly (perhaps because most of the ones I met were too young to have developed the proper level of Ceausescu induced paranoia) I also spent time in Alba Iulia and Sibiu which were fine places, and I heard good things from some of my companions about Timisoara. I also spent 8 hrs in Bucharest which turned out to be a good 4 hrs too many, I found a place to get a decent beer but otherwise that's a pretty horrible place to visit.
February 26, 2008 5:58 PM
Ryann said:
I thought the show was hilarious and very entertaining. It's always interesting when you bring Zamir along.
February 26, 2008 5:58 PM
Laurie said:
I don't expect anything less than the truth from your show. That's what makes it unique. Not that you need my opinion, but keep up the good/bad work.
February 26, 2008 6:00 PM
Adrian G said:
Man I really enjoy you and your show until last night. You were PATHETIC. Everywhere else you went you had a local guide. What the F happened this time?
To understand what you did imagine this. An english tv show host (you) takes a cuban national....and then they travel To....Cleveland ghetto area to find food, restaurants, friendly people and nice sights.
There are lots of good places, good food, good people about Romania, you only pictured the worst.
One more thing , Romania is democratic, and more liberal than 2 parties USA, ;) do some study before eating crappie.-u got what u deserved
Shame on you
February 26, 2008 6:02 PM
Mike said:
"This show never pretended to have any responsibility to show the “best” of any place--or the “top ten” of anything"
Friggin brilliant. Love your show, Tony. I especially love the reality about it, none of that fake !@#$ you can find anywhere else. Hilarious episode, thanks for the honesty!
February 26, 2008 6:08 PM
joe said:
Anthony, I love your show. I NEVER miss an episode. I appreciate the honesty. I get so tired of the other travel show hosts straining and torturing themselves to put on a pleasant face. If Romania or wherever stinks, I want to know.
Last nite's Dracula Halloween Party segment left me wondering if you let your producers walk all over you. It hurt my impression of you as one of those cool types who never feel like they have to stick around at dud parties like the rest of us boring corporate preppy types routinely do. Why didn't you just get up and leave? I appreciate being shown the tourist pitfall that party was but the segment was way too long and uncomfortable to watch.
I'm guessing the rooms were comped. Next time insist that the travel channel pay for rooms so you don't have to include so much tacky stuff on your show. It doesn't look good on you.
Zamir goofed this epeisode. Next time get a sexier cohost.
Other than that, Thanks for all the other terrific shows.
February 26, 2008 6:10 PM
Ioana said:
Dear Anthony,
The disappointment is thousand times greater when somebody one admires so much lets you down…
As one of your biggest fans, I always watched your show with great interest and often thinking “why he’s not going to Romania”? You finally did. After watching the show for so long, I have to admit that I waited for the Romanian episode with nervousness because, following a pattern, you are always digging the unseen, the not-so-obvious aspect of the host countries. It’s all about the guide – I was thinking. Well, it is!! Like some other (Romanian) bloggers said, I almost cried last night. Watching my country mocked by an ignorant drunk Russian was painful. Was that idiot Buffon the only guide you could find in Romania? Did you really believe that a clueless outsider can represent an entire nation? All the other episodes were focused on the country itself, food and traditions. Why this time you had to give a non-Romanian loser his moment of fame on Romania’s expense? Why was this show about him?
It is such a clisee for so many ignorant, fantasy-seekers and career-climbers, to go to straight to the Bran castle and make-up another vampire story. I had higher expectations from you, Antony Bourdain. Of the one-hour-long Romania’s chance to prove to the world that we are NOT the gray and forgettable place on earth, you wasted 20 minutes by showing Nevada tourists embarrass themselves during a pretended Halloween party (not at all specific to our country). I won’t deny that there are homeless dogs, rusty backs of train stations, holes on the major streets of Bucharest (and not only) and Dacia is yet another one of the remains of communism …and, of course, horses do !@#$ on the road (same as they do in downtown Salt Lake City during major parades), but Romania is more than that. By wasting precious time on what you did, you missed amazing places, food and traditions. Each region has its own specifics. Transylvania is a crossroad of Romanian, German and Hungarian cultural inheritance. Sibiu or Hermannstadt was the designated European Capital of Culture in 2007. Moldavia’s beauty is beyond compare. The Romanian “lifestyle” gravitates around family and food.
A minimal relief came with the fact that, with all the alcohol-driven fogginess, your guide remembered that the hospitability in Maramures is a must-see and must-taste destination. I can only hope that you understand that, behind the simplicity with which they were presented, a tremendous effort was made by those people of Maramures to show you and the world the traditions of that area. Therefore, not for the regular TV watcher, nor for Romania’s lost pride, but for those people only: you owe them the respect and honor they deserve for receiving your team the way they did: wearing national costumes and preparing the best traditional food there is! …and why not give Romania the chance to turn the other chick?
I simply refuse to believe that you did not have alternatives. Please go back and do it right!
Ioana Pop
February 26, 2008 6:12 PM
Tina Bartlett said:
Oh my god that was a HOOT!!! WoW Zamir was toasted. By the way what happended to the car? Man some people really need to loosen up! Sometime traveling ends up like that one person drunk on their ass w/o transportation! Or everyone drunk w/o transportation. Keep um rolling!
February 26, 2008 6:17 PM
Chris, again said:
Vald, dude... take it easy...
Ok, I agree with you, he should have had someone Romanian guide him. Zamir not only doesn't speak a word of Romanian aside from Buna ziua and Tzuica, but he also made an @$$ out of himself in front of millions of people. That was bad. I'm almost thinking you might be one of the guides within Romania since you say you have behind the scenes knowledge... and if you are, respect... But, we have to admit that we do have poor service. This is something we have to work on to prove Tony wrong.
What most people don't understand is that communism really screwed us up and we are going through a transition now. It will take some time to change. What smart people realize is that NOW is the time to invest in Romania. And I don't mean the damn Bran Castle. 10 years down the road, their investments would be golden.
Last but not least - and it may not really be last... last just for now - Borat managed to ruin it for people like Tony. Listen, many people were pissed off that they were told they would be in a documentary and then, they were ridiculed in front of the entire world by being called things like "the village rapist." It is no wonder that Tony got the cold shoulder from the "ex-commies" by the Curtea Veche. You could tell those people were working for the state for years as soon as they opened their bureaucratic mouths...
Anyway, I am of the opinion that there is no bad publicity. I mean, look at Stoker did to us with that idiotic book that any college prof will tell you is horrible writing. So, I hope people will keep their minds open to us and our hospitality. After all, America isn't all about hamburgers like some Europeans will have you believe... So, Romania could not possibly be encapsulated in a one hour show with a bad tour guide who was inebriated for a good part of it.
Hai Noroc!
February 26, 2008 6:19 PM
Joe said:
I don't care if you are being honest or not, when you are a guest in another country the least you could do is not overtly insult them. You are the one who made terrible choices about where to visit, where to eat, what to eat and with whom to hangout while in Romania. Anyone can go to any country and find the worst parts of their culture. But to film them, put them on television and claim that this represents Romania is fraud. Sure, Romania is an extremely poor and backward country, that much you made clear, but as a guest there you could have gone further to explain why they are like that. The answer is clear...communism and the Soviet Union. Why not indict them instead of the Romanian people? My wife and I spent two weeks in Romania,1996, when we adopted our son from an orphange there when he was twenty-two months old. We visited some of the same places you aired on your show. We ate some excellent food there and saw some of the most beautiful people while in Bucharest. For the most part, Romania IS steeped in the eighteenth century and on a different show for a different purpose it should be exposed to the world. You were only partially honest with your presentation of Romania. While watching the program I kept waiting to see some of the beauty and charm that I saw. But most importantly, my son, who is now thirteen and remembers nothing about the country, was eagerly waiting to see what I saw there. He regularly watches the Travel Channel and even taped this one. You should have seen the sadness in his face when he watched the poorly produced show that you aired. The damage you did to him is immesurable. You can not defend yourself by saying you were being honest because you were not. I know because I was there.
February 26, 2008 6:21 PM
Brad Farley said:
Hey Tony Great Show - you are funny and you are witty - I am sorry hear that you had to Quit Smoking - my wife made me quit too :(
February 26, 2008 6:33 PM
Leia said:
I loved the show--there are plenty of other shows that stroke the egos of whatever country the host visits. That kind of thing gets old pretty fast.
I thought it was common knowledge that Romania is really restrictive on things like filming and tourism.
For the record, this show hasn't affected my desire (or lack thereof) to visit Romania. But it did make for a very entertaining hour of TV.
February 26, 2008 6:40 PM
Chris said:
Hey Tony that was a great show - I been to Romania 3 times because my wife is from there. Although the country does have some nice things... the bottom line is man I am so happy that you aired the truth and just showed how corrupt that country is! This is something that I could never tell my wife but the show was real and you sold me I am a dedicated fan now! 10 eures per sq. meter! hahaha - God are tehy out of their fucking mind!? Keep it real and look forward to Hawaii!
February 26, 2008 6:42 PM
carole del monte said:
I loved the show. Glad to hear the truth. There's so little of it available in the media, generally. Tony is hilarious. I love his sense of humor. He is eligible to proclaim himself as a New Yorker, but he sure has a lot of New Jersey in his personality. Not only his words, but those "takes" are killer.
February 26, 2008 6:42 PM
John Slanzi said:
Stick to your guns Tony. Why should Americans get ripped off abroad? People try to pull this !@#$ on us all over the world. Fact is most of us put up with it because its only money. That will teach Romanians that they have to earn a tourist dollar. More people should have the sense you had to call foul.
As for the country Ive been there not for nothing the place is a !@#$. Its an !@#$ backward Stalinist country where the population is still shell shocked from Ciaucescu. Better off going to Prauge. That will be a great show for you.
February 26, 2008 6:45 PM
Josef said:
Thanks Tony. Your honesty and humor are always appreciated. I hear the country is pretty in springtime...Romania in Springtime...wasn't that a song? :)
February 26, 2008 6:52 PM
Steve said:
Anthony "The food--on camera, off camera? Didn’t matter. It was mostly pretty primitive."
Dude, I loved and enjoyed when you traveled Asian and you eat VERY primitive stuff like bugs, raw meat or even beating snake heart!!! Now in Romania , primitive doesn t make good televion and its a bad thing.
You are so biast against Romania-what happened to you????What did Roamnia do to you ????
February 26, 2008 6:54 PM
Josef said:
p.s. The show with you in Paris, after a date with Lady Absynthe...Priceless. Ah...the good ol' days. If you're ever in Denver, Beers are on me.
February 26, 2008 6:57 PM
Michael said:
I feel you on, Romania.
I went there a few years ago, and though there was a lot of natural beauty and some nice people -- I also felt it wasn't too receptive to tourists. For example, I walked into a restaurant - dressed totally fine - and they told me that they were expecting a party and couldn't have me. They said this while looking totally pissed off -- and while seating others. I sat on a bench outside the place just to see if a "party" arrived, and sure enough, no one did. They took in locals, all the while.
I did think the show was funny, though.
You travel around hoping every place will blow your mind and be this life-changing experience -- and sometimes that just doesn't happen. Sometimes, you visit a place and your experience is somewhere between blah and total suckitude.
I appreciate that you didn't try to doll up your experience w/ a bunch of lies that would probably have been transparent, anyhow. The fact that you don't feed us crap like that is part of why I like your show so much.
February 26, 2008 6:58 PM
Andreea Coca said:
I had been eagerly anticipating the Romania episode for months, and I was infuriated by the show and the portrayal of our country and the choice to take Zamir as your guide and by your claim to victimization in your above entry. Our country has suffered considerably before and since the fall of Communism in ’89, and some are still struggling for the success of their country and for cities like Bucuresti to regain such titles as "Little Paris" that it acquired early on, while others are willing to make a living at the expense of their own people and their culture’s dignity, but that doesn’t by any means represent the country. You truly missed out on some wonderful sights, such as Sibiu, the Cultural Capital of Europe for 2007 (and SO many others)…. How was that not on your list??
What truly infuriates me is NOT that you had a bad time and showed it (by all means, I prefer honesty), but that the whole trip and show was poorly planned and executed, without any real research or effort to show the path less traveled by American tourists. For a show that claims to avoid tourist traps, you fell into the worst kinds.
As most of the above posts exclaim, everyone’s glad to see the truth, and all your loyal viewers are so convinced that you TRULY showed them the country. They throw the words “honest” and “truth” around as though they know what it means for Romanians. And that’s why Romanians and non-Romanians alike are angry. Once again, outsiders have found our weakest and lowest points and exploited them as a “representative truth”. I respect your honesty and expected this show to open people’s eyes to a beautiful and misunderstood country, but I honestly would have preferred that you didn’t go at all rather than insult our country and culture with your “good pal Zamir”. Our disappointment in the arrogant and ignorant portrayal is completely understandable and justified. If you haven’t been there to truly see and know the country, culture, and traditions, you have no right assuming what is and is not representative and honest.
February 26, 2008 7:03 PM
Steve said:
Leia, you probably never visited Romania or you are semi educated as Anthony is- university drop out.
Romania has a Liberal gov, probably more liberal than ourS in the US.
I was there several times for business and I felt very free. Mattter of fact there is no closing time in clubs as in the US.
You are free to film whatever the heck you want there, the show is just made with a frustrated Russian that is hating because Roamnia is now more developed and democratic than communist Russia
February 26, 2008 7:03 PM
Miss Needle said:
Thank goodness for this blog. I thought you were really losing it when I saw the episode. And my husband and I really love Zamir. My google stalking found nothing on this guy. Would love to know more about him.
Growing up in Sunnyside Queens, I've had my opportunity to have some decent Romanian food. It can be really good if prepared correctly. You absolutely have to try papanasi, a dessert comprised of fried balls of dough (kind of like galub jamun). I've had them served with preserves and a sour cream sauce that was absolutely heavenly.
My Romanian friends did say, though, that they really wouldn't want to go back to visit if it wasn't for the relatives. They think it's pretty depressing there.
February 26, 2008 7:09 PM
Melissa said:
"God lives here. God lives between the skin and bones of a pig."
"It ain't a party until somebody kills a pig."
I missed the quip about not getting "butt-rogered by Tim Curry," but I'll catch it on the repeats.
Too bad you had such a lousy time in Romania, but if it's any consolation I laughed my ass off and I'm enjoying my new email signature quotes.
And while Zamir wasn't exactly the best choice of guide, I liked him in the Uzbekistan and Russia eps, and it was good to see him again.
February 26, 2008 7:13 PM
Chris (Codrina), again... said:
Our food isn't primitive, you are right. It is simple, aside from special holiday dishes. We weren't born with the silver spoons in our mouth, as I am sure you know... and not too many years ago we were living on rations. People can't really understand that unless they live it.
In Romania, a tomato tastes like a tomato and a peach like a peach, not like freaking cardboard like in the good ol' USA... Our meat isn't filled up with antibiotics and other junk. It's actually good protein and it tastes like meat. Sometimes I think people who have eaten this junk (non organic food) all their life got so used to it that they don't know what it's supposed to taste like anymore.
And at least we don't eat our cats and dogs, no matter how poor we are or ever were....
February 26, 2008 7:14 PM
Samantha said:
I am in love with Zamir!!!! Is he single? Pork is beautiful! And alcohol, ofcourse. Just loved Romania- it was a fantastic journey!
February 26, 2008 7:15 PM
Alice said:
You were clearly having a horrible time in Romania because it didn't look like you were able to find many locals who were willing to open up and show you the local way of life... which, if anything, is what your show seems to be about. I think that came across pretty well. I don't think it was offensive in any way. It was just a bad trip and, as a result, this show was
less than interesting. Not your best work. We all have bad days though.
February 26, 2008 7:16 PM
Chuck Lawson said:
Sometimes there's value in knowing where not to go (and what not to do) -- thanks for taking one for the team :-)
Personally, I thought it was a hoot.

February 26, 2008 7:26 PM
nicole said:
I personally loved this episode. That is exactly why I watch the show, because I get an honest representation of what you experienced while you were there. Im not getting some postcard picture perfect one has those!
You are the reason why I want to be a travel show host. I think there needs to be more honest shows like yours, except mine would differ because it wouldnt focus on food since thats not my specialty.
keep the great shows coming!
February 26, 2008 7:39 PM
for nicole said:
Nicole that is exactly the thing, you did NOT get an honest represantation of what is Romania like. That is exactly the problem here.
February 26, 2008 7:42 PM
Chesh said:
I'll say it again...
(I realize the Cloggie wrap up wasn't the place - but how am I to know when you'll blog again?...)
All the viewers out there who think they can make a better show should GET THEIR OWN!!!!!! For heavens sake - every other ad on the T.C. is for their internet film training.
If I want to hear what you think I'll tune into U-Tube. I want to laugh at Anthony's take, thats why we are here.
(and Joe at 6:19 - don't cry me a river, you adopted your son OUT of there for a reason. You did a wonderful thing and he should know that.)
February 26, 2008 7:43 PM
julie paschkis said:
I thought the graveyard with the painted memorials was amazing and I'd like to see more pictures of it. What is the graveyard called? Or the name of the artist or the town?
February 26, 2008 7:45 PM
Nicole said:
I never said I got an honest representation of Romania is like (especially since its at the top of my list for places to go) what I said was I got an honest representation of what Anthony experienced while he was there. No other travel show does that. They make everything seem perfect.
February 26, 2008 7:46 PM
for chesh said:
There are orphans in USA as well ignorant. There is a reason why you are stupid-your ignorant post
February 26, 2008 7:46 PM
Roxanne said:
Hi Tony,
I want to start by saying I generally enjoy your witty remarks and intelligent banter but I was sooo disapointed by the Romania show. The choices that were made were awful. Nobody's asking to lie about your experiences but the decisions and planning that were made led you to those experiences. Don't even get me started on Zamir, a non Romanian who knew nothing about the country and the places that are worth seeing. We are still a very corrupt country, the most corrupt in Europe and some people still have the mentality of trying to rip you off and gouge you for money whenever they can. That is a product of years of communism and oppression, of lack and need. However, most people are interesting, extremely fun loving and smart. The food is not primitive, it is amazing. There are a lot of tasty, intricate dishes and great pastries and desserts. And our wines...we are the number 7 exporter of wines in the world. And they are qualitative. You just didn't know were to go to find it. There are amazing sights to see: The black sea, the Carpathian mountains, the country side, the Danube Delta and Bucharest has a lot of cultural places to visit and incredible night life. Romanian women are some of the most beautiful in the world and Romanian people have a great sense of humor and zest for life. Even with our sense of humor, most of us felt insulted and wronged. I think the show robbed Romania in a very unfair way. They chose to film the most kitchy places and delapidated streets and buildings instead of filming the beautiful places Romania has to offer. And Tony, in the past I got the impression that you were a guy that didn't like conventional things, places that fit certain molds and predictability. I for sure thought that you were gonna like Romania, even with its remnants of a very troubled past that showed in grey, broken down places, rude service people and lack of luxury in some cases. I thought you were going to find it endearing for it quirks and limitations. I guess it wasn't all your fault but you have to make it right somehow for us. Go back with the right team of people and you will definitelly see how beautiful the country is despite its past, you'll even see the luxurious side of Romania, where service is great and people are incredibly friendly and most importantly you'll see how delicious the food is. Please go back. We demand a rematch!!!LOL. Regards, Sad, enraged, offended, Romanian, Roxanne
February 26, 2008 7:46 PM
deano said:
Hey Tony, Romania was hard on the eyes but I like to see the back roads of any country.Reminds me of a Saudi Arabia trip I made where you can't eat with your left hand!!You should have invited Samantha Brown along now that would be funny! The world aint perfect baby. Thanks for the entertainment, D
February 26, 2008 7:47 PM
Adrian said:
There you go Julie. Here is a link with pictures for "Cimitirul vesel" Happy Cemetery
February 26, 2008 7:49 PM
Christine said:
I thought it was one of the funniest shows I've ever seen. This is the kind of program I like - brutally honest, and all the funnier for it. Let's face it - life is pretty funny, and nowhere is that clearer than on - as Zmir would say - NO RESERVATIONS!
February 26, 2008 7:49 PM
Doug Davids said:
I have been to Romania and my wife is Romanian. I LOVE Romania. I have been to 32 different countries and all 50 states, and Romania is definitely one of my favorite places to visit. We saw your show and you got a bad view of the country. First, you let a Russian show you around. Romanians don't like Russians, and that probably didn't help. Second, Russians really screwed up Romania, so it didn't surprise me that a Russian screwed up your visit. Also, the whole "Dracula" thing is ridiculous to Romanians. It’s Hollywood and was not worth including for a true cultural outlook of the country. I’ve been to great restaurants in Romania, and had great food there. The Black Sea is also a great visit. You need to go back with someone who KNOWS Romania, not a Russian who will be disliked and mess up your trip the same way they messed up the country for about 45 years. Also, try spring or summer next time. Lastly, my wife was one of your biggest fans, and always told people to watch your show. I think you just lost one of your biggest fans with a very inaccurate program.
February 26, 2008 7:52 PM
To those offended said:
You guys need to chill. I don't think Tony is passing off his time in Romania as the definitive Romanian experience. Hell, he's flat out saying it wasn't well put together. That said, what you saw on film was his experience. It was accurate and honest -- don't confuse that w/ a balanced portrayal of the country. It was just his experience. Period. I'm sure he could go back and have a great time. Maybe he will.
It's nothing deeper than that.
February 26, 2008 7:57 PM
Billy said:
Tony - you should start Smoking again - i think once you Quit Smoking you stopped being funny. Is it true your wife made you quit smoking?
February 26, 2008 8:03 PM
Judith said:
Funny! Only 'Tony pro' comments are on this page. Zamir was certainly a bad choice. As an American, I went to Romania twice since 10/2000. There are many places to visit for free and many beautiful castles. It was a waste to have an hour show visiting in people's backyards!
February 26, 2008 8:15 PM
Codrina, again... said:
Here's an interesting link for those who would like to learn a bit more about us. And, hopefully it will serve as inspiration for another show.
And - you might get some free hugs while you are there... uhhh.. scary!!!
And, our women
February 26, 2008 8:15 PM
Jennifer said:
Your real/no !@#$ look at food and life is why I watch your show. Keep on doing what you're doing!!!
February 26, 2008 8:15 PM
Matt said:
Thanks for the update. It may have sucked for you and the crew, but I thought it made for interesting television.
February 26, 2008 8:22 PM
Ana said:
Mr. Bourdain, what really happened in Romania? Why did you decide to visit that part of the world when obviously you didn't feel like doing it. I am disappointed, I had so much respect for you, but last night you proved me wrong. In Romania we have a saying "Show me who your friends are and I will know your character". Last night, you pretty much had an evaluation of your entire carrier, and with the help of your friend Zamir, I can honestly say that you failed miserably.
I always liked the show because I believed in it...I believed in you. Now I understand that I opened myself to another world of deception. What you did to Romania was low, and that made me think twice: are all these countries you visit a cheep trill for you? Some people may think that your Russian friend made the show funny, but to a lot of intelligent people you became the Jerry Springer of the Travel Channel. Mr. Bourdain, you owe an apology to the Romanian people.
Romania is not a perfect country, but it's also not a joke. Romania has history and traditions and very hospitable people. Romanians are also very sensitive and last night you hurt them and destroyed the image of an entire nation with an hour of cheep television. What upsets me more is the fact that I used to believe that you were a professional who loves his craft. In Romania you proved that you are in fact another ignorant who makes this show for money and cares less about its authenticity.
Instead of reveling the truth about such a wonderful country, you decided to focus half an hour on a vampire party which by the way was attended by some Americans in search for some stupid trills, while of course guided by a non other than a Russian pig who loves to watch himself on TV, eating pig heads and drinking like a RUSSIAN!!
Maybe you should stop hiding behind that arrogant mask trying to show how cool and real you are and truly be real, and get prepared for your show. Ask a guide from the host country, or open a book and read about the history and traditions, so you don't make a fool of yourself once again. You pretend to be a curious intelligent mind, so why let yourself compromised by a low class communist?
Some of the things that you didn't present in your show and maybe some Americans should know about Romania:
Romania has its unique culture, which is the product of its geography and of its distinct historical evolution. It is fundamentally defined as the meeting point of three regions: Central Europe, Eastern Europe, and the Balkans, but cannot be truly included in any of them. The Romanian identity formed on a substratum of mixed Roman and Dacian elements with many other influences. During late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, the major influences came from the Slavic peoples who migrated and settled in nearby Bulgaria, Serbia, Ukraine and eventually Poland and Russia; from medieval Greeks and the Byzantine Empire; from a long domination by the Ottoman Empire; from the Hungarians; and from the Germans living in Transylvania. Besides representing largest part of the remaining descendants of the Eastern Romans, Romanians are also the sole Christian Orthodox among the Latin peoples.
The most striking thing about Romanian culture is the strong folk traditions which have survived to this day due to the rural character of the Romanian communities, which has resulted in an exceptionally vital and creative traditional culture. Romanian spirituality is greatly influenced by its strong connections with the Eastern Christian world. Romanians have thus obtained a unique sense of identity and two clichés can simply express this: An island of Latinity in a Slavic sea and The only Orthodox Christian Latin people.
Romanians like to eat, and they eat a lot with a great diversity. An existential Romanian question is: Do we live to eat, or eat to live? Recipes bear the same influences as the rest of Romanian culture: from Roman times there still exists the simple pie called, in Romanian, plăcintă and keeping the initial meaning of the Latin word placenta. Fried mititei or perişoare in a soup called a ciorba, a wide variety of vegetable dishes like zacuscă, and covrigi are some common meals. One of the most widespread meals is the mămăliga, a cornmeal mush, for a long time considered the poor man's meal but it has became very appreciated in recent times. Pork is the main meat used in Romanian cuisine (Peştele cel mai bun, tot porcul rămâne - "The best fish is always the pork"), but also beef is consumed and a good lamb or fish dish is never to be refused. In conjunction with special events or periods, different recipes are prepared. During Christmas, traditionally every family slaughters a pig and cooks it using a wide variety of traditional recipes like cărnaţi - a kind of long sausages with meat; caltaboşi - sausages made with liver and other intestines; piftie a jelly made from parts like the feet, the head and ears; and also tochitură (a kind of stew) is served along with mămăligă and wine ("so that the pork can swim") and of course sweetened with the traditional cozonac (sweet bread with nuts or lokum - rahat in Romanian, known in English as Turkish delight). Lamb is traditional for Easter: the main dishes are roast lamb and drob - a cooked mix of offal, meat and fresh vegetables, which is quite similar to Scotish haggis , served with pască (pie made with cottage cheese) as a sweetener.
Wine is the main drink and has a tradition of over two millennia. Romania is currently the world's ninth largest wine producer, and recently the exports have started to grow. A wide variety of domestic (Fetească, Grasă, Tămâioasă) and worldwide (Italian Riesling, Merlot, Sauvignon blanc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Muscat Ottonel) varieties are produced. Also Romania is the world's second largest grower of plums, and almost all of those plums becomes either the famous ţuică (a once-refined plum brandy) or palincă (twice-or-more-refined plum brandy). Also beer is highly appreciated, generally blonde pilsener beer.
This can go on and on about the Romanian culture but I think that interested people should find out for themselves.
February 26, 2008 8:26 PM
American - lived in Romania said:
Your honesty is appreciated but preplanning would have give you a better experience. It was a funny show but I would lose the Russian unless you're in Russia. I guess I was just disappointed because Romania has a special place in MY heart. I lived in Romania as a teenager(1992) and have continued to visit for years. Romania is a beautiful, quaint country with an interesting culture. Oh and you can find great food. You just have to know where to look. It looked like you were looking for the worse experiences you could find. The worse thing about Romania to me is the gypsies and you didnt even show that! IF you go back make sure you visit Cluj, Sighisoara, Sinaia, Brasov and the seaside! Oh and if you go back hire a Romanian tour guide. Please go back. txs
February 26, 2008 8:29 PM
Michael said:
Is integrity b--- s--- your newest dish?
Your trip was poorly planned but the scenario was on-hand, you only needed a genuine location ... Success!
Why bother to explain that you are being honest while in fact you're much closer to being a coward? Need proof?
February 26, 2008 8:33 PM
rich said:
All of a sudden a Jamacian cave full of steaming bat crap doesn't seem that bad.
February 26, 2008 8:37 PM
victoria said:
watching this + being romanian = embarrassing
February 26, 2008 8:38 PM
Jane said:
Tony, I have been a fan of yours for years but am beginning to turn off to you for your lack of feelings for animals. Not an activist and certainly a meat eater, I just cannot understand your enjoyment of actually watching an animal being slaughtered......I had thought you to be a more sensitive man. I had to turn the channel last night after seeing someone celebrate their birthday by watching an animal die......I actually felt sick. I hope you will re think this part of your series.....It really disappointed me as a fan. Please have a little more sensitivity for this issue and give an animal dying for the pleasure of an eating experience a little more dignity. Thank you for listning.
February 26, 2008 8:43 PM
Suzette said:
Personaly I thought the program was FANTASTIC!! Thanks again Anthony.
February 26, 2008 8:50 PM
florin said:
I am sorry to say how bad job you did with Romania...; you did so great in Vietnam or China; I'm sure you can do even a better job with North Korea, if they offer you the best support and opportunities; especially with a Russian adviser! Tony, this is the sick idea coming from your producers and sponsors; to buy and sell the kitsch,in a country unable to put Itself together after 17 years of "liberty". However, the streets selected to film in Bucuresti are not as bad at all as Your "getos" in Bronx and Brooklin. But you have to be as always... "His Master Voice"!
Florin, US citizen, born in Romania!
February 26, 2008 8:57 PM
andrei said:
Going to visit Dracula-anything in Romania with a Russian guide is like going to visit the worst motel in Vegas with a Venezuelan guide.
Based on that, one could conclude that US is indeed a dump and its people consists mainly of drunken gamblers and prostitutes. But hey, that would be a funny (and honest) show!
February 26, 2008 9:10 PM
To JANE (from Codrina), again... said:
Hey Jane - I completely understand how you feel about animals being killed having lived in the Romanian country side myself, but let me explain something... out there, there are no shops for miles and most people don't have cars. These people live away from stores. This is the way they survive. Besides, let me tell you, we took such good care of our animals. Fed them right, they were free roaming, cleaned their sty regularly (for pigs). If they got sick we treated them. Trust me, we had very humane ways of raising them, but in the end they were our food.
The Romanian family who did that, did it to honor the guests, especially Zamir's b-day, which some of you seem to misunderstand. We don't hate Russians, never did. If we did, we wouldn't kill a pig and have a feast in this man's honor. He just could not communicate with them, but that's a different story.
They will live on that meat for a very long time, and they use every bit of it. We eat the organs too, use the intestines, we even make soup from chicken feet, very rare to find in the US markets.
February 26, 2008 9:14 PM
Anonymous said:
How exactly do you think animals are killed to be eaten? They have a spa massage and drift away? Have you watched Fast Food Nation? If you eat meat, animals are killed, the internal organs ripped, the meat is butchered and nicely packaged. How do you think the hamburger in your plate is created? Photosynthesis? In this case it was truly an authentic scene. When you produce your own meat, you have to sacrifice the animal. That pig has historically fed a large family for a entire year. Watch the movie and the scene from the show will be poetry in your eyes.
February 26, 2008 9:25 PM
Mike said:
Tony, my man. You've been my inspiration, my travel guru, my comedy relief. But dude, in the Romanian episode, there were more than pigs that got butchered. I feel deeply, deeply, offended and embarassed at the outcome of this episode. Was the intention of this episode to put down Romania and make sure no one wants to go visit there? To show the world that people drive run down jalopies? And Bucharest is a decrepit ghetto? Was that a set-up for ratings? It sure seems like it.
Why buy/rent an old car you KNEW would fall apart when your crew was driving a shiny new Hundai sedan? What was your point? Your nasty attitude reached new lows even for you, and it left a bad taste in my mouth. My mother who loves Romania couldn't bear to even finish watching the entire show.
You brought your knucklehead Ruski friend with you that was a sheer humiliation for you and a long standing confirmation that Russians are indeed bunch of alcoholics dumbasses. By exaggerating or focusing on how much tuica he drank, you further cemented the bad image Russians already have!!! And like you said: probably why they lost the Cold War. The Russians sucked the life out of Romania for decades, and to bring a Russian with a drinking problem as your tour guide to Romania is a slap in the face for the Romanians. Please learn something about the culture and history before you do something so insensitive.
I lived in Romania. You didn't even try to show us something good other than the Merry Cemetary. As an avid watcher of your show, I feel you need to redeem yourself in this case. I think there's hope. You got what it takes for a great show. Maybe this wasn't your timing. But if you're bored with your show, dude you expect US to be excited and want to watch more shows where you're bored, annoyed, displeased, and insulting???? NO thanks!!!
February 26, 2008 9:25 PM
Vintage said:
I'll simply say I was laughing outside, crying inside. I felt so sorry for you. Appropriate costume though.
February 26, 2008 9:28 PM
sal said:
Um... hilarious? The dinner theatre part was oddly reminiscent of the HBO series, Real Sex, without the sex. Needed more food porn. Keep it coming.
February 26, 2008 9:29 PM
Anonymous said:
About pig slaughter:
Pig slaughter is heavily related to celebrating Christmas.
Offering a guest a meat-based meal is an hospitable gesture. Killing an animal for that guest is a gesture of appreciation.
Maybe now it is clearer.
February 26, 2008 9:35 PM
TT said:
Dear Tony,
My husband and I are addicted to your show. But last night we had the unpleasant surprise to watch a poor made show about the Romanian cuisine. I don’t know where to start about what was bad in the show. First, your “friend guide” was inappropriate for a show. It was your choice to have him as a guide but why we had to suffer seeing him as the travel show male leading role. In this case the show should have being called “Zamir’s birthday”, not Romania. It was awful. And you continue to present him as “ your friend who helped you make GOOD shows”…. It is YOUR fault, and YOU choose to show this so don’t try to make us feel sorry for your lack of preparation and for the bad choices and experiences. It is like making a show about NY City and shooting the dark alleys with homeless people, gangs, and drugs. And how did you choose the places to “analyze” the local cuisine? A café, a kitschy horror place, and a couple parties? Is this what you call a travel show about culinary experiences? You succeeded only if your goal was to make a joke out of the travel show.
Good night
February 26, 2008 9:37 PM
insult to injury? said:
...seriously??? This is your reply to the hugely negative reaction that you got after this show? You just don't get it, do you? This was my first time watching the show and I was dumbfounded by your portrayal of my country - as was my husband who traveled to Romania for the fist time this past December and loved it.
But quite honestly, I thought you were just an a-hole in general, I thought that this is just the character that you are playing on the show and that's that. It's not as if me or any of my friends will ever watch your show again.
But after reading your reply on this blog I'm convinced that you are not only ignorant but also rude and offensive.
Shame on Travel Channel for paying you the big bucks to prance around the world and help get sketchy Russian guys get drunk.
February 26, 2008 9:38 PM
TURTLE said:
Zamir is funny enough, he is just not clever enough. When AB asked how to say “flaming car wreck” (give or take) Zamir should have looked at AB with a straight face and said “dacia, that’s what it means, seriously.” When told the filming at the Vlad statue was going to be 10 euros per square meter, he should have shot back that the crew would pay no less than 30 euros per sq meter and watched the official’s expression. Then tell them you have run out of time and need to go film something more interesting like a documentary on the outhouses of Romania. Bourdain rule #57: Don’t let the bad situations get ugly. Roll with it/ have some fun with it/ make fun of it/get seriously drunk, then kick the dust off your sandals as you leave the town and move on.
February 26, 2008 9:40 PM
Anonymous said:
Tony, why don't you make a show about the ugly, poor, dirty outskirts of New York or any other metropolitan city in the US ?
February 26, 2008 9:40 PM
TT said:
I forgot to mention about better travel shows shot in Eastern Europe - like "Michael Palin's New Europe, Wild East" - watch it to see the difference!
February 26, 2008 9:44 PM
Emilija said:
That's the problem. People see THIS video, and think THIS is what Romania is. Bad, BAD representation!!!
And Tony, with your badass "what the hell is this godawful place" attitude, who do you think would let you into their restaurant? There are places in the world who feel they have the right NOT to serve someone they don't particularly like to have in their establishments, and not everyone is impressed by a camera crew and a Big Shot American attitude people are getting sick of that I noticed too when I traveled to Europe. You're prime example of what Europeans don't like about Americans.
Good attitude = Good service.
Bad attitude = bad or service.
Next time, hire someone to do your travel homework for you in advance. Bad planning or no planning is NO excuse for a half assed show on a national TV station. Fine for a personal podcast. Not fine for a national TV show.
February 26, 2008 9:45 PM
Jane said:
To those who wrote, I am not offended by meat eating, I am not a vegetarian, but it just seems to me that to make a "celebration" of the killing is difficult to watch. In many of Tony's travels I have to hold the remote in my hand, ready to switch channels, when sometimes it seems that he almost enjoys the act of the killing. For myself, this is somewhat of a turn off and I would like to think of Tony as a little more sensitive....oddly I once had a dream about him where he was VERY kind. I totally respect a culture's right to raise an animal for food, but I do think that there are some people who dread the day they must kill the animal and try to do it as humanely as possible giving the animal some respect. Enough said, an arguement I cannot win, but I am thinking twice about being such a devoted fan.
February 26, 2008 9:47 PM
To JANE (from Codrina), again, again... said:
I doubt it has much to do with Tony. I mean, there must be a bunch of people editing this.... and Americans like to see 2 things, sex and violence... and whenever they watch Springer (or some "poor backward country" like Romania), right away they feel better about themselves and their lives. In fact, most are so brainwashed it makes communism seem like a complete joke. And I know, I lived there, and I live here now. I don't mean you, I just mean a vast majority of US-anians...
February 26, 2008 9:53 PM
JB said:
To say that this show was funny is an understatement. I don't think I have laughed during a No Reservations as much as this episode. It was genius.
February 26, 2008 9:57 PM
vi said:
tony, oh well what the did the best you could given the situation. i am of hungarian descent grandfather born in transylvania. i will not blame you. after all your people should have done their homework! history of this country is difficult and unpredictable, but at least a good meal. was raised on hungarian fare and is great food where was the fckng goulash paprikash chicken?
February 26, 2008 9:59 PM
Codrina, again... said:
And besides...
Anthony Bourdain is not god. He's allowed to make mistakes. And this is his job, just like our jobs - there's lots of crap we deal with on a daily basis.
I will still watch his show and I am Romanian. I'm sure he learned something from this. And hopefully Zamir will be a friend, not so much a guide...
I hope Tony will go back, with a good Romanian guide, hopefully in the summer, by the beach and all the places people suggested here. We might have to get him a neck cast which should stop him from getting whiplash from turning his head to check out all our beautiful women...
February 26, 2008 10:03 PM
mike said:
Dear Tony,
I waited to see this show for months, hoping you would like the country and the food. I understand that's not the case. And that's OK, but I surely didn't expect the mean and spiteful take on Romania. You want to come across as unbiased and honest but you are far from that. It happens that I know the area in Bucharest where you filmed quite well. The street in ruins is in the downtown historic district, Smardan/Lipscani Street, currently undergoing upgrading of the sewer system. In order to get there, one must pass by beautiful old majestic buildings like The Institute of Architecture, the Old CEC building, the History Museum, National Bank, BCR Bank, Russian (Student's) Church, Sutu's Palace, Hanul lui Manuc or Caru cu Bere (Beer Carriage) and so forth. Actually, Caru cu Bere, renowned restaurant with great TRADITIONAL dishes was ONE block away! You chose to incessantly show the construction site but ignore the (beauty of the) surroundings, suggesting that the painted image was on purpose rather than poorly chosen itinerary...
What an eye opener! I won't be able to watch any of your next shows without wondering what the place/country is really about!
February 26, 2008 10:04 PM
metalaryeh said:
Thank you for responding to the many unhappy posts about the Romania episode. It is obvious that you simply did not go to right places. I agree that the Romanian cuisine is not very complicated but I must disagree with your statement regarding the Romanian people.
They are some of the nicest people I have ever met. The truth is Romania is a place that deserves much more tourism even if they don't cook like Charlie Trotter. I have had some very good food there but honestly it was
not very easy to find. However, one does not give a crap about fine foods when walking the
old streets of Sighisoara...
February 26, 2008 10:09 PM
Jane said:
I go to a Jewish Deli in Vernon, Ct. every morning, and one of the waitresses is Romanian, from Transylvania. She is fascinating, and tells us stories of her country and their deep traditions, wonderful food and strong family ties, and incredible work ethic. I have always wanted to visit and still do. I'm just sorry we didn't see more of the pleasant side of Romania and some of it's wonderful restaurants and fascinating people. I am hoping Tony's Hawaii episode will be happier, but then again, there will be a Luau with pigs involved I'm sure!
February 26, 2008 10:11 PM
Ioana said:
Mr. Bourdain,
Really, what the hell happened in Romania? Why did you decide to visit that part of the world when obviously you didn't feel like doing it. I am disappointed, I had so much respect for you, but last night you proved me wrong. In Romania we have a saying "Show me who your friends are and I will know your character". Last night, you pretty much had an evaluation of your entire carrier, and with the help of your friend Zamir, I can honestly say that you failed miserably. I always liked the show because I believed in it...I believed in you. Now I understand that I opened myself to another world of deception. What you did to Romania was low, and that made me think twice: are all these countries you visit a cheep trill for you? Some people may think that your Russian friend made the show funny, but to a lot of intelligent people you became the Jerry Springer of the Travel Channel. Mr. Bourdain, you owe an apology to the Romanian people. Romania is not a perfect country, but it's also not a joke. Romania has history and traditions and very hospitable people. Romanians are also very sensitive and last night you hurt them and destroyed the image of an entire nation with an hour of cheep television. What upsets me more is the fact that I used to believe that you were a professional who loves his craft. In Romania you proved that you are in fact another ignorant who makes this show for money and cares less about its authenticity. Instead of reveling the truth about such a wonderful country, you decided to focus half an hour on a vampire party which by the way was attended by some Americans in search for some stupid trills, while of course guided by a non other than a Russian pig who loves to watch himself on TV eating pig heads and drinking like a RUSSIAN!! Maybe you should stop hiding behind that arrogant mask trying to show how cool and real you are and truly be real, and get prepared for your show. Ask a guide from the host country, or open a book and read about the history and traditions, so you don't make a fool of yourself once again. You pretend to be a curious intelligent mind, so why let yourself compromised by a low class communist?
February 26, 2008 10:19 PM
Ivy said:
You really don't get it. No one expects you to have the time of your life in every country you visit, but it still doesn't justify your portrayal of Romania. If the show was such a horrible mess, why air it? Why didn't you just scrap it since it clearly wasn't working? I'm sure you have enough pull at the Travel Channel. Like many have previously mentioned, I also thought your pretentiousness was more of an act for the sake of entertaining television, but I'm starting to think that you really aren't much more than an arrogant !@#$ who has let everything go to his head. I'm sure nothing is pleasing to you since all you manage to do is spew bitter sarcasm, which, quite frankly, isn't entertaining anymore. Quit your !@#$, you get to live the lifestyle most people only dream of, yet all you can do is act like a complete ingrate. Boo f!@#$ boo. Poor tortured Anthony Bourdain.
February 26, 2008 10:25 PM
CS said:
That was the worst thing I have ever watched on TV. I cannot believe you make a living at this. I'm sure I can go into any country with a camera and get kicked out of place. The costume party was joke and you an your idiot Russian friend ate it all up. It was a travesty. Now I know why I don't buy your !@#$
February 26, 2008 10:28 PM
Ron F said:
I looked forward to this show for months and was very disappointed in your effort. First and foremost, who the !@#$ has a tour guide who doesn't speak the language. On top of that, a !@#$ russian whose people used to oppress them. My girlfriend is Romanian and while she is the first to admit that things aren't ideal in her country, your show was not representative of her culture at all. You became the one thing you hate, a tourist and consequently, you were treated as one. I think you need to go back and make a proper go of it. My girl is a director and producer here in LA so if you need a proper tour guide next time please contact us and we will make sure you are taken care of.
A big fan of the show!
February 26, 2008 10:30 PM
newyorkgirl said:
Shame on you, Mister Anthony, “IDIOT”!!

You made a trip to one of the most exiting culinary cultures and you took a no-educated not Romanian guide, that show you the lowest of the low of the society that even him did not like! I am terribly sorry for you lack of sense and lack of traveler spirit and sense and finding the right people to travel with, in a country that was for 3000 years in between so many cultures and Empires and worlds that left the best: FOOD. Nobody talk with "Comrades" in Romania is fake and stupid! You are just made fun of yourself! It seams that even your self did not like this guy! You could have had so much good time! And learn so much more!
You where in Romania with a Russian? Go to Russia with a Russian! To your reputation I expected much more. You could get a normal Romanian culinary educated tour guide. All you showed is fake and horrible and untraditional (most of the time). You missed to show all the millions of vegetarian dishes and kosher dishes and you also missed that the kosher kitchen has a very much originated in Romania. Instead we show dead pig heads most of your show. If it was a freak in that place it was you and your friend. 2 outsiders came in a nice place one more stupid than the other and transform it into something with some journalistic facts put in very unfriendly terms. You could have seen so much traditional food in Bucharest. Each region specific with so many soups so many others dished that as a culinary expert I guess you will never taste.
You disappointed so many people that where expecting a great show. my boyfriend, that is not Romanian specially made sure for weeks that I am going to watch because the great Anthony Bordain will be fantastic, Shame on you, as a journalist, human been, culinary expert and tourist, Anthony Bordain, if you where close by I would have punch you in the nose and I am only a very gentle woman, doctor. What a joke of a man with a job badly done! The reason I came to America is because this country is honest and fair and have some how a way to repair itself in its own systems. I love you guys. You are great! But Bordain sucks badly!
The only good think I can thing of, coming out of the terrible misleading show in Romanian, is that is broad out so many Romanians together in indignation. Why don't we get together and have parties and enjoy our great cuisine and dance the hora. How about to meet in any Romanian Restaurant in USA, in each of our cities. Why don't we meet on 1st of March on "MARTISOR" woman’s day Saturday night? And celebrate our food and dance
February 26, 2008 10:37 PM
Ioana said:
Dear Anthony,
The disappointment is thousand times greater when somebody one admires so much lets you down…
As one of your biggest fans, I always watched your show with great interest and often thinking “why he’s not going to Romania”? You finally did. After watching the show for so long, I have to admit that I waited for the Romanian episode with nervousness because, following a pattern, you are always digging the unseen, the not-so-obvious aspect of the host countries. It’s all about the guide – I was thinking. Well, it is!! Like some other (Romanian) bloggers said, I almost cried last night. Watching my country mocked by an ignorant drunk Russian was painful. Was that idiot Buffon the only guide you could find in Romania? Did you really believe that a clueless outsider can represent an entire nation? All the other episodes were focused on the country itself, food and traditions. Why this time you had to give a non-Romanian loser his moment of fame on Romania’s expense? Why was this show about him?
It is such a clisee for so many ignorant, fantasy-seekers and career-climbers, to go to straight to the Bran castle and make-up another vampire story. I had higher expectations from you, Antony Bourdain. Of the one-hour-long Romania’s chance to prove to the world that we are NOT the gray and forgettable place on earth, you wasted 20 minutes by showing Nevada tourists embarrass themselves during a pretended Halloween party (not at all specific to our country). I won’t deny that there are homeless dogs, rusty backs of train stations, holes on the major streets of Bucharest (and not only) and Dacia is yet another one of the remains of communism …and, of course, horses do !@#$ on the road (same as they do in downtown Salt Lake City during major parades), but Romania is more than that. By wasting precious time on what you did, you missed amazing places, food and traditions. Each region has its own specifics. Transylvania is a crossroad of Romanian, German and Hungarian cultural inheritance. Sibiu or Hermannstadt was the designated European Capital of Culture in 2007. Moldavia’s beauty is beyond compare. The Romanian “lifestyle” gravitates around family and food.
A minimal relief came with the fact that, with all the alcohol-driven fogginess, your guide remembered that the hospitability in Maramures is a must-see and must-taste destination. I can only hope that you understand that, behind the simplicity with which they were presented, a tremendous effort was made by those people of Maramures to show you and the world the traditions of that area. Therefore, not for the regular TV watcher, nor for Romania’s lost pride, but for those people only: you owe them the respect and honor they deserve for receiving your team the way they did: wearing national costumes and preparing the best traditional food there is! …and why not give Romania the chance to turn the other chick?
Please go back and do it right!
February 26, 2008 10:42 PM
Tessie - Portland, OR said:
Tony -
After watching the Romania episode I have to admit the country took a mighty plunge down my list of places to visit. However, the show itself was absolutely hilarious. You've got to give Zamir some credit, though. Pretending to be an interested buyer for Dracula's castle, dressing like a cheesy pirate and getting completely !@#$ faced before noon on his 50th birthday all added to me actually laughing out loud. I love the show and you for being blatantly sarcastic and I wouldn't want that to change now.
Oh and a word about the people offended by the killing of the pig. As a vegetarian (don't hate me Tony!) I think it is appropriate to celebrate when an animal gives its life. There seems to be more respect for the animal there then when somebody is simply eating a slice of deli meat with no trace that it was once a living being.
You said you thought that Tony was a sensitive man... seriously? Come on, he took Zamir to get a full body wax as revenge.
February 26, 2008 10:43 PM
Anonymous said:
Shame on you, Mister Anthony, “IDIOT”!!

You made a trip to one of the most exiting culinary cultures and you took a no-educated not Romanian guide, that show you the lowest of the low of the society that even him did not like! I am terribly sorry for you lack of sense and lack of traveler spirit and sense and finding the right people to travel with, in a country that was for 3000 years in between so many cultures and Empires and worlds that left the best: FOOD. Nobody talk with "Comrades" in Romania is fake and stupid! You are just made fun of yourself! It seams that even your self did not like this guy! You could have had so much good time! And learn so much more!
You where in Romania with a Russian? Go to Russia with a Russian! To your reputation I expected much more. You could get a normal Romanian culinary educated tour guide. All you showed is fake and horrible and untraditional (most of the time). You missed to show all the millions of vegetarian dishes and kosher dishes and you also missed that the kosher kitchen has a very much originated in Romania. Instead we show dead pig heads most of your show. If it was a freak in that place it was you and your friend. 2 outsiders came in a nice place one more stupid than the other and transform it into something with some journalistic facts put in very unfriendly terms. You could have seen so much traditional food in Bucharest. Each region specific with so many soups so many others dished that as a culinary expert I guess you will never taste.
You disappointed so many people that where expecting a great show. my boyfriend, that is not Romanian specially made sure for weeks that I am going to watch because the great Anthony Bordain will be fantastic, Shame on you, as a journalist, human been, culinary expert and tourist, Anthony Bordain, if you where close by I would have punch you in the nose and I am only a very gentle woman, doctor. What a joke of a man with a job badly done! The reason I came to America is because this country is honest and fair and have some how a way to repair itself in its own systems. I love you guys. You are great! But Bordain sucks badly!
The only good think I can thing of, coming out of the terrible misleading show in Romanian, is that is broad out so many Romanians together in indignation. Why don't we get together and have parties and enjoy our great cuisine and dance the hora. How about to meet in any Romanian Restaurant in USA, in each of our cities. Why don't we meet on 1st of March on "MARTISOR" woman’s day Saturday night? And celebrate our food and dance
Also I might say that in this listing you put only good remarks about your show and my american friends and all the world find it really stupid and unprofessional
February 26, 2008 10:51 PM
LOVED the Show said:
Romanians obviously DON'T have a sense of humor... about themselves anyway. I think the key point here is that Tony had the experience he had. Who knows if it’s real, or honest, or not. Who cares? It was HIS experience.
A message to all the angry Romanians:
The ugliest side of your country I've seen is not what was on TV last night, but the fanatic racism and hate espoused by your countrymen writing in on this website. Actually I think now I'm starting to understand why Tony had such a bad time in your “welcoming” and “friendly” country.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that the show was *&^%$% funny! Keep up the good work Tony!
February 26, 2008 10:51 PM
Dr. Dana Vieru, DDS, MS, PhDc said:
Shame on you, Mister Anthony, “IDIOT”!!

You made a trip to one of the most exiting culinary cultures and you took a no-educated not Romanian guide, that show you the lowest of the low of the society that even him did not like! I am terribly sorry for you lack of sense and lack of traveler spirit and sense and finding the right people to travel with, in a country that was for 3000 years in between so many cultures and Empires and worlds that left the best: FOOD. Nobody talk with "Comrades" in Romania is fake and stupid! You are just made fun of yourself! It seams that even your self did not like this guy! You could have had so much good time! And learn so much more!
You where in Romania with a Russian? Go to Russia with a Russian! To your reputation I expected much more. You could get a normal Romanian culinary educated tour guide. All you showed is fake and horrible and untraditional (most of the time). You missed to show all the millions of vegetarian dishes and kosher dishes and you also missed that the kosher kitchen has a very much originated in Romania. Instead we show dead pig heads most of your show. If it was a freak in that place it was you and your friend. 2 outsiders came in a nice place one more stupid than the other and transform it into something with some journalistic facts put in very unfriendly terms. You could have seen so much traditional food in Bucharest. Each region specific with so many soups so many others dished that as a culinary expert I guess you will never taste.
You disappointed so many people that where expecting a great show. my boyfriend, that is not Romanian specially made sure for weeks that I am going to watch because the great Anthony Bordain will be fantastic, Shame on you, as a journalist, human been, culinary expert and tourist, Anthony Bordain, if you where close by I would have punch you in the nose and I am only a very gentle woman, doctor. What a joke of a man with a job badly done! The reason I came to America is because this country is honest and fair and have some how a way to repair itself in its own systems. I love you guys. You are great! But Bordain sucks badly!
The only good think I can thing of, coming out of the terrible misleading show in Romanian, is that is broad out so many Romanians together in indignation. Why don't we get together and have parties and enjoy our great cuisine and dance the hora. How about to meet in any Romanian Restaurant in USA, in each of our cities. Why don't we meet on 1st of March on "MARTISOR" woman’s day Saturday night? And celebrate our food and dance
February 26, 2008 10:56 PM
Brint said:
The sad part is that you destroyed your legitimacy as a journalist and travel guide in Romania. The media can make lots of false affirmations, and make horse crap look like gold, and gold look like horse crap. That’s what you decided to do. I have been all over Eastern Europe (Western Europe, East Asia, Southwest Asia, Latin America, etc), and I found the culture and history (and FOOD!) of Eastern Europe to be fascinating!
I’ve also been to HAWAII many times. I know it has a huge crime problem, violence, and lots of drug addicts. I’ve seen places in Hawaii that made the Taliban caves of Afghanistan seem like Disney World. So, are you going to be “honest and unbiased” and show that part of Hawaii? I know US soldiers (Iraq veterans) have been jumped and killed on certain beaches in Hawaii just so a meth addict could take their money and get another hit. If you don’t show that, you are not telling the truth.

So, let’s see if you are a journalist, or a biased and uneducated sensationalist.
February 26, 2008 10:59 PM
Anonymous said:
what a wonderful comments. Did you put your familly and friends to write them?
There is not a trace of truth on this comments
what a joke
February 26, 2008 11:00 PM
Dr. Dana Vieru DDS, MS, PhDc said:
No Romanian is upsaid to you, is just we want you to give your viewers the right opinion and for yourself and to learn about the delicious interesting and wonderful things that are there.
February 26, 2008 11:06 PM
I said:
The Romanians that have been posting only reaffirm the ill will their countrymen showed Tony during his excursion. What a humorlessly sensitive bunch. . .
February 26, 2008 11:08 PM
Flora said:
I had the patience to read all the comments and it is obvious that almost all the negative comments came from Romanians, people who lived there or have a connection with this country, while the positive comments came from people who never set foot there. So how do they know what is the truth? Because you say so?!
But you also say that you made bad choices, chose the wrong guide, basically everything went wrong from the beginning. Then what is the TRUTH?
I wonder what do you want us to understand about that country when all you actually show is a Castle which, I am sure, has a lot of other sides filmed from many other different angles, as honest as yours probably was, and a backyard. For a traveler like you this is deceptively little. Not to say it is well bellow anybody would accept as professional documentary.
Even less professional I thought was your talk about the food. I know Romanian food and is far better then what you manage to articulate. It is not French cuisine, but it is definitely less primitive then eating raw bugs, if that has any relevance for a show whose purpose is to experience and not to judge.
Well, one could say that it was a poorly managed show, but it looked more like you were being dragged into a horrible joke someone played on you.
You seemed to be smarter then that!
February 26, 2008 11:09 PM
Armando Villarreal III said:
Mr. Bourdain
Thanks for sticking to your guns on the Romania show, while it was a little obtuse, I enjoyed it as I do all your shows. All I can say is that I admire you for your honesty and for taking television where is has never gone before. I am a native of South Texas and you, my friend have been the only person to ever portray it for what it truly is.
If ever in Fort Worth area, Mr Bourdain, look me up and I will take you and your crew fishing and then we can have a lake side fish fry and a few beers.
Best Regards
February 26, 2008 11:10 PM
Alin said:
I was looking forward to watching this episode for quite some time and I never thought I was going to be so disappointed. Anthony Bourdain, you displayed absolutely no sense of professionalism and completely mocked the country of Romania. This was by far the most biased, unrepresentative travel show I have ever watched in my life.
First of all, you brought along a Russian guide, who shamelessly drank until incoherence and you spend countless minutes of the program on this incident. Let me ask, what does that have to do with Romania? How is that even remotely productive in showing the viewers the culture, food, or attractions of the country? It's not. All it does is it associates drunk Russians and irresponsibility with Romania.
All your Russian douche bag friend did was blabber about nothing and make reference after reference to communism. Romania has been a democracy for over 18 years, yet by watching this show, I'm getting the feeling like the revolution happened yesterday. Is this an analysis on communism's effects on the country as seen through a Russian's eyes, or a travel show? Also, a rule of travel is be open minded. You were about as open minded as a Ceausescu himself.
A travel show should at least attempt to show a non-biased tour of the place you are visiting. This includes visiting at least some of the national landmarks and cultural cities. Sibiu was the 2007 European Cultural Capital of the World. How could you not even mention the name word Sibiu on your show and call this sorry excuse for an episode, a fair depiction of Romania? You spend more time traveling to the back ends of the country than to its cities. That's like making a travel show about the US, visiting Washington DC and then spending the rest of the time traveling through New Mexico and meeting people that live in the remote desert areas.
You claim your show does not fall into tourist traps and remains authentic, yet you visit Vlad Tepes's Castle, expecting it to be Dracula's Castle, a fictional character created by a foreigner, bring along a Russian guide who knows nothing about Romania, and attend a Halloween Party, when Halloween is the equivalent of Grandparent's Day in the United States. The only reason that awkward party existed was to entertain you and the other tourists that were present. There is absolutely nothing Romanian at all in that party. As for the organizers, I cannot speak for them.

You play the victim in your blog and pretend as if you didn't know what happened. In the responses, you are proclaimed as a fearless promoter of free speech and anti-censorship, seeking only the truth. In reality, you are the opposite, you've used this episode to ridicule an entire country based on the most unrepresentative areas and craziest people. You are indeed a great actor. This whole scheme should be used as an audition for movies, in case these "no-reservation travel shows" don't work out. I honestly don't see how you are still on air.
February 26, 2008 11:15 PM
Lara Fabans said:
I *loved* the episode. I was rolling on the ground laughing. And unlike you, I thought Zamir was a delight to see again. I kept waiting to see what tortures you'd inflict upon one another. Little did you know that his dragging you to look at former Eastern Block real estate was his contribution.
And keep it up. I have no reservations watching a show that's honest about the experience.
February 26, 2008 11:17 PM
Nicole M said:
Aww... we love you, Tony. I wouldn't watch your show if you weren't brutally honest. There will always be critics, and the day there are NOT critics is the day you have lost your edge and you should stop. Buck up, little camper.
February 26, 2008 11:18 PM
J.S. said:
The real food of Romania will be on display when an American humanitarian non-profit group called Project Harvest Hope (they build bakeries, buy farm animals, etc. for poor village peasants) hosts a tour this fall 2008 demonstrating sustainable agriculture and ethnic cuisine in the tiny villages of Transylvania. A pig killing will be on the schedule, and it will be authentic and respectful.
There are many interesting events going on in Romania right now as it tries to ease into the EU. Did you know that horse drawn carts have been banned in the towns, and thousands of horses are being abandoned to starvation, while peasants now have no way to do their work? Did you know that big foreign gold interests are waging a war with Romanians over ore remaining in the land? Did you know that the Bush administration has somehow placed some of its secret torture prisons in Romania?
I believe, Tony, that you ought to return to Romania. Recently Michael Palin aired a lovely, lovely episode on the country on PBS. Perhaps you could hire his fixer.
February 26, 2008 11:23 PM
Codrina said:
We have a sense of humor and a very pervy one at that, you just don't get it.
February 26, 2008 11:24 PM
Wendy McBride said:
I watched the Romania episode last night. I rushed home from my Japanese class since I was really looking forward to it. I mean, I was like, "Wow, Romania! I'm sure there's a lot of interesting stuff there. Anthony'll probably find it fun."
Okay...I saw the episode. You looked soooooo unhappy and bored and unimpressed. I can't say much about the foods, of course, but the stuff you had to tour...didn't look all that authentic or interesting at all. My hopes were up when you went to Vlad's castle...but even that seemed disappointing because of how he might have lived there. Didn't seem all that authentic.
Getting right down to it, nothing in this episode seemed very authentic, aside from probably the foods.
That aside, one thing I do enjoy is how honest you are with how you feel about the foods and the trips. You don't sugarcoat and such.
I'm looking forward to the Hawaii episode.
February 26, 2008 11:27 PM
Kim M. said:
Romania is not a joke.
I don’t think there are half as many programs about the positive things that can be found in Romania as there are about the negatives.
I was born and raised here in America, but my family is Romanian. I speak it, I grew up around it, and I've visited there since before I could walk. I love it, and I have a different experience every time I go there.
It’s a country in transition, still confused about its cultural identity after its terrible period of communism. I hear stories about it all the time from my mother and grandparents, who were there and experienced it first hand. The truth is that Romanians have not yet adjusted to their freedoms. It’s a bit sad, but with its new entrance to the E.U., I’m sure they’ll catch up. Still, it’s a country full of vigor, and its people are proud, hardworking and honorable.
I was completely disappointed with your portrayal!
I somehow feel compelled to blame most of the disasters in this episode on your personal tour guide. Although your guide seemed to have genuine interest in Romania’s history, he was ignorant about its soul. Many of the events that you passed off as Romanian were so impractical and silly that I found myself truly disturbed.
First of all, there is no such thing as Halloween in Romania. Therefore, a Halloween party in a hotel in Romania… is not Romanian in the least bit! You want to see a real Romanian party? You should have visited a traditional wedding. The tradition; the costumes; the authentic music; the dancing; that is the Romanian soul. Not a bunch of tourists dressed in pirate and Dracula costumes, or with knives sticking out of their heads. A beautiful substitution to the tacky graveyards your tour guide had directed you to would have been to visit a few of the monasteries famous to Romanian society. You did not show Romania, you showed America’s ignorance of Romania.
Second, I went to Castle Dracula last summer with my family – including my thoroughly American step-father and step-brother, and we saw the same rooms you did, climbed the same “secret” stone stair well, and took a bird’s eye view of the town from the same balconies you did. I really enjoyed the mystery and historical value of the tour, and not surprisingly, so did the American side of my family. And we did not have to pretend to be interested in buying the estate just to tour it.
Finally, your food portion did not even touch on the variety and seasonal nature of Romanian food.
Next time you want a real visit to Romania, call me.
February 26, 2008 11:28 PM
Anonymous said:
nobody from Romania is upsait with you, Anthony. Either Romanian or not. Even those comments in those side look realy partialy manufacturate on the positive site.
We just want you to see real and tell the trouth and to be a good journalist and chef and be clear real! Please! Your are a fine man. So when you go again there, get a nice shave, haircut and put your most respectful face! People from all over the world we enjoy that place.
Is not point to fabricate for yourself positive remarcs about the show. Just do the great job aparently you allways dod before. I am shure a lot of people woudl be more than happy to gove you the greatest of time
with much love
February 26, 2008 11:30 PM
dan said:
"I, me, Anthony Bourdain went to Romania... Period. Frankly? I think it’s a pretty funny show.
I think it was a horrible show; even a freshman from an unknown art institute could make a better one. In addition, in your posting you prove to be an arrogant idiot. I visited Romania last year, and I couldn't recognize it in your and Samir's "drinking party" movie.
Next time I will change the chanell when I will see you and Samir. Keep up the “good work” Tony!
February 26, 2008 11:32 PM
Wendy McBride said:
Oops, one more thing I forgot to mention. Maybe you should go back to Romania someday and explore other parts of it with a better guide. Maybe you'll enjoy it better.
February 26, 2008 11:34 PM
Diana said:
Tony -
Your bad experience was due to the choices you made, it was not the truth. Romania has a rich culture and more diverse food than what you showed. There is corruption there, as in most Eastern European countries, but the price you were charged to film was definitely a premium based on your Russian, Communist 'guide' Zamir. Zamir belongs in Russia where he can interact with his fellow 'comarades'. FYI the word comarade doesn't actually mean anything in Romanian. The Romanian show was the equivalent of showing the projects and McDonalds and claiming it represents the US. This was my first disappointment with the show. I was really shocked at how you completely ignored Romanian culture and went to only touristy scams, ie Halloween party (Romanians don't celebrate it). I think every Romanian laughed during that part because only an American tourist with a Russian tour guide would actually participate in those 'festivities'.
February 27, 2008 12:04 AM
Ellen aka "Queen of Sky" said:
Tony, you're right, don't fake it! Be yourself and tell it like it is! That's why people love you.
That being said, the Halloween party scene could have been cut a little shorter. By the end of it I felt like I was back on one of those not-so-memorable Europe layovers...stuck with a bunch of drunk pilots and flight attendants making fools of themselves and generally making Americans look like a bunch of loud, obnoxious imbeciles. The kind of night when you just feel like crawling out of the restaurant unnoticed to order room service back at the hotel.
February 27, 2008 12:15 AM
Elena said:
Next time i see your show on ...CLICK to the next channel.
February 27, 2008 12:15 AM
Anonymous said:
I no longer have any respect for you or your show. It was obvious from the beginning that you had no interest in 'discovering' the real Romania, otherwise you would have prepared better for this show. With this episode and your comments, you have shown how ignorant and superficial you could be. No need for you to go back and visit have already missed the point.
February 27, 2008 12:15 AM
New York Girl, Dr. Dana Vieru said:
nobody from Romania is upsait with you, Anthony. Either Romanian or not. Even those comments in those side look realy partialy manufacturate on the positive site.
We just want you to see real and tell the trouth and to be a good journalist and chef and be clear real! Please! Your are a fine man. So when you go again there, get a nice shave, haircut and put your most respectful face! People from all over the world, we enjoy that place.
Is not point to fabricate for yourself positive remarcs about the show. Just do the great job aparently you allways did before. I am shure a lot of people would welcome you and be more than happy to give you the greatest of time
with much love
February 27, 2008 12:15 AM
Anonymous said:
If i was Donald Trump SOMEONE WOULD GET FIRED!
February 27, 2008 12:18 AM
Andreea said:
I think the comments babying Mr. Bourdain, calling him a "little camper" and the like are absurd. He's a big boy, with a big crew, who should have known who to hire and where to go and how to edit.
Furthermore, this crusade for honesty is equally ridiculous when mainly people with little to no knowledge of the country they are insulting see this so-called "truth". Take it from someone (or the hundreds of someones who have posted here and on the message boards) that last night's episode was inaccurate and disrespectful.
No one is claiming that Romania is a perfect nation, because as most nations do, it has much to improve upon, but to further malign a place that has been such an easy target in the past is disappointing for a people that had hoped for more from a traveler like Mr. Bourdain. And to read comments such as those above as a result of his show adds salt to the wound. (See: "Frankly... after watching that episode, I'd sooner go to Namibia and eat dung-caked warthog poopchute than go to Romania. Thanks for the honest (and very amusing) show." From Bob)
And as for those suggesting that we are racist and unwelcoming, check the posts of your own countrymen before you start attacking those who feel wronged by someone they had admired and had high expectations for. Romanians have a great sense of humor, and we have no problem laughing at ourselves. But this show was beyond a joke.
While, indeed, Mr. Bourdain's experience was his own, and he was quite honest about that, he has a responsibility as a host of a nationally broadcast show to do some decent research and use some sensibility when presenting a nation that few people truly know anything about to what seems to be a very impressionable audience. Put simply, Dracula, a Halloween party for American tourists, and run-down Dacias are hardly representative. And let's not further delve into the needless attention given to Zamir's drunkenness that could have been otherwise directed to culture or cuisine... If you have no interest in discovering Romania, spare us of your laziness.
I suppose that we're all starting to beat a dead horse on this one, because our love for our country (however imperfect) is our own. If you'd rather eat !@#$ than go to Romania, Bon Appetit!
February 27, 2008 12:25 AM
Lindsey Rukkus (as in Ruckus, i know, story to come later, maybe) said:
Holy !@#$. In all honesty I can't believe the amount of "shame on you" comments you received for this Romania episode. I haven't traveled the world, but I have traveled the states and while some were friendly, and image carving places---others, well, others just werent as welcoming. Maybe it was how the people were brought up via ancestors and what have you, maybe it was my tattoos or smart mouth... Maybe not. But at any rate, I've held one teaching close to my heart that my mother always told me, "opinions are like !@#$, everybodys got one." In no place is this more evident then this board. If people want to !@#$ and complain about Romania, let them. What are they going to do to change it? Post on a !@#$ message board?! Hahaha niiice, way to be active folks. Tony, I adore you and your bluntness. Keep it up.
February 27, 2008 12:32 AM
chilly said:
Wow, lots of intensity in some of these comments...
The episode wasn't SO bad. My minor beef is that you never name-dropped director Tony Gatliff, but then I'm more of a "filmie" than a "foodie" (though as a traveler, watching and reading from the growing Bourdain Empire has sort of awakened my inner foodie). After 'Gadjo Dilo' and watching Asia D'Argento emote her way through 'Transylvania', the Romania episode was much as I anticipated, though I don't understand why so much lingering on the "suckage" factor. But then I imagine a lot of that goes down in post-production: Ya'll are back, have this footage, sort of assemble a theme/tone of the episode and package it thus. Yeah, there is packaging that goes on, no matter how real anyone wants to keep it, and that's the nature of the medium. Anyone who takes this one episode of a television series as some blanket critique of a nation or it's culture might be taking it too seriously. But I completely understand that people from nations not on a "western hotlist" might feel slighted. I attempt to remind them of the upside of NOT being on the "western hotlist".
And everyone lay off Zamir! He's far more entertaining/charismatic than what's-his-name-peckerwood from the Vegas and Cleveland episodes and your fake rivalry. But then I freely admit I'm the sort of twisted freak who enjoys watching people mix pills and booze on TV. If anything, I feel you edited his "morning Bday on the bench" footage too much.
Beware the cult of personality, Mr. B, your own and those of your various sidekicks. (i.e. Nari, who was so enchanting in S. Korea came off as gratuitous in Vancouver, but I'm not actually gonna grouse about it, as I'd watch her in an oatmeal commercial...) That having been said, you ain't perfect, but still the best host of a travel show I've ever seen. Rock on!
February 27, 2008 12:34 AM
Lili said:
I am Romanian and I think your show rocked.It was a genuine portrayal of what you experienced and fair warning for whomever else might attempt visiting...oh and it was really funny, too! On a serious note, one can use their limited time and money to go and have fun in plenty other places without having to discover the " hidden beauty" that my fellow countrymen claim Romania has. I travel often there and haven't been to one restaurant that could make it six months in NYC so far.. In all a very entertaining show!
February 27, 2008 12:37 AM
Jenny Hogan said:
Tony, as usual you made the very best out of a sh*tty situation. Your utter honesty & witty comments made for a hilarious & extremely entertaining show! I actually watched it twice! You are, always have been & always will be "My Dream Guy" & you are still THE KING of all that is worldly & wonderful in the travel scene!
P.S. I am SO PROUD of you for quitting smoking! I hope you stick with it. Your palette is cleaner now & everything tasts more pure & potent right?
February 27, 2008 12:48 AM
Chef Salad said:
Dear Tony and his merry blogosphere;
I am a huge fan of "No Reservations" and was a fan of "A Cooks Tour" on the other network. Most of you are also Bourdain fans, from the books to the shows. And those of us who are fans are defending the Chef everytime someone else chooses to criticize his choices.
For those of you who feel the need to tell Romanians that they are wrong to feel insulted by this particular episode, LIGHTEN UP. I don't think Tony needs a defense team. Part of what made the chef famous was his extreme willingness to honestly rag on others. This SHOULD elicit a response of negativity from time to time and the Romania show clearly should provoke some unhappy campers.
For those of you who are disappointed by the show for whatever reason: Lighten UP, T IS A TV PROGRAM. Did you all write NBC when an episode of Friends didn't live up to expectations? Ever send a telegram to Lorne Michaels when the guest host of SNL was a stiff? Clearly you must have all gone ballistic when the last episode of the The Sopranos ended so anticlimatically. If you are insulted, okay, I get it. But this network, the producers and directors, and the onscreen talent are all reasonably experienced and know exactly what they put on the air. AND, they have made their peace with it.
To be fair, I love the fact that one of my favorite personalities will get online and extend the episode a bit with some blogging. It's cool to think he is chatting with me. But, if he went to Romania and had a shitty time, what exactly should he have been said or done? Burn the videotape? Reshoot after going back and apologizing? Show yet another rerun--perhaps a montage of other shows: THE BEST OF BOURDAIN? Worst yet, should our chef have entered cyberspace to apologize that some people didn't like his experience in that country??? The show was honest, and that is generally what I like about this series of programs and books from chef tony.
I was a chef for years, and now I get to travel and teach for a living (NOT COOKING, MY FEET AND BACK ARE KILLING ME) This is similar to whenever I would eat at a friend's house or restaurant. Inevitably I would be asked "HOW WAS EVERYTHING?" If things weren't all great, you have two choices: lie or tell the truth. Telling the truth is honest, but might be insulting. Thank god I never had a camera on me in those moments. It seems that by telling the truth our tv idol has once again ruffled feathers. Well, based on what I saw on that program, Romanian businesses missed as much of an opportunity to promote themselves with a bit of research as Tony missed by not getting on TripAdvisor/What to do in Transylvania.
It was a very entertaining show and one that reminds us that even those with a travel budget and a camera crew might get a crappy meal or a rotten itinerary.
Keep up the great work traveling and eating for free so we can live vicariously through your humor.
Chef Salad
February 27, 2008 12:55 AM
Gail said:
Regarding Romaina; it’s unfortunate, Mr. Bourdain, that you feel the way that you do.
In 2004, I traveled to Romania at Easter with my fiancé (who is now my husband). I had the best time, and I met the kindest people I have ever had the pleasure to befriend in my whole life.
My mother-in-law cooked non-stop. Pork, various breads and sweets, pies of organ meats, soups of tripe and brain, fish that my father-in-law caught himself from a nearby lake, and any vegetable you could want or imagine –pickled.
At our Easter dinner, I filled my plate with a little bit of everything. And, as soon I would finish something, sure enough, there was my mother-in-law right behind me filling in the hole on my plate. I mean, for God’s sake, at some point I mentioned that I liked the tablecloth; it immediately ended-up packaged and in my suitcase –ready for me to take home with me.
I didn’t even mention the sites yet –but you missed out on a lot, Tony. Romania is a beautiful country with truly lovely, good people. If you could’ve experienced Romania through hosts that you somehow managed to get closer to (and that never would’ve happened with Zamir around), I am quite certain you would’ve had a totally different experience, show, and opinion of Romania altogether.
February 27, 2008 12:56 AM
Tudor said:
I've enjoyed watching your show, I am Romanian, the places that you chose to visit are terrible. Your view on what you saw is correct given that you picked the worst places to visit and took the worst co-host you could pick to visit the places you visited.
If you took the train to Queens and walked into any of the Romanian restaurants in Sunny Side or Astoria and picked a random Romanian to ask questions about your trip you would have gotten better travel suggestions and known what food to look out for. You did get some of the basics down though.
I did like how you didn't paint a good picture on what you saw though, so I still think that you're great travel show host and food critic.
February 27, 2008 1:04 AM
Brooke Cheshier said:
As someone who can find the joy in a day-old donut hole, I am instanly drawn to pessimists, cynics and any other persons whose personal philosophy might be, "other dogs bite their enemies; I bite my friends to save them."
In other words, I loved this episode.
February 27, 2008 1:30 AM
Mark said:
Loved your show in Romania, even though it went tits up. I feel your pain. I've been to Bucharest and felt the same way a little but overall enjoyed my visit.
If you think Romania is bad, try going to Ethiopia. I lived there for two years and have never been so pissed off in my life by government rules. The people and culture on the otherhand are worth the trip. The food is very addicting as they have some of the most sophisticated blend of herbs and spices in the world.
Thanks for your sacrifice and hard work to bring us good travel and food entertainment. I realize it's a !@#$ job but somebody's got to do it. It may as well be you.
February 27, 2008 1:35 AM
Gail said:
BTW -I'm not Romanian. I actually happen to be from New York.
February 27, 2008 1:35 AM
Anonymous said:
ok Now I will use my common sense, and ask everybody else to use it.
I enjoyed your shows exactly because you were going to shitty locations in the 3rd world and you made it look like fun and interesting.
For God sake you went in parts of dirt poor Asia and Africa and you showed us how is it possible to have a great culinary experience.
I was expecting to see something similar with Romania, but you did exactly the opposite, actually you made it look worse than Ghana....which by the way its not possible my friend....
You comments about the food beeing primitive, you just show your true colors when you just dislike ve been to places where there was no damn electricity and you had a blast.....
You post here was 10 times worse and offesnive than the show.
I demand you finish your college degree,my racist friend!You need it.
February 27, 2008 1:40 AM
Rob said:
racist???? You accost the man for portraying Ghana in a more positive light and then call him racist? WTF?
February 27, 2008 2:15 AM
Alexandra said:
Before the show, I gave heads up to most of my Romanian friends: I told them how this is my favorite show and how I'm anticipating Tony's visit to my home country.
But just like many others, I am simply dissapointed. Not because I was expecting to see a sugar-coated image of Romania. Not at all. But because I was indeed expecting some balance, more professionalism, just like it happens in the other shows.
Now,I will always appreciate honest and straight talk but, in this case, I guess, more sense of humor, more knowledge about my country, and more preparation would've helped. A lot!
While some of the things that pissed Tony off are really valid complaints, I feel such a bad taste, I almost feel betrayed. While I never really understood the mentality of Bucharest's people myself, to let that set the standard for the remainder of your trip is almost as if you judged France based only on Paris, or the U.S. based on Dallas.
That is the reason for which I regularly watch "No Reservations:" open mindendess, curiosity, and a good script. In Romania's case, however we didn't get any of those, and I'm not sure why. But I'm not going to assume it was a big conspiracy against Romanians. On the other hand,I'm going to assume lack of intesrest and ignorance, that's for sure.

What I regret is that once again my country got the chance to "perform" and it blew it. Even more though, I regret that Tony and his friends had the chance to meet reaaly friendly, intelligent people, quite beautiful women (just ask my American fiance), to walk through really cool, enchatning places, and to eat such tasty food, but they blew it. And they blew it big time!

February 27, 2008 2:31 AM
Arthur said:
Love the show. I'm feeling you on the Romanian thing.
Schoozy talk aside, I hope that you do not give up on the old Soveit block countries. They have as much to offer as they have ot overcome. It can be a bot of a culture shock. I was born in Poland and when I went back for med school in 1994 I felt like I needed an antidepressant.
February 27, 2008 3:33 AM
Bridgett Taylor said:
The one thing I like most about your show Tony, is your honesty in describing your trips. So Romania sucked - you knew it and we knew it. It's not the food or even the places you visit that makes the show - it's you that make the show. Keep up the good work. I'd watch your show because you get to do what the rest of us would give anything to
be able to - and you keep it real.
February 27, 2008 3:35 AM
Cristi Roman said:
February 27, 2008 7:36 AM
someone said:
i`ve heard about your show haven`t seen it .. but let me tell you something .. in romania we have great food, great clubs for fun or bar`s for rich peoples or middle class we have 5 stars hotels great mountains, beautifull beach, great peoples and we are not in 18 century we have hummers, lambo`s, maserati, ferrari, mercedes all over the streets even in little towns .. i don`t think you`ve found these on your trips .. or maybe not in all of them .. come back and CHOOSE a good host.
February 27, 2008 8:27 AM
Sebastian said:
Hello Anthony, let me start by saying that I'm an avid viewer of your show. First of all I really hope you read this comment among all the good and bad ones, because it will probably be the most OBJECTIVE. I am a Romanian-American currently living in NYC. I have had the lucky (in my opinion) opportunity to live half of my life in romania (if you count all the non-consecutive years, where i finished Medical School) and half in the US. I can honestly say that the choices you made, and the company you kept while filming there were very "off point". I watch your other shows and actually commend you on being able and accepting to invite people from a respective country or city, to show u around, so what happened in Romania? Your good friend should have known better or at least should have contacted somebody to show u Romania in a way YOU'RE accustomed to seeing a country. Your other episodes were all about food........this episode talked roughly 20% about food, and 80% about a very misguided, misleading, mis-everything, myth. I'm sure that's why some other commentators in this blog are irrate. You visited Bucharest, one of the most developing cities in Eastern Europe, with some very pleasant restaurants (not upper class, but down to earth restaurants), where you can get very good and traditional food; food that would've made your mouth water and be very appetizing. Your friend on the other hand, decides to take you to the most poor roadside dump he could find, to feed you un inspected meat of "unknown origins"(I'm refering to the "mititei").
I would love the opportunity to show u Romania, and all it has to offer both culinarily, and it's splendid sites. NO CAMERAS, NO CREW, JUST YOU AND I. So at least when someone asks you about your experience in Romania, you can easily forget your first visit, and have the pleasure of remembering your second one.
I don't know how real this contest is that Travel Channel is running, but I do plan on sending in a video explaining why i would like to accompany you in your travels, but especially to REVISIT Romania. But let me stress, I am offering an invitation to you, not the show necessarily, to come and see Romania the way its meant to be seen. Thank you.
February 27, 2008 8:30 AM
Vlad Antonescu said:
Don't say a word !
Dear Tony,
I still believe you are a big liar!
Don’t say that you stayed at the five star Athenee Palace in Bucharest!
Don’t say that you made your trip from the airport to your hotel suite in a brand new Mercedes.
Don't say that you have refused to film inside the Romanian Athenaeum - one of the most beautiful concert halls in the world!
Don't say that you did not include in your Romania episode footage from the Palace of Parliament - the world's second largest building ...
Don't say that you have refused to stay at the four star ARO Palace hotel in Brasov and selected the modest Dracula Hotel!
Don't say that at all time you had two brand new SUVs for your transportations needs.
Don't say that you were suggested to travel to Romania during spring or summer.
Don't say that you refused to go to the Painted Monasteries.
Don't say that you did not want to stop in Sighisoara - one of Europe's best preserved medieval towns.
Don’t say that you have constantly changed your filming schedule making it practically impossible to get the required filming permits.
I believe that you've made a big disservice to your show and to millions of sophisticated U.S. travelers who really know why and how to travel.
Want to 'find-out' more about the hidden secrets of your trip?
Just ask !
February 27, 2008 8:38 AM
jfkmn said:
So Tony, a few people in Bucharest pissed you off and tried to extort you, and since you had a bug up your !@# about it you decide to take it out on the whole country? It just shows your ignorance and arrogance. I know your whole vibe is the typical "I'm from New York, I'm not going to sugarcoat this and I don't have time for idiots, so impress me", but this time around it came off as classless and a total lack of respect. I've enjoyed most of your other shows but this one I was not laughing at.
No, I haven't traveled to Romania, nor am I from Romania. I'm from New York and share your sensibilities--and even I thought this show sucked. However, I do have a Romanian friend at work who is a huge fan of your show, and she wasn't the least bit happy--and I can't blame her. No, they don't like Russians over there; you blew any chance at presenting the real Romania when you put Zamir on the show. I can't wait for a trip to China co-hosted by a Japanese guy. Blame it on him or the production crew or whomever scouted locations for you if you want, but it's YOUR SHOW. WITH YOUR NAME ON IT. I'm sure you realize that, but I guess you don't really care.
I used to make a point to watch the premieres of this show, but it's been wildly uneven this season. Now I'll just catch the show when I've got nothing else to do, because it's certainly not worth setting time aside for. Oh well.
February 27, 2008 8:40 AM
TURTLE said:
The prep work was definitely sub par on this one. (Kinda like the Beatles' Magical Mystery Tour movie) Zamir was a kid showing up for gym class wondering what sadistic things might come his way. He was wrong, it was History class and he hadn't done his homework. When AB asked him on the train about Vlad, he had NOTHING. Saying "That's a good question" doesn't cut it. Even a strange comeback about meat on a stick would have been better. He was slightly humourous, in the genre of larry, moe and curly.
February 27, 2008 8:40 AM
Chesh said:
Chef Salad said it well - this is a just a show, a snapshot of what happened on one mans trip and what I might well experience if I traveled through there, unprepared, with a friend. (not being able to afford a 'fixer' I would proably also grab a friend with the closest geographical nationality and say 'lets go')
All the insulted Romanians need not fear: There was nothing I saw on the show that would make me less inclined to visit your country (although I do notice that an awful lot of you have left it!) In fact I have a tremendous amout of respect for you after learning how "Charchesku" (sp?) was overthrown in the square one day when people just said 'Enough!' Democracy at it's finest.
I am not leaping to Anthonys defense, only pointing out that when I am ready to take a trip I will research a variety of sources. Most viewers will understand that this show is about the personality of the host. Some of you should instead consider how venomous your posts are and how that will affect your friendly image. The mountains are beautiful and I am now intersted enough to go do my own research.
February 27, 2008 8:41 AM
jfkmn said:
Oh, I did like the "Count Schlockula" line, though.
Better luck next time.
February 27, 2008 8:44 AM
Lolo said:
Haven't watch this show but I'm looking forward to your whole next season. I hated Romania myself; dule and unfriendly, especially the old Hungarian side. "Primitive is the exact synonymous I used when visited it 5 years ago and I didn't exactly only visited Dracula's old crib, but the real country side. So, it hasn't chenged, I'm not impressed.
Although...choosing a Russina guide does not sound a smart idea in this case.
Please do keep your honest and refreshing point of view. Your sense of humor is what I love the best.
God, when did you give up smoking?! Is this even possible?
Ps. Will ever come to Chile?
February 27, 2008 8:58 AM
Carolyn said:
Your honesty about where you're going and what you're eating is the main reason why I watch your show.
That, and I enjoy your snarkiness!
Keep speaking the truth.
February 27, 2008 9:30 AM
Anonymous said:
Reading all these nasty comments really re-enforces my gut feeling that Romanians are all jerks. Glad you made it out alive Tony!
February 27, 2008 9:33 AM
Dave Provencher said:
Despite the difficulties you encountered, I enjoyed the Romania episode... if only because it was so different, and because I could feel your PAIN. I almost fell over laughing when you said, in an incredulous tone "Count Dracula didn't even live here??" Hilarious television, even if it wasn't the show you were looking for.
I get a kick out of the viewers who seem to think you owe the Romanian people something, such as an undeserved "rave review." The show is about YOUR trip to Romania for christ's sake!
Love the show, love the blog, keep up the great work!
...and don't get all soft on that "fingernails-on-chalkboard-voiced" daytime TV monster Rachel Ray just because she was polite to you in Miami!
February 27, 2008 9:35 AM
Anonymous said:
Hey, when you stop creating this much controversy that's when it's time to retire. Until then keep going! Now I really can't wait to see this episode!
February 27, 2008 9:35 AM
artnlit said:
This is quite remarkable. Over 120 new comments since my original post yesterday. I don't think we've had quite a !@#$-storm about any other issue regarding Tony. Some of the comments, however, are seemingly valid though. Let's put things in perspective: Tony KNOWS he made poor decisions on this trip, from the places they filmed and using Zamir. Maybe an epilogue to this episode where he admitted that he did not have good experiences/a good time, but recognized that not the entire country necessarily lives/acts this way would have defused the situation. Was the show representative of Romania as a whole? Of course not - it was representative of HIS, TONY'S experiences. That is something to keep in mind. Was it wrong for Tony to present his experiences? No. Was it wrong for him to present them without some kind of explanation of what truly happened and admit that much of it occured due to ignorance of the culture and poor planning, as well as the bad luck of whom he interacted with? Yes. Romania probably has much to offer, but some of the blame here falls on THEM as well. All in all, something from which to learn - for all involved.
February 27, 2008 9:35 AM
Anonymous said:
Am I the only one who thought that the show really wasn't that negative about Romania, and more about his drunk/high guide? I mean TOny says it like a bunch of times "It's Zamir's fault this is the Romania I saw!!!"
February 27, 2008 9:38 AM
Larry said:
I don't care what anyone says, this is the funnies episode of TV I have EVER seen. I think I almost died laughing (multiple times). Lighten up everyone, it's just TV!
February 27, 2008 9:44 AM
Dorin Spoaller said:
Neah , you are borrrriiiing ... ZzZzZz...
February 27, 2008 9:46 AM
Andreea Coca said:
I feel that my personal love for my country had gotten me beside myself with fury, and while I make no apologies for my above post, I feel that we are being misunderstood as a people because of the show and because of our reactions. We do, in fact, have a great sense of humor, and laugh at ourselves on a regular basis.
I didn't expect a show glorifying a nation that still has many problems to work through, but rather a fair representation and an American finding the charm in Romania as many Americans have found with Romanians as hosts. And Mr. Bourdain, you wrote us off from the start, with a total lack of interest in what could have been at the very least a good time for you, if not a more positive portrayal of Romania. And while your experience is your own, and you were very honest about that, I feel that you have a responsibility to do some research and use some sensibility when creating a nationally broadcasted show for what seems to be a very impressionable audience. Any trip to any locale would have been equally disappointing with the amount of effort seemingly put into this one. (Although Vlad Antonescu's post above raises some new questions....)
But I suppose that at this point, we're starting to beat a dead horse with this one, because our love for our culture and cuisine is our own. And it simply saddens us to see the reactions of your viewers, who you have misled to believe that they know the truth, when you completely missed the heart and soul of the country.
February 27, 2008 9:50 AM
Carmen said:
I cannot believe your experience in Romania was that bad. I have recently traveled to Romania and my impression is that you have twisted the reality to make a "funny show" - as you say. The result is far from that -in my opinion.
Do you have the courage to present this show in front of the Romanian people you talked to during your trip over there?
One hour dedicated to Romania on American TV - it doesn't happen every year. And what do we see? An attitudine of superiority, arrogance from a guy who is mocking the history and the people of this country.
I think you owe to your audience another show about Romania, take another guide - not a Russian guy -
I like Travel Channel and I am disappointed they approved this show.
February 27, 2008 9:50 AM
Alan said:
I've been to Romania twice, and frankly I think that Tony was generous. I was molested at the airport, refused service and treated like *(&^&^. Basically my time sucked. Besides, when has Tony ever done one of those bland travel shows that visits all the "beautiful" tourist attractions.
February 27, 2008 10:03 AM
harry said:
Toni was right. All you need to do is read the ANGRY posts here to see that Romanians are even worse than he made them seem. Scary stuff....
February 27, 2008 10:05 AM
jenny and joe said:
I like how everyone enjoyed the "honesty" of the show..despite the fact that it only portrayed the worst parts of Romania and made every citizen of that country look like an alcoholic farmer (taran). How can it be considered honest when all that was shown was a biased misrepresentation of the real Romania.
There is no country on earth that does not have its downfalls, but who comes to America to film the worst neighborhoods in order to show the rest of the world how Americans live??? The best thing about Romania is NOT Dracula's castle, and the only car in Romania is NOT a Dacia.
What about the beautiful architecture of Cluj, the sandy beaches of Constanta, the mountains of Brasov, the history and beauty of Timisoara? I guess these were just a few of the overlooked areas of the REAL Romania...
February 27, 2008 10:11 AM
claudia said:
I actually thought the show was pretty funny - not only Tony's acute discomfiture, but Zamir setting a new standard for the term "wasted" (!) My husband, Austro-Romanian-American, howled throughout, and thought the food, people and their hospitality actually came off looking good (if not the waiters and the weasels trying to shake NR down so you could shoot the statue of Vlad the Impaler.) The countryside was pristine - and the headstones? A riot.
My only observation is that while the garish and touristo-trap Hotel Castel Dracula is blighting the map, I do believe the REAL ruins of Vlad the Impaler's castle are just up the road from the hotel. Man, if Tony had taken a traditional horse-drawn cart ride from the train station at dusk to the real castle, arranged from some howling wolves in the woods and done a whole Bram Stoker riff, that might have made up for the Halloween party he had to endure. "It was a dark and stormy night . . . midnight . . . Halloween . . .")
Next time, Tony, next time.
February 27, 2008 10:16 AM
Anonymous said:
Hello Jenny and Joe!!!!!!
Honest of Tony's experience. Why do all these small minded posters keep getting this wrong?! If Zamir had been the guide in Ghana than that trip would have been terrible too! The show was pretty funny though....
February 27, 2008 10:31 AM
Anonymous said:
I *loved* the show. I have never seen Bourdain before, and now I am hooked. I really want to visit Romania too! I have to say though, I will not be visiting the Vlad Statue!!!!
February 27, 2008 10:34 AM
Luca said:
Vlad Antonescu is making an extremely interesting argument - one that a lot of people who watched the show noticed: almost all the negative stuff (the car breaking down while the crew was riding in a brand-spanking new SUV, the fact that there was MORE than one Dacia - take a look at the license tags, etc.) is clearly scripted.
I would want to know more about what happened behind the scenes but all in all, I think that you chose to go with the negative stuff in post-production in hopes that the bad stuff will make a better show.
I guess THAT really backfired, didn't it?
By all means Vlad, please let us know what else Mr. Bourdain didn't tell/show the viewers.
February 27, 2008 10:36 AM
Mike said:
How come the car you bought and the car that broke down had different license plates? I thought it was supposed to be the same car...
February 27, 2008 10:38 AM
Arhi said:
Romania is such a beautiful country, too bad that is inhabited. Get real, we have a !@#$ country, with !@#$ citizens. And that "beautiful architecture" is not compensating fro the rudness and bad manners of ALL ROMANIANS. We are hospitable as long as we hope to get some cash. After that, lets kick the foreigner in the !@#$.
So, shut th !@#$ up with our beautiful country and beautiful people. There is no such thing.
February 27, 2008 10:39 AM
Camelia said:
Dear Mr. Bourdain and producers,
I might be the only person writing here who does not watch your show (I don't have a TV or the time to watch TV) but your episode on your Romanian travels generated such an uproar on the Romanian email lists here in Boston that I took some time to find it on YouTube. I thought all the complaints were due to the long-held tradition of whining (as one of my co-nationals put it) but I gotta give it to them - they had some reason to be unhappy.
Well, what did I see? A well-fed, well-groomed (and surely well-exercised since I gather from the clip on YouTube that Mr. Bourdain is over 50) American taking a trip to the Romanian tourist traps. Nothing unusual about it but I am sure others pay a lot less than he must have for this treat. Sure, the Madam with the big hat was ridiculous but so are the hula-hula shows in the all-expenses-paid resorts of Hawaii. Why? Because they are a caricature of the real traditions. As I said, I don't really know what your show is about generally but this one was really a caricature of Romania (I have to say the Dracula - Halloween combination with the Nevadans would have driven any cognizant live human nuts! Congratulations on surviving it.). If caricature is the general intention, then I think you were successful. As for the food, I must admit you were in the vicinity of truth. Although many of my co-nationals still think there is nothing like mom's cholesterol-laden soup I personally don't find Romanian cuisine particularly exciting as a whole. Certainly, there are some interesting dishes but the obsession with meat is rather boring. Wait, one good thing are the pastries which are really delicious - a mix of French baking and Byzantine sweets. I always stop by the Romanian bakery when I'm in NYC and I must admit I sometimes fantasize about the sweets of my childhood. Gotta get back to work. Take care.
February 27, 2008 10:43 AM
Jackie said:
I caught the Romania episode and i must say, i agree with you wholeheartedly.The whole country just seemed unfriendly.If i had ever been interested in visiting Romania, after seeing your account of it,i would never travel there. Every time i watch your show, even if you start having a terrible time,you can usually make the most out of any situation that you wonderful producers put you in (i.e. the Jamaica caves) but this was just terrible. i feel awful you had to go there. i will continue to love your show and will also continue with my enormous crush on you!
February 27, 2008 10:48 AM
Concerned Viewer said:
It is obvious that the Romanian people are trying to bully Tony on the Fan Site just like they did while he was in their country. *News Flash* It doesn't work. Keep strong Tony and thanks for telling it like it is!
February 27, 2008 11:03 AM
Anonymous said:
I think Tony should consider it a compliment that his show has inspired such a dialogue.... When has Rachel Ray or Andrew Zimmern ever elicited such a response....?
February 27, 2008 11:05 AM
To the stupid f**ks who are arrogantly saying that we are not showing a sense of humor because we are so offended by the Romania all I have to ask is how stupid can you be? Of course you can laugh about this and don't understand the gravity of the situation because you are not Romanian. We are a very proud nation, we are not little bitches who lay down to be wronged. We have a sense of what's right and justice. We are this upset because we lived there, we know how beautiful it can be despite its communist past and the damage still apparent. We know the food is intricate and delicious, we know the wine and beer are good, we know there are a ton of amazing sights, culture, beautiful traditions, nightlife, beautiful people, smart, intersting people. That's why we're so pissed you dumbasses. Because non of that was shown, on the contrary, it seemed that an effort was made to show only the kitch, the ugly, the silly so that IT CAN BE RIDICULED. Do you get it know, all of you making comments about something you know nothing about and should not tell us if we should or not feel offended. While Tony wasn't entirely to blame and I did like him a lot in the past for his honesty, I think this time the attitude he displayed was rude and after reading his blog I think he just doesn't get it. I want to know that after reading everybody's comments, including my previous one yesterday, he will start to understand some things and realize why we are so upset and why he should take some responsability instead of just saying "it is what it is, deal with it" Will he even read these blogs? I would feel so much better if he shows some signs that he understands why this deluge of angry people after this show. I don't want him to apologize, I JUST WANT HIM TO TRY TO UNDERSTAND WHY and than I'll feel like some justice was done. CAN YOU SHOW SOME SIGN TONY????? OR AM I JUST NAIVE TO THINK THAT YOU EVEN READ THE COMMENTS OR CARE AT ALL???
February 27, 2008 11:08 AM
In The Know said:
It seems that there are emails circulating on "Romanian Lists" giving people a link to this site and telling them to write something negative even if they haven't seen the show. So take what you red with a grain of salt, because Tony's take really wasn't that bad (unless you're Zamir). Man, the ethic of Communist Media control is still with you guys, that's for sure ..... Seem that old habits die hard in Romania. Good luck Romania and maybe I'll come visit your country in 50 years when you get a little smarter.
February 27, 2008 11:15 AM
artnlit said:
So...shall we catagorize all of this as one big clusterf*ck or something from which to ponder and learn? After reading through all of these comments, Tony, allow yourself vent without writing it down. Then, sit back, have a drink (but NOT a smoke - congrats on that btw), and let it all sink in. Have you come to any new conclusions? If nothing else, it's a learning experience. Don't let it put a chip on your shoulder; grow from it. Life goes on. See you in Pittsburgh. Cheers, Bonnie (artnlit)
February 27, 2008 11:18 AM
Anonymous said:
He learned not to go to Romania and after reading all these posts, so have I.
February 27, 2008 11:19 AM
MV said:
What the hell happened?
You visited a very hungry and poor country in search of local foods. After 20 from the “revolution” more than 80% of the Romanians can not afford 3 square meals ... especially the retired.
The restaurants you visited are accessible only to the local mafia and the Nevada tourists willing to pay “10 euros per cc” of blood ... and a bit more for a vampiric sex experience out of this world, of course! The bill for your roasted pig restaurant was probably higher than what an average Romanian earns in a month. This is the county where the restaurants were used to charge for each individual slice of bred during the communist era. Many “restaurants” were used to have only 2 items cigarettes and tuica. The fact that you can find today in Romania several restaurants to kill your hunger without getting very sick is remarkable.
February 27, 2008 11:23 AM
Anonymous said:
either this was the highest watched bourdain show in history or the Romanians have a very well organized smear campaign. How many romanians are there again? like 15 million?
February 27, 2008 11:28 AM
Arhi said:
MV, the restaurants still charge us for individual slices of nothing is changed
February 27, 2008 11:38 AM
bourdain: what a slimeball said:
Which is really what it’s all about, isn’t it? Should I--when faced with a show that’s clearly going wrong--as far as depicting good times and good food--do my best to LIE about it?
Nice straw man there, Tony. No one ever said you should lie. But what you should do is take responsibility for the fact that your planning for the trip sucked, and that it was your own damn fault the show turned out the way it did, not the fault of the natives. And no, a five-second disclaimer about Zamir doesn't give you license to crap all over the country for the other thirty-nine minutes and fifty-five seconds of the show, when you yourself know that you aren't getting an accurate picture of what the country is really like.
If you were an honest person, which you aren't, you would have spent the whole forty minutes ripping your own incompetence and the incompetence of your staff and crew instead of trying to shift blame onto the natives. You don't have to be Romanian to figure out that bringing a Russian guide to Romania is the height of stupidity. If you were doctors, it would have been malpractice.
You're Anthony Bourdain: you screw up TV shows, you insult other countries for no good reason, and then you lie to cover it up.
February 27, 2008 11:52 AM
Sues is not Martha said:
I thought it was funny too...but then I'm not from Romania. However, I wouldn't like your show as much if you weren't completely honest. Isn't that the point? Stuff doesn't always go right and it would be weird if it did. You can't love every country!
February 27, 2008 12:06 PM
Travel said:
Calm down people. Its obvious things did not go right as planned. The show mentioned that several times. Editing could have made the show better like a little more Bucharest or maybe a trip to another spot like Sighisoara. I've been to Romania twice and loved it each time. The rural part in the end of the show is the best part. Its extremely intersting to visit rural Romania and stay in an area that takes visitors to a simpler time. I do think it would be interesting for the No Reservations show to return to Romania and contrast it with the first show.
February 27, 2008 12:12 PM
Vinicius Moreira said:
If I may weigh in my opinion, it was a clear case of wrong host for the job. To me, that episode showed clearly the hospitality and friendship of Romanians and that there are good and bad choices anywhere you may go. I just recently met a number of Romanians. Very nice people! Too bad Anthony's misfortune passed in Romania. It could have happened anywhere. Anthony, I think you owe the good people of Romania a chance of a good episode!
February 27, 2008 12:17 PM
StereoDevil said:
It's the truth. I have spent time there and the service sucks really bad. You are lucky if you get anyone back at your table, and it's probably true that he got shook down to film in a restaurant.
Romania has many charms but the restaurant industry is NOT one at all.
Oh yeah and do NOT pick a Russian guide for Romania. That part was stupid. If you go to a country pick someone that really understands the cultre and stop going to fucking Bran Castle and Dracula Motels. If you have been to 50 countries then you should know something about cultures and any damn half traveled fool knows that Castle Bran and all that is crap. It's just stupid sensationalism.
Note: IF the Romanian Travel Ministry or whatever it was called would stop pushing it then maybe all this Dracula stuff would chill. So it's partly the fault of the Romanian government and the people that run those places.
You can never get the real deal in any restaurant anyways.
February 27, 2008 12:18 PM
mbl said:
I guess its just easier to bitch than to change the channel...
February 27, 2008 12:34 PM
David Rodriguez said:
Mr. Bourdain, exactly how much do you owe Zamir? Or did you? It’s the only explanation for hiring him as a fixer/guide for the Romania show. And maybe some other shows…
I have worked/lived in Romania for 6 years. I can tell you that images you broadcasted on Monday are a big fake. Romania has a rich culture, wonderful traditions and lots of legends you could feed your imagination with. Food is really tasty and there are lots of fine restaurants in Bucharest, or anywhere, where you could have such an amazing dinner. Just like in Paris! (only a lot cheaper).
In fact, Romanian cuisine is over 2000 years old…a real history! But you weren’t interested in revealing this…
Truth is that you planned this cheap mockery from the start and you know it, and anyone who has a limited knowledge about film producing can easily realize that! Maybe it would have been better for you if you stayed home with your family. Or maybe you got upset on Zamir or, who knows, on a former Romanian girlfriend who dumped you in the past…
I don’t know what happened! But there is no reason for broadcasting such a mockery about a country. It was surely made on purpose!!! What if a foreign producer would come to New York and, instead of filming Liberty Island and the myriad of restaurants, will only broadcast mountains of dirt on the sidewalks, potholes and the rats in the NYC subway. What do you think of that???? You could do it by yourself …you live there!
Romania has made a great step forward since communism and Romanians are one of the most hospitable people on this planet. As well as most latin countries. They opened doors for you and your team, as they did in Maramuresh...
You should apologize!
And next time go to Sighisoara and lock yourself inside the "Torture Chamber", for more adrenaline…. You deserve it!
February 27, 2008 12:42 PM
Seth said:
DON'T LIE! I think that is why so many love your show. You show the raw, gritty, "Backwater" roads to all places. Keep the "When in Rome" attitude and I think it's all good. Could it just be that traveling to Romania is like traveling to the suburbs? Nyuck Nyuck! It looked mundane at best. But despite the odds, I still believe Romania to be a great place to travel. I definitely believe the No Reservations crew should go back one day and contrast it against the first show. At times I thought the Romania show was kinda funny as well; of course, that could have just been my mind in it's delusional boring state trying to find ways to enjoy the show. Can't wait for the next one!
February 27, 2008 12:51 PM
Anonymous said:
It's Tony's opinion and he can say whatever he wants. Maybe that's why he has a TV show and you don't....
That being said how great is that there is a Forum on the show's website that allows all you chuckle heads to say whatever you want. The show obviously does not censor what you say, so why should you feel you can censor Tony? Go No Reservations!
February 27, 2008 1:02 PM
okiefoodie said:
Let us not forget that "No Reservations" is a TV show for OUR entertainment! The esteemed Mr. Bourdain has absolutely no obligation to do anything but fullfill his network contract and keep enough of US watching, (120 million so far!)so that his show continues to be the wildly successful, often immitated and never duplicated, bit of vouyerism that it is!! As the old Hollywood adage goes " no press,is bad press!" The 140 or so comments here suggest our Tony (and Zamir for that matter) is getting his fair share of press. He gets paid because he "travels, writes, and eats" and leaves all of us--- "hungry for more!" ;)
February 27, 2008 1:02 PM
Jaxie Waxie Woo said:
Sheesh - such thin skins.
Did you see the NJ show way back when?
Take it from a gal born and bred here, it was hardly the state's best foot forward. It, too, played into some of the usual jokes and stereotypes. And the visit to Asbury Park? Ouch. That said, it didn't exactly make us want to slice ourselves in the porkroll -- we got the show we pretty much would expect "No Reservations" to do. Tony's not exactly gonna smile for the cameras while strolling on Cape May's boardwalk and lauding the taste of the salt water taffy.
February 27, 2008 1:14 PM
D said:
Where is the freedom of speech this country brags about in US Constitution?
If we felt we were wronged why not saying it out loud? And you the ones calling romanians have no knowledge about this nation and its people. Read again you might find it exactly the opposite and this is WRONG!
We don't need no apologiez nor we look for someone to blame, we expected the truth and we were VERY disappointed. My husband and I are fans of the show and this one, by far, was the worst show ever and it's not only because of a russian guide, but very very poor organization and little to no research as is Anthony's job to do. We romanians are the first to admit how much our country has to catch up with others after so much people ahve been suffering during comunism times.
And you people take this as a joke, and had so much fun looking down at others....and this is what I find UNACCEPTABLE. Yeah is just a show and there's no need to make a big deal about. But that show did not represent Romania, and obviously after reading some posts here, people do get the wrong idea, and its all thanks to you Tony. And this is my point and probably other's: you sent the the wrong message with this show !!!
February 27, 2008 1:16 PM
Zamir4president said:
Ive watched the show for two seasons now and the Romania show is my all time favorite!! Zamir is such a wreak, I LOVE him, from his halloween costume to his classic "Wheres Dacha car" as he stumbles away from butchers!!! I laughed for hours about the show, told all my friends its a must watch. King Zamir on his back choking down that huge sausage, it dosnt get better then that!!
Rock on Tony, Love the show, !#$! reverence!!
February 27, 2008 1:22 PM
Elena said:

After reading the comments I agree with all the negative responses on the Romania episode. I will never understand the humor of this episode. It was painfull to watch.
I also understand the bad time you had Tony. That is only because you took a Russian to show the world Romania.
You must show and explain the rich history and traditions of that country. It used to be the "Bread Basket Of Europe" untill the Russian government wiped it dry. The warm and genuine people who are willing to share the little they have with theire guest. They have been humiliated enough by the Russians.
I know you can do it. I've watched you go to so many other places and explain your experiences and allow the viewer to understand what is happening and why.
I'll be watching your show and expect another visit.
With the right people showing you the way I know YOU will have a great time as well.
February 27, 2008 1:24 PM
Dana M said:
I am pround to be Romanian! How can an ignorant American like Anthony can understand the culture and traditios of a nation when America does not have any of those. To say that our food is primitive, that's not true and very rude. He was lucky to eat organic food without paying the price! That poor lady invited him in her house , cooked all day for him and also show him the tradions of the area and he did not know to appreciate that. They sacrifice a pig for him and wear national costumes and smiled to him even they did not speak the language. What more they could do? They gave their best! If you did not like our food why you did not look for some maccdonalds junk, it is all over there for our American turists. You liked better the raw fish and snake you ate in China. This was not primitive to you because it made television. That's so stupid of you to say that! So you rather prefer a nice looking crap than good food that does not make television.
I don't think he did not see good nice places but he showed us the worst part because he was pissed Romanians did not welcome him the way he wanted. Well, nobody will kiss your feet and call you king there!
I did like the Russian guy because he knew to have fun. He was not maybe the best choice for Romania tour but he was funny at least.
I looked at them last night how they were eating the soups and I would have liked to be there. Those soups are so good! Bucharest has so many nice places and he found some old buildings and a waterhole in the street to put on camera. Why he did not show some Romanian houses, not only from the villages but from the cities. We have so nice, strong houses over there not cheap houses like America has 80%.
Now that I saw what you said about us, Romanians I wonder who's f%#^d up and what the hell happened with you?
February 27, 2008 1:29 PM
Stevo said:
The funny thing is the show started in Bucharest and in the first minute of it Bourdain said on a pissed tone someting like ---"This stray and distant place" Was Asia or Ghana not distant?????ha ha ha
How is NY or any other possible nice city in a rainy november day???All happy and colourfull?

I find the best in all locations and all countries, and dislike people having a stupid opinion after they spend 5 minutes in a new place.
PS: Romania has historical restaurants and culinary dishes older than United States as a country itself.
Long live the Hamburger!-culinary superiority at its best.
February 27, 2008 1:42 PM
Jeremy said:
Tony - I love your show and have read your books. Your blog about the Romania show is exactly why I am a fan. Thanks for not sugar coating anything.
February 27, 2008 1:51 PM
Marina Motiu Amin said:
I thought the show was hilarious! My father was Romanian, from Transylvania actually, and I grew up in Detroit surrounded by Romanian refugees. I loved them all, they were like family to me, but they were a suspicious lot, perhaps due to the maniacal rule of Ceausescu. The food? All I can say is "unt", the one word that is used for fats of all kinds, from lard to butter. Need I say more? Well ok, there is a certain charm to a big hunk of slanina (bacon) being blackened over an open fire and served on bread with a fat slice of onion,chased down with a cold beer. Carcinogens, fat and alcohol, the holy trinity of my youth! At any rate, I was not offended by the show. Stuff does happen when you travel and not every experience is going to be idyllic. Next time, bring a Romanian, not a Russian, as your guide. And learn how to pronounce tuica!
February 27, 2008 1:59 PM
Lauren Paterson said:
I have to say I thought it was great!!! I was laughing my butt off at the looks you were giving on your face and the things you said.If people think it is a Mary Poppins type of place they are very wrong and to act like it is would be false advertisement.As bad of a time as you might have had I have to say I thought it was quite entertaining.Even Zamir cracked me up.You have to deal with what you have and do the best with it.If people are going to be so up tight about the show and get offended easily maybe they should read what it says before the show starts about might not be sutible for all viewers.I think what you do and where you go has been great.I love the show and would love to travel with you and explore the foods and cultures.You're the best Anthony Bourdain!!! Keep it up!! Lauren
February 27, 2008 2:04 PM
E Iacob said:
Dear Sir
I believe you got very upset right from the beginning when they did not let you film in Bucharest. Everything from there went down the drain. You picked the worse scenes of your entire vacation and armed with that you put together a PAYBACK SHOW. It is so obvious! I am sorry that you did not have the right approvals for filming at that location. I wonder who is to blame. I also understand from other comments that you did film at other locations is just that you refused to air it. I also understand that you refused to visit many other places suggested to you. And I understand that it was unnecessary for you to purchase any car since you had 4 brand new vehicles in your motorcade. But of course you had to go through riding in a carriage and purchasing a 30 year old car…because what else would make the payback sweeter?
Narrow minded, don’t you think?
February 27, 2008 2:07 PM
teacher said:
`Tony, do you have a college degree?:) Did you finish high school?
February 27, 2008 2:10 PM
Lisa Deeley Smith said:
The only solution, Tony, is to go back. Go with my sister-in-law, who lives in Pennsylvania, grew up in Romania, and knows how to cook.
February 27, 2008 2:17 PM
Mrs. G said:
Like so many people on this blog, I waited excitedly for this show and was absolutely horrified by what you portrayed. You say you have no responsibility to show the good in a country? Millions watch your show and now many people will never visit Romania because of your "opinions". You should have known better than to take Zamir with you. It was embarrassing to watch. I wouldn't even go to New York without a local's opinion. Why would you go to Romania with a Russian? And why would you visit that rediculous hotel? I spent three weeks in Romania this last year and I had a spectacular time. I'm very sad that you had a bad time and I'm even more sad that people who watched this show have a bad opinion now. What a shame. What an utter shame.
February 27, 2008 2:23 PM
Anonymous said:
C'mon guys. Romania didn't look that bad. It was Zamir that looked like an a-hole. Got what he deserved if you ask me...
February 27, 2008 2:28 PM
Philippe said:
February 27, 2008 2:36 PM
yet another romanian said:
Did any of the crew members, Tony included, read all these 207 messages?
Care to comment?
February 27, 2008 3:01 PM
Candice said:
That has to be one of the funniest episodes I have seen. Zamir is just way too funny when he's drunk. My sister and I could no stop laughing at his drunk %#!. Good televison, good television.
February 27, 2008 3:08 PM
Chesh said:
I find it ironic that the last two shows inspired the most hate mail:
After the Jamaica espisode viewers were upset because Anthony did not visit enough tourist desinations and in Romainia he visited too many! Damned if you do and Damned if you don't.
I guess next time...When in Romania, do as the Romanians! (come on now - how come someone before me couldn't have cracked that stupid pun - it's time to lighten up.)
February 27, 2008 3:12 PM
Anonymous said:
So you claim you travel to discover what's different, fresh, odd, and authentic about cuisines and cultures. Not this time. It hurt to see a culture trashed so miserably, to see you with a guide who did not speak, understand or was even open to it, who got drunk, rented a lemon and ate sausages while rolling like a pig. You were consistently biased, angry, at best condescending. Shame on you ! Nobody expects you to advertise a culture in the best light but this ?! squalid image, this is not a presentation any culture deserves. Just for the sake of an equivalent, I'll take a nobody from the Bronx, get into some food joints, get drunk,and talk about America and claim it's authentic. It sure is but also grossly biased since America is so much more than this. I hope this parallel hurt you a little.
February 27, 2008 3:15 PM
a romanian in NY said:
I just have to throw my 2 cents in.
While I thought the show was hilarious and Zamir quite a good sport, I got deeply upset by the blog posting.
On camera it seemed that you enjoyed the food. Here you write that it sucked. Where lies the truth?
You made a lot of bad choices indeed. It's like if I would show the entire world this America: I'll try to film without a permit at the African burial ground, take a stroll in Corona Queens, go to dinner at Jeckyl and Hyde in NYC and follow that up with a theme restaurant in Salem MA. And that's my America folks! I didn't lie, did I?
What upset so many people was the mockery, Tony. And the total lack of respect for people that opened their door and cooked for you.
I think I read somewhere that you didn't like the idea of going to Romania - meaning that you already were biased from the start. Next time stay true to yourself and never ever again visit that country.
February 27, 2008 3:24 PM
Anonymous said:
I think Romanians must be an angry people to write these things.... The show never claimed to be a sampling of Romania. Of course you're going to have a bad time with a bad guide. This show was Tony's experience and it's really funny! Try and think past your own preconceptions. It shows imagination and character.
February 27, 2008 3:25 PM
Cristinika said:
Fratilor, ne meritam soarta! Omu' s-a dus in Bucuresti si n-a fost primit in restaurant nici atunci cand erau locuri libere! Asta este Romania, cea mai mare parte a ei! De asta sunteti voi plecati, nu? Ce, vreti sa spuneti ca va mai intoarceti??? Adio!!
February 27, 2008 3:33 PM
Delia said:
I am not going to repeat what other viewers have already said about this show and list what was wrong about it - I am just trying to find an answer to some of the questions this show has raised.
What credibility has a journalist who intentionally spoils the image of a country who tries hard to overcome the inheritance of an unfortunate past? A journalist who mocks this country and its people (he knows nothing about and doesn’t even care to), who throughout the entire show TRULY- has “No Reservations” in displaying a bored and overly condescending –if not insulting- attitude towards his hosts and their country?
What professional journalist/TV host has as “guide and good pal” a lousy drunk, slumped over a bench while still pouring alcohol down his throat?!
I just wonder…
What is sad is what AB accomplished with his “work’: people who have never set foot in Romania take his show and his words for true, promise never to put Romania on their future trip destinations and call Romanian viewers (who responded to this “mockumetary” ) “racists” and “angry people”.
Way to go Bourdain!
February 27, 2008 3:34 PM
Jessy said:
I thought this was one of the funniest episodes yet! I loved the fact that Tony didn't pretend to be having fun during such ridiculous times. How could you force yourself to do such things? Like he has stated, if you wanna see that, you can see it elsewhere. That's why I love this's real. And nothing beats a good ol' "Tony Rant"!
February 27, 2008 3:40 PM
Jane said:
It seems to me that all these negative comments are one thing and one thing only. A highly organized smear campaign. It takes a certain type of people to do such a thing... I think that all these responses paint a far worse picture of the Romanian people than the show or Tony's blog ever did.
But seriously, it's a TV show. Lighten up people.
February 27, 2008 3:43 PM
Chira said:
I don't even know where to begin.
I've read most of the comments above, I've seen every episode of No Reservations, traveled to many countries, live in Tony's beloved NYC, and was born in Romania.
Like many, I'm appalled! It's not that Romania is the best place on earth, it's simply the fact that you miserably misrepresented a beautiful country that has so much to offer, all with the help of a Russian. My American boyfriend and I always loved your wit and intelligence. For someone who prides himself on being a world traveler and writer, you would think you (or at least your producers) would've done a tiny bit of homework to know that Russians HATE Romanians. Like most of the people above I ask myself, why in God's name would you take a Russian to show you around Romania?
My boyfriend and I went there for 2 weeks a few months ago and I have to say we were both pleasantly surprised at the delicious food, amazing nightlife, beautiful beaches, hospitality, architecture and just plain FUN we had! I hadn't been back in years and gave him warnings out of fear he would hate it. The man was in love! He couldn't believe how amazing of a time we had. We returned to NY and every week he can't wait to go to my mother's house to eat more Romanian food. I am finally learning to cook myself at the ripe age of 28, all because we both enjoyed the fresh, deliciously juicy and hearty food so much. We can't wait to go back and do more.
Every country has bad parts, dirty people, gross food... but did you honestly have to pick everything that made my amazing country appear as the worst place on earth? Everything was just plain wrong!
Bucharest is being "redone", you chose to make the streets look like dirt roads. You ate mici from a street vendor... unlike NY where you can get a dirty water hot dog like the locals, Romanians don't eat from those vendors. Perhaps gypsies, but not Romanians. It's funny, you walked around Lipscani St., and we thought for sure you would go to Caru cu Bere, a famed, gorgeous beer hall dating back to the 1800s where you can find delicious food, great beer in a unique interior, where afternoons are lazy and evenings are full of laughter and fun. Or to go to one of the absolutely gorgeous and well manicured parks in Bucharest where you can eat in 4* restaurants on the lake with amazing views of the city, and proceed to dance your bum off at one of the many night spots. Instead you ate at some gypsy vendor off the street. Joke is on you, I guess.
You failed to show the beautiful architecture of Bucharest. Or the surreal churches and monasteries of the countryside. You made it seem like Romania doesn't even have car rental places. Or rather, you allowed your pig of a friend to mock a poor man who probably fed his family for months with the money for that car. I have tons of family in Romania and I can say that no one owns a Dacia like that anymore. And I've never met a Romanian who doesn't welcome visitors like long lost family into their home. As a kid I always thought everyone was trying to show off the little they had during communism. I now know that offering the best of what they have in their home is what Romanians always do out of respect and love for others. My boyfriend was in awe at how welcome he felt by everyone; from family to random people we met at bars and on the beach.
Again, like many others, I appreciate your honestly in your program, but this show was nothing about honesty. I've lived in NY almost my whole life and went back to Romania as an American, speaking only in English so my boyfriend would understand. I can tell you that a ton of people speak English, we were never treated bad, in fact they catered to our needs more than I would've ever expected. I wish I could send you some of the pictures we took.
My boyfriend and I are in Advertising and he's also a photographer on the side. For Christmas this year, everyone from both our families received framed pictures from Romania from us because they were that beautiful.
I got my whole family excited about your show and everyone watched. I never thought that I would watch in tears and my boyfriend in disgusted awe at your portrayal. My poor grandparents, both in their 80's, wept to see their homeland shamed like that. And no, we didn't leave the country because it's a mess, we left it with great sadness during communism. I have the fondest memories as a little girl in Romania. I had the best summers by the sea and the most beautiful winters in the mountains.
I realize that much of what went wrong is not Tony's fault. I wish you would've been a little more respectful and had done a little bit of your homework though. Still, whether it's the Travel Channel or you Tony, there is plenty of evidence in the comments above to persuade you to give it another try at another time, and leave your little fat friend home where he belongs. If you need a decent person to show you around, let me know.
I tried to watch your show on Tuscany about an hour ago. I lived and studied in Florence and love watching anything related to that part of Europe. Unfortunately, I couldn't enjoy it anymore. I hope to forget how the Travel Channel has ridiculed my native country one of these days.
And to those of you who feel some of the comments by Romanians or people who enjoyed Romania are out of control, we're not. We're just extremely sad and disappointed.
February 27, 2008 3:44 PM
Good Show said:
I didn't think the show was that hard on Romania. Tony was never mean to the Romanian people! He was angry at Zamir and it showed. When someone who is a trusted friend takes you somewhere you go along with it. That's Tony's motto. Zamir screwed up this time and Tony was forced to deal with the consequences. Besides it's a funny show and I loved it!
February 27, 2008 3:45 PM
Anonymous said:
If I were tony I certainly wouldn't want to go back to Romania after what I've read here. Doesn't exactly seem like a friendly place...
February 27, 2008 3:52 PM
Erin said:
Keep doing what you're doing. It's why this blog has been up for a day and already has 230 posts. People watch your show because you're honest.
February 27, 2008 3:57 PM
Estera Salters said:
The only thing I can say, is that you got what you deserved, for going to Bucuresti. You never go to Bucharest when you go to Romania. There are much better, interesting places to visit, like the moldovian side, Transilvania, Constanta, etc. I grew up in Romania, been gone for 10 year now. When I visit I try to stay away from Bucharest. Better luck next time. You should have done your homework before you decided to take on a trip like that. I feel sorry for you. But I'm glad you experienced the real Bucharest.
February 27, 2008 3:57 PM
Chesh said:
Honestly - did Chira just twice in one message make derogatory comments about the Gypsies?!!!!
February 27, 2008 3:58 PM
june-baby said:
Wow, alot of negative comments here after Tony wrote his blog on the Romania episode.
I'am going to give a positive one. I was quite fond of this episode it was funny I thought, because I believe Tony showed all the things that went wrong when he was in Romania he did say on the train "What could possibly go wrong". Well everything went wrong Tony showed the funny side of what could go wrong when traveling and it does not have to be overseas it could happen while traveling in the good ole U.S.A.
Yes, Zamir may have not been the best choice for a fixer Tony even addmitted that, but I love Zamir he is a hoot to watch on camera. He has a wonderful sense of Humor.
Hey maybe Tony did Romania a favor, now the Romanian Tourist Board will be bumbarded with foreigners who want to travel to the country and see it for themselves. That would be good for Romanian's economy.
Tony you still have a avid fan in me I will continue to watch No Reservations. So keep on doing what you love to do "write, travel and being hungry for more".
February 27, 2008 4:14 PM
Chira in response to Chesh said:
I wonder Chesh, how is "don't cry me a river, you adopted your son OUT of there for a reason" supposed to make Romanians feel?
Check your own insults before you decide to comment on others'.
February 27, 2008 4:15 PM
This is hilarious said:
I've been to Romania, and let me put it this way -- the best part about the place was the scenery i.e. NOTHING to do w/ it's people or anything they create (like food). Romanian forests, mountains, rivers? Nice. The people? Food? Not so much. I found Romanians to be angry, insecure, and petty -- but figured it may have just been my bad luck. By the looks of the Romanian contingent on this blog -- unfortunately I was dead on. I'm sure there are cool Romanians somewhere...and they're probably playing backgammon w/ Yeti.
February 27, 2008 4:21 PM
Fabby said:
Hey Tony!!
Love your Honesty and that is why I am an avid fan, You did look very miserable as I watched the show but heck at least Samir got wasted LOL. Great show love your bluntness!!
February 27, 2008 4:28 PM
Chesh said:
Chira, Joe commented that his son had been done irreparble damage by the show. That was simply a ridiculouse statement. If Joe has spent a life time telling him how much he enjoyed his trip I'm sure this one TV show did no more damage than watching the Count on Sesame Street! He did a wonderful thing by adopting a child out of a place (at that time) not able to care for him.
Did you also read that I repected Romanians for exibiting the true spirit of democracy when they over-threw the dictator. Sheez - now I see how he felt when he pissed you all off!
Anytime you want to insult the town/state/country I grew up in go right ahead. I am aware of the faults and I still love it. That is Democracy. You can stand up for the place you love and still not insult the peasants!
February 27, 2008 4:29 PM
just me said:
I keep reading that people loved your honesty. Did anybody from Romania did something bad to you or you just woke up with a bad headache and decided to trash my country. It looks like your plans where not rosy from the begining and I hope next time a vampire gets you...
Just me
February 27, 2008 4:54 PM
to jane said:
No...YOU lighten up!! You just don't get it and you won't, so stop trying. I don't see whats wrong with them telling the truth as it was...the show was a big disappointment for romanians and thats what they have been posting. I don't understand where the angry the racist and highly organized campaign (haha thats a real good one) came from. They were just saying their opinion just like you. You however are judging them without having the minimal idea about who and how they are. Is soo much easier to throw stones than actually try to understand their pain, you should be ashamed!
February 27, 2008 4:55 PM
Tina Bartlett said:
People!!! Please you act like this was a live or die episode for most of you. Man I watch to enjoy seeing the beauty of other places. And its nice to see that sometimes it doesn't always go the way you planned... its nice to see human nature and imperfection it makes it more real. I feel bad for the ones who tuned for a life altering view. Maybe we should sit back and give a sigh of relief that hey he is human and like all of us. Would we like all our trips to be on tape? I am sure we all have a few of those moments in our PRIVATE video libraries! Keep up the Great work TONY!!!!!!!!!!
February 27, 2008 5:09 PM
Mark922 said:
You have noone to blame but yourself, Tony. You screwed up. How you can visit the birthplace of pastrami and the cradle of all Eastern European Jewish cuisine and not have even a little nosh is beyond me.
You went looking for kitsch and you found it. Lo and behold, it was kitschy.
February 27, 2008 5:09 PM
Fram Spoker said:
The episode was very funny, mainly because of the russian guy who doesn't know much about Romania but pretends to give you "the best tour". Next time I come to America remind me to take an iraqi as my guide.
It's very funny that all foreigners that come here visit first "The Dracula Castle", a castle that actually has another name, "Bran Castle". We only call it "Dracula Castle" because that's all that people like you know about Romania - a fake story written by Bram Stoker, who btw was not romanian. You should read some real history, not fantasy books.
All in all, great show. Before the show you knew that we are bad people and we were sure that you are very superficial. Nothing changed after watching this...
February 27, 2008 5:11 PM
Chira said:
When people speak out of anger, they sometimes say things that are taken out of context. I apologize for offending anyone with my comments, I do. I have absolutely nothing against the gypsies. If anything, I feel bad for them.
I can also say many bad things about my own people. Sometimes I feel things were better during communism. That may be taken out of context too, but I think many Romanians can sympathize with that. Romanians can be corrupt and nasty. But as some put it, it's after years of living under extreme control... they finally have "freedom" and a lot of them don't know what to do with it. Many will do whatever it takes to get their share. When I went to Romania in August, my parting impression was that they still have a ways to go. I may have had a great time, but I came with $ and an American passport. I have family and friends who are now rich for Romanian standards and we had the luxury of being shown around by people who know the country well and can point out all the ways to truly enjoy the place. I can see how someone going there for the first time, unprepared, can have a terrible vacation. It is, after all, still a very poor country.
I think what angered and saddened me the most though is that Romania is not a country that gets a lot of recognition or airtime. Many of us were hopeful to finally have a show about the country from a reputable source and hoped everyone would have a great time and America would see what a wonderful place Romania can be. And after going there and having a great time, and with all my fond memories, the show was heartbreaking to watch. Maybe I'm just naive, but the fact is you can have a wonderful time in Romania. I'm sad that Tony & crew had such a horrible experience!
I think if all the Romanians took a step back, they would somewhat feel the same. Our anger comes from a place of shame and hopelessness; I had so much damn hope for this show. It's really not that we're angry people. We love Tony's show and had the best hopes that he would enjoy our country the way we know one could. Instead we got a show that showed the absolute worst our country has to offer. People are commenting that they would rather eat fermented hog or whatever instead of go to Romania. Seriously, that's just horribly sad when you see it from our perspective.
February 27, 2008 5:13 PM
Cali said:
A few things:
1. Many people need to change in Romania, is true, but at the same time I can show you many people with similar character in California where I live; truth is that buttheads are everywhere.
2. Romanians have been burned by foreigners for oh about 2000 years now so they are still weary; you should have had a Romanian guide with you.
2. You went during the fall; you should have gone in late spring or summer; that is when Western Europeans go to Romania; it's warm and sunny during that time.
3. The show spent 1/2 an hour on a cheesy party; did you experience the night life in Bucharest? Also, you didn't spend a minute at the mountain resorts, in the Danube Delta or at the Black Sea; did you see any of the monasteries? What about the medieval towns in Transylvania?
4. Why did the crew film through the parts of Bucharest under reconstruction? There was a huge ditch behind you at one point. You missed the parks, you missed the classy neighborhoods, you missed the museums and you definitely missed the restaurants... except for the one with the weird lady.
February 27, 2008 5:22 PM
To Chesh said:
I'm only going to speak in my name. No, I did not get pissed at all, actually I find some of the comments here far more insulting. The show was a big disappointment, and it was the worst i've seen. And is not because he didn't show the BMW's, Mercedes and the 5* hotles and bars, but nothing that he did film really showed romanian tradition and culture (except few minutes). Honestly, evev if I wouldn't hve been romanian,I would still think the show was poorly made and not really interesting. And saying my opinion it does not mean that I'm bulling people or Tony around (thats for the person that said it).
February 27, 2008 5:23 PM
Laura Mc said:
Holy crap. I hope all you people are as involved in politics as you are on this site. IT'S A T.V. SHOW, FOR CHRISSAKE!
I love AB and NR about as much as any entertainment out there, and I love the blogs and discussions, but holy cow - the world would be a better place if y'all took all of this energy and devoted it to something more productive than a Travel Channel message board....
Sir Bourdain - as far as I'm concerned, anybody who kindly and graciously consumes Seared Boar Sphincter, Dirt Omlette, Squeezle Stew, and Dead Chicken Single-Malt has earned his Good Guest and Earnest Eater PhD. If you say (or otherwise indicate) that something sucks, I pretty much believe it sucks.
There are good and bad parts of EVERY place - we all know that. And if the "touristy" parts of Romania are pretty much designed to f*ck the Great American Tourist, that says something about how welcoming the country cares to be, apparently. Appalled Romanians, take note - PILLORY YOUR TOURIST BOARD, NOT THE TRAVELERS! Tourists shouldn't have to launch an expedition to "find the culture". I love to comb the back alleys, but I don't think my grandmother should have to do that when she travels just to be treated decently.
So thanks for portraying you trip honestly...again. It's what we rely on.
February 27, 2008 5:23 PM
Dan said:
I keep reading from your fans, who maybe never left their country, that they love your “honesty”, and I cannot keep me from laughing. I have a simple question for them: How do they know that you are honest, because I’m sure you are not? I visited Romania three times and I know how it looks better than you.
Are you “honest” because you shoot some houses in Bucharest where nobody is living, drive a 30-year old car and complain about its vibrations, eat at the first corner of the street where the alcoholics or homeless use to go, drink with your friend a lot trying to be funny at those hospitable peasants who didn’t understand what you said?
Of course, for your low IQ fans this is sensational, and it is another “proof” of your "honesty". Keep doing “the good work”! I am disgusted about your ‘funny show”, and never see any of your shows! Keep them happy with other sensational lies.
February 27, 2008 5:24 PM
Ioana said:
After spending two days reading all these comments, all there is left to be said is a huge BRAVO! to all Romanians that stood up for their country. Chira, you are particularly amazing.
However... No one was angry, we were just making an effort to give a different perspective on Romania to the narrow minded who believe that Tony's experience there equals Romania. Yes, Tony, the show with your name on the title did a bad job: no thinking ahead, no research! You just put yourself in that situation and obviously, you did not have the professionalism improve (for your name sake).
In 2003 I spent 5 weeks in Romania and traveled all over the country, from Bucharest to Satu Mare and Black Sea. Aside from Sibiu, my hometown, I was a tourist like everybody else. I was shocked to read Tony's blog about the bad public service, mostly because 5 years ago everything was great: restaurants were private, waiters couldn't be friendlier and almost jumped to serves us. I was pleasantly surprised by the improvements in all these services. As far as the food goes, we do have various and complex recipes and, best of all Romanians make some of the best home-made pastries and deserts that taste as good as they look (by comparison with the chocolate chip cookies in US). If in my message above I suggested a re-do of the show, now I really believe that nobody there should make the effort to receive you as an honor guest, you had your chance and blew it.
Although, I had an attempt too, I don't think I would be able to watch your show from now on, so its going to be cut off my recording list. Maybe, this will be after all, as you anticipated, the end of your TV career!
Best of luck with countries that you like better!
February 27, 2008 5:33 PM
Anonymous said:
who ever higher this arrogant idiot stupid to make international traveling cooking show ?
February 27, 2008 5:35 PM
Mike said:
Was going to Romania around Halloween (which Romanians don't celebrate) your choice or the producers'?
You argue that you included the whole Dracula thing because of the "resurgent Dracula-based tourist industry". I think you included it because you planned to include it beforehand.
You claim you present things as they were and show your personal experiences, not lying about them. Here is the issue with authenticity. You show your personal, TRUTHFUL EXPERIENCES, but in PRE-DETERMINED SETTINGS. What is truthful about that?
I see a lot of suggestion here you could have gone somewhere else. Why didn't you? If you view yourself as free from the constraints of promotional tourism, why did you follow the same themes and locations as Michael Palin in his episode on Romania? Were you free or not in your choices?
Everybody who claims Anthony was truthful, think about that. As well as my previous question- why were the license plates on the car you bought and the car that broke down different?
February 27, 2008 5:36 PM
Lorand said:
Wow, I am amazed how much reaction the show generated here. I got curious after I watched it the other day, so I came here.
Let me throw in my opinion then:
It wasn't worth watching.
I am a hungarian myself, but somewhat familiar with Romania (well, more with the Transylvanian province in fact) since it is next door to Hungary.
Two things:
First: the russian guy (very bad choice indeed for a guide anywhere in Eastern Europe) kept saying 'comrades'. Well, let me tell you, nobody is using that word in Eastern Europe since 20 years ago. Very bad memories. For those who are old enough anyway. The rest never even heard it probably.
And if You, as a foreigner tried using it, the locals would just think you're an idiot. But, if You are a russian, using the WORD would amount to an outright insult.
Second: while it is absolutely true that the tourist industry sucks in Eastern Europe in general (not only in Romania), the show just displayed the usual attitude what Eastern Europe as a whole usually gets from the so-called highly developed nations. Mockery, criticism, always trying to point out the poverty and backwardness of Eastern Europe.
The fact that most of these countries are nowadays part of the European Union (including Romania) and all of them score high on the human development index (including Romania) doesn't really matter, does it? Eastern Europe might not be as rich as Luxembourg, but how come that when visiting Ghana or Namibia, the incredible poverty there (or eating wild pig feces with the bushmans) is a HERITAGE thing, whereas the poverty stricken villages and people of Eastern Europe can be subject to mockery 'cause they are just backward...?
And finally, to the romanians: relax, people. There is no use arguing.
It'll take another 50 years for the stereotypes to be forgotten.
Aldott jo napot mindenkinek.
February 27, 2008 5:51 PM
Chesh said:
Thank you Chira,your last comment was realy nice, you put it very elloquently and I really hope things continue to improve in Romania. Every one here has had wonderful things to say about the country-side and I would like to see it someday. Anthony's show did not disuade me from that. - Best to you!
February 27, 2008 5:52 PM
Anonymous said:
I have mixed feeling about the show.
Tony did whatever he could with what it was offered to him but I strongly believe that if he had a Romanian guy to show him around he would have had a better time and he would have discovered interesting foods.
Jaristea is such a kitschy restaurant. A better choice would have been Casa Doina on Kisselef, the hangout of the American ambassador in Bucharest.
Or Irisa, on Gen. Vladoianu, a place where I always had good food and the staff is friendly.
Burebista restaurant at least, across from the American embassy would have had boar steak and alike...
For dessert "papanas" should have been a must, along with Dobosh tort, cremsnit to name a few.
And it is not true we don't eat veggies: it's all we ate during the communist times when meat was scarce. The vegetarian dishes are not entirely authentic though, having strong influences from our neighbors.
Cabbage a la Cluj is good, and then there is "zacusca", the "tocanitza", the "ciulama" with mushrooms, a dish that sort of taste like New England clam chowder, "ghiveci".
Romanian food is not sophisticated, but it is not primitive either. It is probably in the same league with other European foods. And you know what they say about English food, why England conquered the world... in search for decent food.
And I agree, Sibiu or Brasov should have been a must or Sighisoara for that matter.
February 27, 2008 5:53 PM
Anonymous said:
I agree very much so with Chira. Our disappointment comes from the let-down of such a reputable traveler who could have done so much more with his time in Romania (without acting out of the character that all of his fans love) but instead embarrassed us horribly. When is Romania ever on tv?? And on the Travel Channel no less... Our country is not a well-renowned, beloved destination such as Italy or Greece, but neither are most of the locations Mr. Bourdain visits.
It was quite clear from everyone's postings that we had high hopes and respected Mr. Bourdain, and are simply expressing our sadness and disappointment with the whole affair, and the reactions of his cult following to our jumping to defend a place we love against the insults of those who know nothing about it. It has nothing to do with an "angry", "racist" people, or "thin skins", or no sense of humor. And the accusations of conspiring a massive smear campaign are beyond ridiculous. We feel disrespected by the show, the blog, and the posted responses that ensued from both.
February 27, 2008 5:57 PM
Andrea said:
Ha Ha!! That was hilarious! You are f#!%ing awesome!
February 27, 2008 5:57 PM
Kris said:
What a load of bollocks!
I'm currently travelling to every EU Capital City without a penny in my pocket, it's a challenge to raise money for the charity, Cancer Research UK.
I'm 16 countries in, and I can tell you that Romanians are the friendliest, msot helpful people I've come across on the trip.
I wouldn't expect an american travelling with a load of money and prejudices to get that though.
February 27, 2008 5:58 PM
Anonymous said:
The thing is.
Romania or Romanians in general don t care about tourism.
They don t make good money out of it, they never did. All those restaurants are mainly for romanian tourism.
Many international vistors apreciate Romania EXACTLY for this reason-no kitchy tourism.-No theme park, fake walls buildings as in Orlando.
It is so hard to find that in Romania.....yet Tony found it:)-exactly the person I expected the least.
Ask any Romanian, they don t give a ..... about foreigners visiting their country, actually they do just well without them.
Nobody will welcome you with a shitty arrogant atitude from the start.
ps to Tony; The Dracula theme it nowhere close to be popular and suported by the Romanian tourism.-you were wrong again
That hotel you found is a rarity.
Advice: the best tourism in Romania is the rural one, where you go in the country side in peasant houses and you live with them for few days.Real simple life in beautifull scenery with tradional food cooked in front of your eyes.
February 27, 2008 6:01 PM
No name said:
Since your show is primarily about cuisine, instead of focusing on Dracula's blood that your Russian(?) friend was drinking you could have made the show about the great diversity of Romanian food.
I think it is very interesting how it combines many cultures. You mentioned Turkish and showed some "uninteresting" ciorba-s derived from the Turkish Çorba (pronounced "chorba"). However, there is plenty more musaca- "moussaka", halva - "khalva".
Jewish influences include the pastrami (surely you have heard of it before, why not mention its origins) and supa cu galuste (very similar to matzoh ball soup).
I can't recall if you showed the sarma, but I think it's a food worth mentioning since it exists in some 16 cuisines. Surely, all of them primitive as well.
In parts of Transylvania you would also have been able to find Serbian, Hungarian and German food- Pleskavica (the Serbian hamburger as an interesting alternative to McDonald's); Goulash (again a variation of a wide-spread food); Schnitzel (again, this can also come in fast-food form).
So there, you could have made this show instead. Rather than the Dracula theme- the theme of a true "melting pot" cuisine, typical of most of Eastern Europe.
February 27, 2008 6:06 PM
Gigi Guma said:
What a hell happened to you? What were you thinking when you took Zamir with you to Romania,as a old friend and guide? Let me make a sugestion to you:get a local guide when you go to a foreign country. It should've been Zamfir not Zamir. Probably you'll not understand what i'm talking about but there are a lot of people that do.There are a lot of bloggers happy with the show and the romanian dump that was captured during that show. What kills me is that nobody sees the trash on their own back yard?! The show sucked and Zamir made a fool out of himself. I can't believe you guys didn't film in Brasov.You just blew by it. All the beautiful places were left out of the picture. That is one of the most beautiful city in Romania and nothing was said and filmed about it. You know, the difference between Romania and other countries is that if you want a good quality meal you have to wait. Bugs, snakes, dogs and cats even bats are not on the menu. We didn't lower our standards that bad.
Did you have fun driving that car? How come you guys didn't try to rent that Chevy Camaro that was filmed on the very first part of your show? Zamir's idea again? He made a fool out of you.
I watched the show and i was very dissapointed of what i've seen. I'm proud of my country and i'll be 'til the day i die. I don't think you are the most qualified person to point fingers at something you don't know nothing about. I live in United States and i see what is happening here. The way the things are going pretty soon you'll have a lot of material to cover in your own back yard.I'm telling you this with NO RESERVATIONS...........
I liked your shows and i watched them all the time. But from now on i can pass...i can tune on something more interesting. I really don't have too much time to waist watching bad shows that drive your ratings down. Probably when you quit smoking something bad happened up there in your box. Not a lot of people cope very well when they don't get their nicotine rations.
Look at the blogs....You emberessed everyone from Romania that lives abroad, in the United States.
Anthony, that show sucked!!!!! Zamir sucked and you became something else in the eyes of lots of people that used to watch your shows religiously.
February 27, 2008 6:24 PM
Dojo said:
Anthony one shouldn't visit a country when one has a migrane or a bad guide ;)
No offence, but you were having a bad time from the moment you stepped into the country. You had a drunken guide who's not able to speak Romanian and can't even bring you to some decent places. Astoria Cafe? Dear: many of us WON'T go in such horrid dumps, no offence. Do you need good restaurants? We do have them. Do you need such lousy dumps? it looks like you've already found them.
The Romanian cuisine doesn't rely ONLY on pork, "mici" and tripe soup. From your face in the show, it seems like they were pretty OK. We do recommend you more things we can cook and they are very delicious. But you do need to get to some good places and not third class drinking "cafes" as you tried.
The Dracula myth is as idiotic as it can be. Vlad Tepes was one of the best rules in our small "countries" and he really gave the Turks a run for their money. His impaling habits were learned while a kid, when he was in their capital. So he's not the inventor, just a person who kinda used this a lot. And before you roll your eyes even more, imagine it was the Middle Ages, remember? Killing? Torture?
The entire Dracula "park' is in my opinion an idiotic way to make the Bran castle another DisneyLand with all the carton heroes and kitsch. Personally I have no respect for such things, but it looks like it's good for tourists who've seen too much of Bram Stokers stuff.
The Bran castle is a very nice one, you cannot tell me in all honesty you thought it crappy, it would change my opinion.
The Dacia you used is 20-30 years old. I assume in your country you also have some old used cars. Maybe pushing a car is not something you'd do only in Romania, but maybe I am wrong and all of your countrymen use 2008 Mercedes cars and they are of course perfect.
Yes, you were totally unprepared. Yes, you didn't make the slightest effort to find a competent guide to help you. I have served as a guide for the Garana Jazz Festival for 2-3 years. 2 years ago I was Jean Luc Ponty's guide. I assume you know the jazzman. He was thrilled with the food and hospitality.
We know it's dirty and we are poor. We don't need your show to tell it to us, we know this from our everyday lives. But we do have some awesome places to be seen and we have an excellent cuisine. Even if we are already sick of bio food and fresh veggies, it looks like the tourists always have a blast when we give them food.
As a conclusion since it's 2 in the morning and I have to finish a website for a client, you really seemed totally unprepared. I think it's a good thing to try and visit again. And leave the drunk Russian at home and get a drunk romanian instead :D
February 27, 2008 6:30 PM
Codrina again, again, again... said:
Ok, people. This is the deal. When I was in Florence if you insulted the locals they told you to go home. So, if you don't like Romania, stay the f... home in your little neighborhoods, with your little picket white fences, 2.5 cars, 3.2 kids and 1.2 dogs. OK? If you want to come, by all means, come, visit and enjoy yourselves. If you're gonna b!tch and moan, stay the hell home.
February 27, 2008 6:30 PM
Michael said:
I like all the people that say, "You're diengenuous because when I went _________." Guess what? Not everyone experiences things the way YOU did. Part of it is planning, and part of it is good old fashioned luck. That's life. I've been to places people rave about and have had bad times - yet I've also gone to much maligned places where I've had wonderful times at. Life doesn't unfold in cookie cutter fashion. Some of you people bagging on Tony need to get over yourselves. He's not disputing that the trip was poorly planned -- that doesn't mean whatever did happen didn't occur...and it doesn't mean he couldn't go back and have a better time. There are better ways to show him the error of his ways than to respond like total maniacs -- which the most of you Romanians have done.
February 27, 2008 6:34 PM
D to Mike said:
You know I wouldn't be suprised if any 30 years old dacia would break down, those are not very good cars. But it seems that the whole dacia thing was made on purpose as a joke, not sure who's idea was...
Thats the problem. I am not upset that Tony showed he didn't have a good time. I'm sorry for that even though, is his flaw for not being prepared with research and such, and guided by someone that had very limited knowledge about the place, history and people. In fact I'm not upset at all, just disappointed and disturbed by the message was sent. I know my country very well, and I assume that maybe the guide had no idea where he is going and what he was doing and he barely spoke any romanian to go around. And by the way, as much as I know romanians do not hate russians, they hate comunism and every thing came along with it after. Why would I hate a russian, because our presidents make agreements and such? People have no power over it, especially during comunism!
I really loved his shows but this time, it seems he didn't put much effort in making it an interesting show to watch. Not too much about tradition, little about food and bad locations, to really get a taste of it. And too much of seing someone getting drunk. I don't see whats so funny about that. Was that all there was to do in Romania? I seriously doubt it. And yes romanians have a great sense of humor, and a very colorful language.
February 27, 2008 6:34 PM
Andra said:
I remember a particular show about China and the way you did not left a moment (you nearly stepped on some guest to get to him) or a spot on some VIP's behind (you mentioned 3 times he had lots of money) unkissed. This is the moment I stopped buying your books or watching your shows. I came back for this one show about Romania and I am not dissapointed. You have not changed since China but there is nothing of that earlier Tony that will take out the Christmas Tree in July branch-by-branch or would have dread the moment when he had to eat some hotel manager's pet iguana, nothing left of the old boy on the beach of Normandy...
Romania has suffered 45 years of comunism, what's your excuse Mr Bourdain??
February 27, 2008 7:03 PM
Tiffany said:
Tony, Regardless of whatever fallout, I thought it was a great episode. I still hope to go to Romania one day, but that might just be the history nerd in me and my fascination with Vlad the Impaler.
February 27, 2008 7:05 PM
Tina Bartlett said:
For those who wrote that we must have never left the country because we call your piece of work honest. That is not what was said. I just don't understand why everyone is SO upset. It seems like to many took it so personally and that is what is so mind blowing. Like someone commented earlier its a TV show don't like it???? Click it off. And yes I have traveled out side the country thank-you very much!!
February 27, 2008 7:06 PM
ok said:
Whoever started calling them "Romanians" was wrong. Romaniacs is more like it. Jesus Christ, they're acting as though you conducted a genocide on their people.
February 27, 2008 7:08 PM
alphik said:
You proved nothing else than mediocrity in doing your job! If you think your obvious prejudice and disgust would make you more appealing and interesting, or can stand for "charm"or "honesty", you're wrong. Nobody will expect you to denature your own vision and experience, but showing such narrow limits of your vision, such ignorance that usually is labeled by all Europeans as "stupid American" - just put you at a low level professionally and personally. You demonstrate lack of passion, lack of basic respect, lack of interest and commitment to your own job. You don't look anything more than an old man, existentially bored with himself. Honestly! You owe me as a viewer, respect. Pretending that is a culinary show and showing such poor information on food on the show, is deceiving! You're selling me something that you don't deliver. Whose responsibility is this? Romania's ? That's so pathetic, arrogant and misguided of you to justify your failure by pinning the fault on Romania. It is your problem, which drives me again back to the lack of your professional curiosity and discoverers' spirit. What about Romanian history, traditions, intellectuality, culture? Would you raise your eyebrow wondering what those have to do with food? It was obvious in your show that you don't even bother to find a place for all those within your monocle’s narrow vision. You're judging Romania as the way it "revealed" itself to you, but, mon cher, the lack of professionalism, and the a-priori superficiality with which you approached this country, bring you ironically to the same level of those you are judging. An important issue: you have not done any research about Romania and the subject matter of your interest, which is unacceptable. If you were an amateur posting the shooting on you tube, it would have been ok, but presenting all your unfortunate isolate experience on a channel of great importance, and pretending mirroring a country and its people , it is extremely disrespectful to the viewer who is misguided and torn to such a negative impression, as well as to a whole country. Because Romania is not only as you describe it. You don't leave any opening to the idea that this country might be different of the way you depict it. Through your attitude and disgust, you place yourself in the position of claiming the truth about this country. (you’d need a lot of hypocrisy to deny it). You don't even accept that you might be wrong as if, your unhappy experience is delivered by the country in itself, and not possibly linked to some bad context and conditions(i.e.: the idiot samir). Your decision to have a foreigner presenting a country that he doesn’t know it’s the essential expression of your lack of professionalism and failure, and you cowardly dare to blame the country for not being appealing! If you knew a little bit of history, you would totally reject to have a gypsy russian presenting you Romania. Another important issue: don't confound some precarious restaurants (that can be anywhere in the world) where your russian friend brought you, with the Romanian food. Go in Romanians' houses to see how friendly they are and how great the food tastes. Go in Delta of Danube to see how simple peasants can cook 5 different refined dishes only from fish. Go in the mountains to see what a culinary refinement you can find. Search for the food that Romanians cook specifically for Easter and Christmas to see how rich, tasty, flavored and deep nuances the food can reach. Not at last, read the Romanian culinary book "Bucataria lui Radu" by Radu Roman, to understand that food has to be comprehended socially, historically, anthropologically (there is also a site with this name). You'll find in this book the joy of cooking as a joy of living and some of the most refined Romanian dishes ever created. You ignored all these conditions and proved lack of intellectual elegance and agility. I am not saying that there are not negative aspects in Romania. There is plenty of it, but those negative sides, I can find in fact everywhere in the world. Now, you owe a Romanian food show to reflect the other side of Romania that you were too passive and misguided to find. Because there is a good part of Romania that it's definitely your loss. But, I'd make you just a single more suggestion: do it only after you had done a minimal research. (a basic lesson for being a professional)
February 27, 2008 7:14 PM
Jennifer from Lowell MA said:
Excellent show! Very funny and doesnt seem like a great place to visit although I love the dracula history.
Best line....the sucking vortex of cheese!
Great show, thanks Tony!!!
February 27, 2008 7:20 PM
Renee (an American) said:
NEWSFLASH: Romania under Russian
Communist rule for 45 years.
UPDATE: Russian traveling in Romania
with an arrogant American.
Deference to them and
entourage not shown.
Attempted pick-pocketing
of tourists. Story at 11:00
THIS JUST IN: Romania has 22 million
people - not one of them
chosen to be tour guide.
Fact or fiction?
We report - you decide.
February 27, 2008 7:35 PM
Gabe and Christine Pall said:
We're your fans and regularly watch your excellent travel shows. We enjoy and love them...
Our recommendation is that YOU GO BACK to Romania and DO IT RIGHT this time. That country has a great tourist potential. A couple of key things to do differently, though:
1. Choose a local guy (or woman) to be your Romanian host. Zamir may be OK in Russia or republics of the former Soviet Union, but he didn't speak Romanian or Hungarian, didn't connect with the locals and that was a disaster, to put it mildly. Plus he got drunk on his birthday -- funny, but no productive contribution to the show.
2. Other than showing some pretty delapitated sections of Bucharest, you spent most of your time in Transylvania. Yet none of its historical, cultural or culinary values made it into your show. (Dracula and his alleged castle are really not among them.) Maramures is one of the poorest regions there -- no wonder it looked pretty awful, including Zamir's Dacia car... How about going to Cluj, Brasov or Timisoara instead?
3. There is a thousand-year culinary tradition there -- you should be able to mine that with your usual flair and creativity!
Cheers...! Regards, Gabe and Christine
February 27, 2008 7:37 PM
Vlad Antonescu said:
This is an answer for Luca and Stevo:
Bourdain does not deserve more of my time, I am done with this coward, but trust me I have lots of information and proof that confirms that Bourdain is a liar.
Maybe the Travel Channel needs to know more about Bourdain's and his crew's "integrity". I might be willing to help.
The first scene of the episode was filmed during the last day of Bourdain's trip to Romania (November 4, 2007). He was told that a permit to film at Vlad the Impaler former residence could not be granted but he insisted he will go. Was this Vlad's way to reject a coward?
So let's make it clear, one of the last scenes filmed in Romania was used as an introduction to the episode. Great!
Also, Bourdain has canceled - for no real reason -filming at an upscale French restaurant in Bucharest.
I know that there are many hours of excellent footage of Romania and maybe the Travel Channel would like to see it...
If Bourdain wanted to fire Zamir he should have told him, like Mr. Trump does. "You are Fired" not fabricate an entire episode to serve as an excuse.
Don’t worry, Romanians are nice and tolerant and do not hate you. All you’ve done was make some believe that many Americans are ignorant and uneducated. And this is by no means true! Americans are among the finest, most caring people in the world.
Your Romania episode will not be buried at the Merry Cemetery. That’s a place for honest people not for fakes.
Every time you’ll watch or think about your Romania episode you should admit that you were not fair and did sacrifice the truth for the sake of cheap entertainment, maybe revenge because some Romanian were not impressed by your ‘fame’ and of course your bad mood. Be all you can be Bourdain! Keep doing the ‘great’ job! Keep your cameras and your ego rolling ...
No reservations in in fact your show not the viewers'!
February 27, 2008 7:37 PM
Me said:
Lesson of the day: If you don't have a good time in Romania - and speak about it - Romanians far and wide will harrass and demonize you for the rest of your days.
February 27, 2008 7:49 PM
Tablebread said:
LOL - well, at least you realize this show sucked. Tony you and your commentary have grown on me but this was one for the blooper reels. I thought maybe your Russian pal was giving the Travel Channel a good deal on being a guide because all he seem to do was smoke and drink. Not much there for good TV.
It is funny that you realize it sucked though :) at eleven... ;)
February 27, 2008 7:52 PM
Anonymous said:
Tony and those who think the Romania episode was accurate: How would YOU like it if someone came to YOUR town, went to the most decrepit ghetto, rented a 20 yr old piece of $%^# car from a guy off the street to indicate THIS is what your townfolk drie, ate at chinzy restaurants and then claim THIS is YOUR TOWN?? You'd be pissed too at this.
But something good came of this show!!!
1. Perfect demonstration of what an Ugly American is when he travels (worse when s/he gets cocky with a camera crew)
2. Even in a poor country like Romania, people are not impressed with cocky attitude and camera crews. They know a jerk when they see one, and apparently, EVERYONE saw Tony & Crew as jerks. In some countries, business are not required to serve you if they don't like you. That must suck for you, doesn't it?
3. You finally showed the world a perfect example of a Russian: a drunkard schmuck who thinks he's knows something about Romania, but all he knows about Romania is where to find the booz.
4. And finally, now we know how lazy you really are about putting a show together. You actually get PAID for this?
February 27, 2008 7:52 PM
To Anonymous said:
Enough of the strawmen.
First of all, Tony never said his episode was an accurate representation of Romania as a whole. Does that not register w/ you?
Secondly, in your demonstration - if someone came to a local ghetto - and filmed it -- whatever they filmed WOULD be an accurate representation of that ghetto. Now, if you tried to say the whole country was like that ghetto, THAT would be inaccurate. None of that is happening here.
Lastly, you're really behaving in a prejudice manner. On one hand you whine about Tony being unfair in regards to Romania -- and then you go ahead and say a perfect example of a Russian is "a drunken schmuck." Wow, how open-minded of you!
Your outrage is based on a strawman you created in your feeble mind -- and you're a hypocrite on top of it.
February 27, 2008 8:04 PM
Chira said:
People!! Why is everyone lashing out at Americans now? Seriously, I'm as sad about the way Romania was portrayed as any other Romanian, but for goodness sake, please stop insulting.
The nasty comments towards Anthony and Americans in general are not solving any problems. Actually, it's really making us look as ugly and angry as some people seem to think we are after this show. We came to this country for better opportunities and freedom, we should show it the respect it deserves. And we will never get anyone's respect if we don't show it ourselves.
Give and you shall receive.
February 27, 2008 8:10 PM
anonimous said:
Why do you keep personally attacking Mr Bourdain? Do you really think he sets up the shows himself and then edit them from the basement in his house? Did you ever check the closing credits at the end of every episode and notice how many people actually work on the show? I'm sure Bourdain contributes in some way to the planning of each episode but he's mostly just the HOST. Bourdain was obviously miserable, I'm sure he would have preferred to have a good time, visit nice places and have good food if given the chance to do so.
February 27, 2008 8:37 PM
To Chira said:
Insulting Americans? Is this a joke? Majority of Romanian- Americans from this forum made jokes about this bull(AB) that pretend to be a big culinary artist, and recently try to become a comic star in duo with his Russian partner. Romanian Americans didn’t talk about Americans, even if they were provoked (e.g. Romaniacs.
By the way, A.B. received what he gave.
Cheers and I wish you guys to have an oportunity to visit soon Romania and than cover this arrogant bastard.
P.S.Finally, I would like to thank you Chira for your nice words and profesional postings.
February 27, 2008 8:40 PM
Vlad Antonescu said:
"Me" - five comments above - does not really get it, some people are unhappy because Bourdain is using cheap excuses for his fabricated episode.
Why don't you let everybody know the name of the restaurant that refused to seat and serve you? When did this happen? Do you remember the day and maybe time? Or maybe can Zamir remind you? You pay him so he owes you a little help...
Maybe the way you have approached people you wanted to film was inappropriate. Each country has its own customs. Should everybody smile and act when Bourdain shows-ip and wants to film his poorly planned episode??? Or maybe kiss his hands?
I am sure nobody wants to bully Bourdain. He doesn't care anyways. Keeping his show going on and being recognized by the great Chefs of America as being one of them (this will by the way never happen!) are probably his goals.
If Bourdain has a say the viewers should have theirs, unless they must unconditionally ‘swallow’ Bourdain’s views. I will just not swalow Bourdain's integrity b/s! If he is a real journalist he should care about people’s feelings and about the truth. Some are not really interested to find out what really happened in Romania. Maybe they were asked to defend Bourdain. Maybe they are his friends and crew... Or some outsiders just fell that they need to be on their countryman’s side. This is quite ok in a free world. There is however only one truth and I know that Bourdain is not telling it! I know it and I can prove it!
Can anyone guarantee that Bourdain’s told the true and entire story? Unless you have visited Romania together with Bourdain probably not ...
There is ‘more in store” but this was all folks! Be well and be merry!
February 27, 2008 8:46 PM
MV said:
This episode had nothing to do with the local culinary culture and with the local population ... Mr. Boudain filmed his cook culture; places frequented by the Russian and local Mafia and enjoyed by the equally loud American sex tourists willing to pay big for each drop of young pleasure.
February 27, 2008 8:55 PM
RomanianAmerican said:
Tony - you're a clever writer, funny host and good cook but you screwed this one up big time. Hopefully you'll be more considerate on you future travels....and for the record, Zamir is a funny, culturally open and well mannered individual. If it wasn't for him, this episode would have turned out a lot worst.
All the best,
Your Romanian-American Friend.
February 27, 2008 8:55 PM
Anonymous said:
Vlad, you should direct your complains to the Travel Channel, not Bourdain. He's the host of a tv show conceived, produced and broadcast by others.
February 27, 2008 8:59 PM
TDI said:
I am romanian myself but I don't get why Tony gets so much credit about his trips--they seem quite personal and often, with lots of bad choices. Nevertheless, HIS choices ! Leave the man alone with his poor choices, and enjoy the good ones-- nobody is perfect !
Romania is what it is and mister Bourdains' opinions would not change what it is, good or bad !
In other words try to answer my question :
"If Anthony Bourdain farts by a tree in a forest, and only russians enjoy its 'eclectic' smell, does it make it the Jet Stream?"
February 27, 2008 9:18 PM
Andrew Tucciarone said:
I loved the Romania show as I love all of your shows. The Boomer gen (you excluded of course) that has created the Sandals/Disney World tourism has really made traveling to other cultures more like visiting a theme casino in Vegas rather than experiencing (Good or Terrible) authentic culture. BTW you look good man I think a wife, kid, and clean lungs are treating you well. (or maybe a good makeup artist.) Anyway keep on going the shows that are disaster are better anyway, more like real life.
Andrew T.
February 27, 2008 9:45 PM
Harm was done said:
Tony this was your xenofobic revenge on a country that I am not sure what it did wrong to you. Your response here shows that the best. I will write to Travel Channel and express my feelings. I advice others to do the same
February 27, 2008 10:05 PM
Esa said:
@ Michael the maniac,
You must be a complete idiot, someone psychologically sick and closed in some mental institution (who just got access to the computer), or you must be very f## ed up in your head. What the ### do you know about Romanians??? I bet you never left your little redneck town. I suggest that you go to kindergarten, learn to read, open a history book and THEN open your mouth (of course, if your tiny little almost nonexistent brain allows you to do so). Probably, you were disappointed by some gorgeous and smart Romanian girl who dumped you (after she got her Green Card), for being dumb and worthless. Good for HER! Sucker!
February 27, 2008 10:32 PM
Anne said:
After this show and all the attention it gathered I kind of doubt the level of professionalism you put on any of your previous shows I've seen. It is okay not to have a great time when making a show somewhere, but it is not okay to let viewers understand it was that place's fault. I didn't think was funny. A whole one hour show watching anything but you being pissed off... I really wanted to see if there is anything worth seeing up to the end.
At first I was wondering why so many revolting postings out here but now I'm just inclined to give these people some credit. There must be a reason!
February 27, 2008 10:35 PM
Angie Taylor said:

I thought it was hilarious!!! Not only that but it was definately one of the top shows that could be done on your facial expressions alone. I know why you have to be so blunt and honest, because it is always clearly written right across your face. There's no way you can hide any emotion you come across. So when a place that is absurdly funny and so annoyingly cheeseball comes along it's a great opportunity for viewers to be entertained by your nonverbal communictaions alone (actually my favorite part about you, sometimes you can be a bit wordy :). I know I was. Every close up made me laugh even more and your expressions are so real. That is why your show is so entertaining and even if you offend people or not to see someone so honest is so refreshing. And despite all the negatives and hypersensitive ninnies, that is why they watch you too.
February 27, 2008 10:49 PM
Messy said:
Ok, I still haven't watched the show. I'm waiting for The Boy to get home. Thank whatever deity exists for TIVO.
I have to say, I'm finding all of this venom kind of disturbing. What sort of expectations do people really have of this show? I've seen most of the episodes past and present, and I don't see that anyone gets treated any differently, no matter the location.
Who did you think Mr. Bourdain is, anyway? Perhaps some of you should reread Kitchen Confidential. I didn't see anywhere in that book where he is willing to lie for the sake of politeness, nor has he done so in any subsequent work. These personal remarks strike me as gratuitous.
I find it refreshing that someone has got the guts not to gloss over the bad things, whether they are about the location, the planning or the people involved. We should all be so honest.
Bluntness and honesty are rare commodities these days, and I think that the Travel Channel is to be commended for allowing Mr. Bourdain to do what he does in a manner that makes him comfortable. It's not just good television, it's a breath of fresh air in a world that has turned it's face from uncomfortable realities.
February 27, 2008 10:50 PM
Ellen D. said:
Yeah..I have to say this was a strangely amusing episode..Zamir drunk is entertainment all by itself.
The rest of you need to lay off..I mean it's JUST TV PEOPLE...relax!!
Keep it up tony. I'll keep watching wherever you go.
PS When ya' coming to SoCal again?
February 27, 2008 10:55 PM
MacKenzie said:
I thought it was entertaining, frankly. Unfortunately for you, Tony, what is, in your experience, a bad trip, usually turns out to be the best television. I suppose we're just suckers for it, though. The more miserable you become, the more amused I am. Uzbekistan, for example; that crack at Rachel Ray while your joints were being strategically unhinged will stay warmly in my heart forever.
February 27, 2008 10:56 PM
Doug Henry said:
Hey Tony,
Your a better man than me, if you have time to go through all of this B.S. Oh, that's what you pay your staff to do. Anyway, Good Luck in Romania. By the where the Hell is Romania. I think my Dad bombed it in WWII. I have a video in the works, for the contest. That's if I can figure out how to download everything. Oh well. We will see what happens.
Chow Baby!
Safe Journey in Europe.
Doug Henry
February 27, 2008 11:10 PM
Emishor said:
Tony, i think you need a vacation...just take couple of months off. You look burned out. Go relax enjoy your new family. You will feel so much better and your shows will be better. Yes, i am Romanian and i am very upset but i also feel your pain. i know how is to work months even years without no vacation...all you want to do is to punch everyones face....So please, take a vacation and cool off. I still love you and your show and i will be waiting for a better season.
February 27, 2008 11:17 PM
Matt Schantz said:
Hilarious show.
Bad No Reservations.
Win some, lose some, right? Jamaica and UK were great shows.
February 27, 2008 11:32 PM
Beth said:
LOVED the Romania show. The fact is...I LOVE that you went somewhere and it sucked because how many times have I gone on a trip and hated every minute of it. I want to see your experience and your take on it. I watch your show for the good and the bad....that is what I love. HONESTY! Keep it up.
February 28, 2008 12:02 AM
J said:
Who would want reservations after this one? Never again.
February 28, 2008 12:04 AM
Anonymous said:
I would.
February 28, 2008 12:10 AM
Kevin Bacon's Hair Circa 1987 said:
It would be hilarious if you went back to Romania and it ended up sucking even more the second time.
February 28, 2008 12:26 AM
Erick Frederick said:
Dear Antony I think you are Handycaped mental person ,and you culture is very limited , like many people write you be on wrong places, another point I think you are limited mental to describe a country in bad words, another point when you visit a foreign country you don't need the help of a Russian shi... ,if you consider a smart person, another way you show this time how stupid person you are , and don't forget the fuc... in shi... where you come from ,don't blame about any or the food you finded , here in our US paradise is the much shi.. on the planet includind the trash people like you,with limited culture.
February 28, 2008 12:33 AM
Erick Frederick said:
HeyCarole del monte and to another shi.. like you ,is better for you guys to do more study about this old foreign country , in mean time to all that think like you or this fucking bourdain is better to see the garbadge from the place they come from , and cultived more before say something , that mean here in this paradise country where we leave think the stupidity got no limits and education is so down that even the ''monkeys'' from Africa is better on some ways , so listen litle bit... and study well before say something about a country .
February 28, 2008 12:48 AM
Erick Frederick said:
HeyCarole del monte and to another shi.. like you ,is better for you guys to do more study about this old foreign country , in mean time to all that think like you or this fucking bourdain is better to see the garbadge from the place they come from , and cultived more before say something , that mean here in this paradise country where er leave think the stupidity got no limits and education is so down that even the ''monkeys'' from Africa is better on some ways , so listen litle bit... and study well before say something about a country .
February 28, 2008 12:51 AM
Alexandra said:
Here's an honest but balanced and insightful way of "dealing" with Eastern Europe, Romania among other countries.
Michael Palin, for Travel Channel:
February 28, 2008 12:52 AM
bob said:
hello nerds stop bitchin and start huggin... love the world peace out... bros.
February 28, 2008 1:48 AM
dr phil said:
Salut ma petite Antoine,
I fully understand your frustration and I think I understand somewhat what happened.
It is totally true that the service in most restaurants in Romania sucks and this is in part because there most of the time is no real connection between the owner and the operators of the business. They are treated poorly, what you get as a customer is similar with what you got (more or less).
You have to admit though you made few mistakes:
-I have visited few places there myself and would not try any restaurant without a solid recommendation from a local friend, instead, you have chosen the Russian guy the same way one would choose a Taliban guide to Israel or US or a Masai guide to Iceland. (It is very likely his grandfather didn’t manage to steal enough clocks while drunk liberating Romania in WWII and he got you for a ride to make a fool of you too :)
-Romanians are a bit racist, (you know they have fought along the germans in WWII?) and you look a bit gipsy and combine this with pretending to be an American (frenchie name?) and have a Russian sidekick, they sniffed you from beyond the border (maybe the secret service tagged you all along as being suspicious? huh? just kdng)
-romanians are very suspicious with pranks and obsessed with anything related and you and your cleverly chosen pal suggested somewhat you are cooking up something :)
I know there is a deep struggle inside you, half of you would like to surrender unconditionally (you’re French, n’est ce pas?) part of you would like to bomb the place and bring the freedom to the world :)
Don’t give up, the show is good, your fans and audience even better, bring the truth to the rednecks, at least this will filter some of the bargain hunters and keep that place cleaner and more affordable for real travelers.
Last but not least: do you know Bucharest’s second name is little Paris? I bet you would hire a monkey next time you had a similar opportunity.
February 28, 2008 2:07 AM
Kevin Bacon's Hair Circa 1987 said:
Bucharest is called little Paris. It's just like Paris except for the fact that it sucks -- while Paris does not.
Aside from that, they are exactly the same.
February 28, 2008 2:16 AM
Marius ....a romanian said:
after all u did a poor job....:(
good luck further
February 28, 2008 2:31 AM
Tony said:
Hey Tony, if you are looking for a miserable trip to Russia take a Romanian tour guide.Or maybe you prefer a bad experience in UK? Then a Greek tour guide will fit perfectly...Eastern Europe is a different world.You are not in Kansas anymore.Cheers!
February 28, 2008 2:42 AM
Vasile said:
About the russian guide:
"If you pay peanuts, you will have monkies."
Please try to not work anymore with monkies....upss.. sorry... with russians..
February 28, 2008 3:05 AM
Alexander said:
Hi Tony,
I really don't agree with what you write is so not true what you say. I'm from Austria, and i visited Romania last summer. I was in a city called Brasov, and it was wonderful , i enjoyed my stay here better than the one in Paris. I stayed in a hotel called Heraldic in Poiana Brasov a resort near Brasov..pure nature and fresh mountain air...things that cities like Paris and Wien don't have anymore. The town was clean,roads very good (at least in the center)and i ate some good romanian food every day a stayed there. And by the way ..if you really need a guide take one that's from the same country as the one you visit.
February 28, 2008 3:05 AM
Oystershuck said:
Tony, I doubt you are the mastermind behind the all the planning involved in finding and shooting locations for the show, yet here you are taking all the heat.
At this point, though, it's safe to assume that sometimes you get placed in less than desirable situations because you are pretty damn entertaining when bored to death in a tourist trap. The Romania show was very entertaining, and even though choosing Zamir as your guide (remember Uzbekistan, Tony?) was not the greatest idea it sure was funny.
Comedic highlights:
That demonic child eating raw pig flesh. And those eyes, my god, those eyes!
Zamir getting so unbelieveably plastered on his 50th bir--ANNIVERSARY!
And the look on your face at Motel Dracula with the fake knife through your looked like you would rather have gotten stuck with in an elevator with Queen EVOO.
But really, no gypsies? Were any of the crew members wearing Borat gear?
To the Romanians out there who were not flattered by this episode: there is still time to submit your entry for the No Reservations FANatic contest. Show Tony how it's done, then! I'm sure Romania Part Deux might be even better TV than the first.
February 28, 2008 3:08 AM
PaulieQ said:
You chose a Russian guy to present Romania!! Of course the title is: "Romania what the hell happened".
Next time when you will go in South Korea you should take a North Korean as a guide.
What can I say, indeed you are a big specialist.
February 28, 2008 3:24 AM
Alexandra said:
personally I must say that chosing a Russian for a Romnaia guide wasn't a clever decission (as you admitted yourself), not because he was a Russian, but because he wasn't a Romnaian and didn't know what exactly to show you (as any forrest we have roten trees...many...), dracula isn't our best point, but we had so many things to show, good things, like bran castle, even the haunted house near the castle (where for the first time in my life I got scared), and so on.
In conclusion I would like to invite you to see the official Romnaia, or at least have a tour with a Romanian (I offer as a volunteer)and if you feel like trying I would gladly invite you to a barbecue made by my father (trust me, theer is not a better place to eat but a Romnaian house.
In the hope that I dind't offens anybody and made you at least consider, I wish you a great trip and a nice day.
February 28, 2008 3:32 AM
Cristi -Romania said:
I read your post and i have admit some realities from Romania but when you go somewhere in Europe with a guide from Russia?!! :(, this is not a wise decision. What you see is almost nothing.
February 28, 2008 3:32 AM
Alexandra said:
personally I must say that chosing a Russian for a Romnaia guide wasn't a clever decission (as you admitted yourself), not because he was a Russian, but because he wasn't a Romnaian and didn't know what exactly to show you (as any forrest we have roten trees...many...), dracula isn't our best point, but we had so many things to show, good things, like bran castle, even the haunted house near the castle (where for the first time in my life I got scared), and so on.
In conclusion I would like to invite you to see the official Romnaia, or at least have a tour with a Romanian (I offer as a volunteer)and if you feel like trying I would gladly invite you to a barbecue made by my father (trust me, theer is not a better place to eat but a Romnaian house.
In the hope that I dind't offens anybody and made you at least consider, I wish you a great trip and a nice day.
February 28, 2008 3:33 AM
Corduneanu Vlad said:
Sorry to say this, but I haven't seen this episode (and I realy want to see it). Could anyone give me a link?
Needles to say I am romanian, I think my name allready said that for me.
I don't know why I have the impresion that Anthony just visited the big cityes, mostly Bucharest. Maybe it's the way he was treated in restaurants. I want to say that what Anthony saw was not the real face of Romania, but it wolud be a lie because I wouldn't know what I would be talking about.
As I said, I havent seen this episode, yet.
I just want to know where and when I can see it.
February 28, 2008 3:37 AM
Corduneanu Vlad said:
Sorry to say this, but I haven't seen this episode (and I realy want to see it). Could anyone give me a link?
Needles to say I am romanian, I think my name allready said that for me.
I don't know why I have the impresion that Anthony just visited the big cityes, mostly Bucharest. Maybe it's the way he was treated in restaurants. I want to say that what Anthony saw was not the real face of Romania, but it wolud be a lie because I wouldn't know what I would be talking about.
As I said, I havent seen this episode, yet.
I just want to know where and when I can see it.
February 28, 2008 3:39 AM
Michael said:
All those riled up by the show should look at how Alexandra conveyed her message. She did it with class, kindness, grace, and humanity - which is how anyone would like their homeland to be represented. Brava.
February 28, 2008 3:42 AM
lianna said:
Yep -- it was not one of your best episodes.I don't think romania is on anyones intinerary.
February 28, 2008 3:48 AM
Victor said:
Dear Mr Bourdain, I haven't even got the patience to read all the comments following your post. Being one of your fans (I suppose up to now), the show you made in Romania surprised me.
You say you have presented with sincerity the facts. It may be so. Certainly those facts exist, are real but not representative for my country.
I've been seafarer for 18 years now, and except Australia, I've stepped on all the continents in this world, meaning a lot of countries. In your shows I've recognised many of the things that I've seen myself around the world and I have appreciated your objectivity. But in Romania my dear Sir you have made some mistakes.
From the very beginning you were wrong picking the guide, the places, the circumstances. I do not remember, in your visit to Taiwan, to have a native mainland chinese as your guide.
I think you were careless preparing this show and even if you and more of the persons posting comments will not admit, you are judgeing Romania without knowing much about. Some people write in their comments about the communism we have lived with in Romania like it is some local illness. This was not a romanian desire during the 50's. Many of those who have written such things would be surprised (and maybe ashamed) reading a serious history book presenting the events after the Second World War.
Useless to continue. I've read many serious comments and obviously not these comments or TV shows will change some people ideas about Romania.
Sorry to say but I think I will keep the remote control handy when your show will follow.
February 28, 2008 3:56 AM
abidas said:
With your permission : you give the money , you have the show. In Romania , like everywhere , you can have what you give the money,so, you have the show! Nothing extraordinary ! Nothing else...They are in a rush.. You can feel super in Romania, if you are super and pay super. Don't expect to be more then romanians are.
Try again!
February 28, 2008 4:12 AM
Vlad P. said:
Dracula's castle? Jeez, Anthony, how lame was that? I don't think anyone in Romania would go visit that place otherwise than for a good laughter!
And a Russian as a fixer? Man, did you really want to do a show about Romania? Sorry, but this sounds quite unprofessional, if I may... Romanian tv crews that shoot abroad always use local fixers - but then maybe Romanian tv doesn't understand the new trends of the business, like maybe using a Palestinian PLO fixer in USA, I dunno...
Come back one day and act as a professional.
February 28, 2008 4:16 AM
Corduneanu Vlad said:
Oh, and... as you allready seen you have a lot of comments on this article. The most comments of all your articles. That means you still have a lot of fans in Romania (pissed off fans, but nevertheless fans). I am one of them too.
February 28, 2008 4:20 AM
Alex said:
Do you have some comments on the comments ? i think you should apologize and do another, this time professional, show in Romania.
February 28, 2008 4:29 AM
hadean said:
The russian guy? Bad choice endeed.The show?Still great in my humble opinion.I'm a proud romanian but i never was ofended by this particular show.I think we should all be
able to look in the mirror from time to time.Keep up the good work Tony.
February 28, 2008 4:46 AM
Petre said:
Don't even bother to come back in Romania to repair your mistake with that f.....g ugly show. It was your mistake to take Zamir with you in our country. I'll never watch again you stupid show on Travel and Living Channel ! Go in Paris with Dr. Phil (salut ma petite Antoine... - hello my little Anthony) to hear all the time the answer "je ne compris pas" (i don't understand) to anything you ask in English and even French. Do yourself a favor, quit your job!
February 28, 2008 4:55 AM
Fluffy said:
Hello, i would like to invite you again in Romania and I am offering to be your guide this time....i was born here and the image you promote about Romania is totally wrong. We have a lot to show, and the Romanian people are one of the smartest in Europe...US is populated with such specimens and they contribute to US economy. and the food it's excellent no matter what you say, we know how to eat.
February 28, 2008 5:00 AM
Gabriel said:
Tony, I didn't see the show so I can't say anything about it.
I have only a question for you:
Why did u pick a dumb ignorant russian to be your guide in Romania? Evereywhere else you took a local to be your guide and you had great shows. This one was fucked before you entered Romania.
Romania is a wild west type of country and you can get the best or the worst of it. You choose to pick the worst of it.
So don't cry and live with your choices and your mistakes.
Those 2 gauchos in Argentina told you that cooks are 2 kinds: drunks or gay. Usually you are a drunk but this time you choose to be gay.
February 28, 2008 5:01 AM
gabriel said:
February 28, 2008 5:34 AM

69 de comentarii:

radu spunea...

vazut in fine toata epopeea. n-am priceput nici in ruptul capului de ce atatea discutii ca ar fi facut tara noastra de 2 lei. un filmulet vesel, in care nu mi se pare ca ar arata alta romanie decat stim si noi ca este. deloc jignitoriu. faza cu jaristea chiar mi-a placut

Stefan spunea...

In prima parte pe care o putem gasi pe "iutub" vedem cum ca sa poti filma la CURtea Veche, cu patalama de la autoritati, sau asa am inteles eu, dar si cu o cotizatie e 10 euro pentru un metru patrat !!! Cine pizda ma-sii sta sa masoare cati metri ai filmat (cum naiba se filmeaza la metru patrat? de ce nu la kil?). Si, mai ales, cine a scost aceasta suma? 10 euro !!! Intr-o tara de cacat sa ceri atata pentru ... nimic este rusinos. Mie mi-a fost rusine cand am vazut asta.
In alta ordine de idei ia sa stam si sa citim din parerile privitorilor. Astia ce spun? Spun de bine? Nu! Probabil ca era altceva daca in loc de un rus avea un roman, dar asta este viata.

Anonim spunea...

stefan, nu ai idee despre ce vorbesti
oameni astia nu au venit cu intentii bune.
ai iesit din romania?
nu prea, se vede. nu judeca fara sa stii
Romania este o tara frumoasa si este tara ta
nu faci bine ce faci
ai gasit o cauza gresita
intoarceti furia catre guvernatori dar nu in folosul animalelor de la Tony No reservations

Stefan spunea...

Auzi, Anonim, esti de la PRM? Hahahahaha... nu au venit cu intentii bune? Da' de unde erau? Faceau parte din "agenturilii straine"? Ala calatoreste in toate tarile lumii si dezvaluie unui public de peste 120 000 000 oameni pe show, obiceiuri culinare si nu numai, si numai la noi a venit sa ne faca de cacat? Genul asta de judecata l-am mai vazut la Vadim Tudor. Romania e o tara frumoasa? Asa o fi. Asa este. Asa, si? Ce putem sa facem daca e locuita de mitocani si de animale? Intamplarea fericita face ca am iesit din Romania. Chiar de mai multe ori si chiar de la o varsta la care unii nu ieseau nici la strand. Dar ce are a face? Atata timp cat esti tratat ca ultimul om oriunde te duci, dac anu ai fata si apucaturi de manelist, adica sa te stie de frica, pentru ca noi nu putem vorbi de resprect... ma doare in cur de cum arata tara. Daca ai o haina frumoasa dar nu poti sa iesi cu ea in lume ca te flegmeaza de cum ai iesit din casa... qui prodest? Nu imi intorc furia catre guvernatori pentru micimea romanilor ca oameni. O spun cu toata responsabilitatea
NU SUNTEM UN POPOR OSPITALIER. Asta e praf in ochi, e ceea ce se cheama sa mananci cacat.
Am vazut un pom frumos, intr-o pajiste insorita, cu flori, la marginea dealului verde plin de pasari iar un om facea pipi la pom si arunca chistoace pe jos. Venise sa ia masuratori pentru viitoare lui vila. Nu a stat mult. S-a suit in "gip" si a plecat. A omorat iarba, totusi. Dupa ce a plecat el nu mai era asa frumos. Si putzea urat...

Stefan spunea...


February 26, 2008 5:16 PM
Becky said:
This show exemplifies your honesty and integrity. Keep telling it like you see it. The show's name is "Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations", so anybody expecting anything else can go to hell, where no doubt they'll be watching endless re-runs of Rachel Ray.
February 26, 2008 5:17 PM
Alix Grey said:
What you're saying makes sense: you went to Romania, it sucked, you told the story. I personally don't think you have an obligation to find the good in every place.
I think the reason so many people are reacting so strongly are that, 1. when you come from a small country that people will always know very little about, you hope that the few tv shows about it will be good mirrors of your home. not embelished pictures, but fair reflections; that means the good and the bad. 2. most of your other shows DO point out the good about the place you're visiting. your shows, even the ones about remote, unfriendly places usually have the reverence of a curious traveler and you always seem to have the attitude of someone who wants to understand the underdog.
I think Romanians were hoping you'd do a show like any other: get a local to show you some traditional food, show something good, something funny, something totally different and !@#$ up. Make a good documentary, with honesty and heart. And the truth is, Mr. Bourdain, that the Romania show was not that. I uderstand that you're defensive about it, but it just wasn't good. It was boring and it was dumbed down.
The thing is, that Zamir dude is a tool. To go to Romania and call some poor !@#$ villagers "comrades" is insulting. I'm pretty friendly, but if that's who you showed up with at my door, I'd give you the cold shoulder too. One woman asked him what he learned about Romania and he rambled on about tuica. That's an !@#$ move.
I cringed when I watched you spend most of the time by yourself, nobody talking to you, nobody paying attention to you. I felt bad. But I'm pretty sure it's because people couldn't talk to you and maybe didn't want to, because of Zamir. And because even to me, watching from home, the episode seemed to be the adventures of two friends mocking their hosts behind their backs. Even I, removed from the situation, couldn't like you much.
Romanians aren't friendly, you say. They see you got money and they want to shake you down. The have poor taste and like really, really stupid Dracula kitsch. That's true and I'm embarrassed for that. BUT I was still happy that you showed it on the show. I mean, that IS the reality of Romania. The poverty, the decrepitude, the wild dogs, the !@#$. All true and I wanted to see it.
But there's also good stuff in Romania. Sibiu was the European cultural capital in 2008 and it's clean and pretty, at least this year. Muscat wine is delicious. Eggplant salad, fried pork fat, traditional zacusca, etc - that's good grubs. It's not high cusine and it's not anything you can't find in Greece or Hungary, but it IS good grubs. People are still pretty raw and blunt in Romania, friends still sing together when they get drunk, and any college town has an underground bar where people discuss conspiracy theories until the early hours of the morning.
You don't have a responsibility to show that. But Mr. Bourdain, you do have a responsibility to seek it, in any country that you visit. Like any traveler. I suspect that your cool, NYC St Mark's St self cares about people and wants to experience things the way they are.
You missed the mark in Romania. I don't think it's your fault but I do wish that you, as the voice of the show, had accepted that, instead of blaming it on Romanians not being friendly and their food sucking. I wish you showed a little compassion about these people who most of the time don't know better. I wish you'd said, "Look, I believe you all when you're telling me that there's another side to Romania. I don't really care to go back, but I hear you."
I think we -your fans- see heart in your shows and in you. The Romania episode lacked that. It lacked that beautiful spirit of traveling, those moments when people who don't speak each other's languages communicate silently, without a drunken buffer between them, it lacked the quiet moments when a country's ugly, dirty, !@#$ up scabs give the traveler a moment of humility, not an opportunity for entertainment and ridicule.
I hope you do reconsider, Mr. Bourdain, and someday soon, you take another chance on Romania. Go to Transilvania (which by the way, is not in Maramures) and find someone who WANTS to show you Romania and feed you a good meal.


Anonim spunea...

Bai stefane, nu tara e de cacat si oamenii din ea!Drept urmare mirosul asta puternic de cacat are o baza cat se poate de reala chiar daca poate titlul tau are vreun afluent metaforic.Oamenii sunt de cacat si nu vorbesc doar de romani ci oameni in general, daca nu iti place aici esti liber sa pleci unde vrei si sincer daca toti nemultumitii ar pleca ,mie unul mi-ar fi mult mai bine.Sincer sunt unul care nu da doi bani pe recunostinta altora (straini)cu atat mai mult cu cat este destul de implementata ideea ca tot ce este de dincolo de granitele acestei tari este bun.Cacat!E la fel de prost sau chiar mai rau!Tara asta e mult prea frumosasa ca sa o poti compara cu orice.Asa ca at cand te repezi din exces de zel sa afirmi ca e o tara de cacat, mai bine priveste mult mai aproape(de ex in oglinda) si ai sa vezi de unde atat de mult miros!

Stefan spunea...

Noroc ca mi-ai deschis ochii. Asa este. Nu tara este de cacat, desi eu imi imaginam ca plutim pe o insula fecaliera, sau fecalifera, sau de maroneala.
Vesnica pomenire - nu iti place pleaca, sau schimba postul, sau nu te uita, sau nu manca, nu gusta, nu vorbi, nu comenta, nu te baga, nu ti-o baga, etc. Nu am ales sa ma nasc nici roman si nici in tara asta. Imi place ca mai sunt oameni in care se trezeste, precum berea rasuflata, spiritul patriotic. Tara frumoasa, pacat ca e locuita, vorba caratistului care o baga in gura presei. Glume plimbate din gura in gura, pe langa mic, la un gratarel in fata blocului.
Daca asta reiese din ce am vrut eu sa zic, ca tot ce e dincolo e bun, atunci imi cer scuze, sau scuz eu pe cei care atat au inteles, nu e nimic, pe viitor voi mai face remarci ca sa fie pentru toti.
Daca toti nemultumitii ar pleca, normal ca ceilalti s-ar simtii mai bine. Ce naiba cauta astia care se baga in zeama noastra? De ce am calxonat-o eu azi pe nesimtita cu masina de 2000 cm3 si ochelari tip libelula (pentru cine nu stie sunt aia pe jumate de fata) care a mancat si ea o napolitana in habitaclul bolidului si apoi a aruncat nevinovata ambalajul pe geam? Nu era mai bine pentru ea, care a si gesticulat sugestiv: TU CE PIZDA MA-TII VREI?, deci, nu era mia bine pentru ea sa o las eu, nemultumitul, in plata ei? Ba daaaaa...
Referitor la comparatii o sa revin cu niste imagini. Aveam in intentie de ceva vreme, dar m-a omorat comoditatea. Dar nu e nimic. M-am intors si am sa bantui.
In legatura cu mirosul si oglinda am sa incerc ce imi spui. NU am niciun dubiu ca in cur toti mirosim a cacat, dar nu cred ca apare si in oglinda senzatia olfactiva. Am inteles unde bati.
Imi place ca te oftica excesul meu de zel, drept pentru care acest comentariu va fi si publicat mai pe larg, devenind un "post" separat. Nu de alta dar tare imi doresc sa il citesti si cu "cuvintele tale alese" si parfumate as adauga eu, care iti ies pe gura, sa faci cacatul, chiar si cel din curul meu, sa miroasa mult mai bine.
Auzi tu... bai, Stefane! Trebuie ca ne cunoastem ca altfel nu cred ca iti permiteai.

Anonim spunea...

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Hi !.
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Anonim spunea...

Good day !.
You may , perhaps very interested to know how one can collect a huge starting capital .
There is no need to invest much at first. You may begin to receive yields with as small sum of money as 20-100 dollars.

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It is based in Panama with offices around the world.
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I`m happy and lucky, I began to get income with the help of this company,
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